The "holidays" can be the MOST discouraging time of the year.  But, what actually makes it a solemn reality for many, may go all the way back to a stressful event remembered from childhood that is on automatic "recall" when the holiday season arrives, BUT the key to overcoming - is "what", exactly?

Whether its just "privately" dealing with the unforgettable loss of a loved one, or the remembrance of a broken relationship that occurred around "this time" last year, some of the most difficult and tragic circumstances of our lives happens on birthdays, holidays or special occasions - and many of us end up "severely scarred or traumatized" (on the inside) by these events; while it marks us for life in a negative way - if we let it!

Well, how do we curb the tide of darkness that seems to engulf our souls, when we allow our remembrance of past events to rob us of our joy and peace in the present reality?  We deliberately and intentionally ENCOURAGE OURSELVES in The Lord, and choose to adopt an attitude-of-gratitude that transcends our circumstances, fears and insecurities!


As many of us come to realize in the scheme of growing older and wiser in the things of GOD, the prerequisite for overcoming, during ANY MAJOR BATTLEFRONT in our lives, is the supernatural release of "words of FAITH - bundled in ENCOURAGEMENT".  

Where we pursue this renewed focus and submission of our hearts to wait on The Lord, the subsequent surrender of our wills to God - of what we can neither control or change in our own strength or power, becomes the only necessity.


To encourage ("in" courage) means to intentionally give support, confidence, or hope to someone else. It means to help or to stimulate (an activity, state, or viewpoint); to develop it "internally".  Just picture "encouragement" as "receiving a dose or shot in the arm" -- intravenously, which allows the "felt" impact to be experienced immediately. Wow!  SO, to "encourage yourself in The Lord", is to "take a dose of any/all Holy Spirit inspired truth, that both settles and stretches you; while teaching you how to feed and develop an appetite for Christ and HIS Kingdom.

The essence of this word "encourage" also suggests (spiritually speaking), that "when we digest, take in, or fully receive God's Word and/or God's anointed people", in essence, we are developing a "spiritual muscle" and a "supernatural resistance" (immunity) against every strategy of the devil; and our spiritual armor becomes impenetrable to the external forces that works in cooperation with the "god of this world".


Oftentimes, we term encouragement "prophecy", because the nature of the insight given and the understanding gained - is often "futuristic"; and its forth-telling occurs with accuracy and specificity that encourages us and motivates us to "keep keeping on".  "For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged." (‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭14:31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)  

But, what really happens "to us" and "in us", when we study or receive counsel from someone with "keys to the kingdom"?  WE are ENCOURAGED TO BELIEVE what God "has said" and "is saying", and we deliberately loose ourselves of mental chains, isolating fear and nagging anxiety; to RECEIVE every thing that HE has in store for us!

And, as we continue to press past the nagging contradictions and opposing forces that mean to hinder our faith and stifle our focus, we supernaturally receive insight and understanding in our hearts that anchors us to HIS Eternal Word, and silences the voice of the accuser that's working overtime to get us to believe the forecast of hell.


Listen to these passages that poignantly speaks about "encouragement", and see how powerful positioning your heart to "be" encouraged or to "be" an encouragement, can really become life changing and transformational, if you let God "in"!

"For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain."
(‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

"And the people, that is, the men of Israel, encouraged themselves and again formed the battle line at the place where they had put themselves in array on the first day."
(‭‭Judges‬ ‭20:22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

"For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain."
‭‭(I Thessalonians‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)


"Encouragement really does go a long way", and every single one of us "needs it" - at one point or another, no matter how emotionally strong or spiritually resilient we may be..Everyone knows that positively spoken words are very powerful, and whether its hearing a noteworthy story from a local reporter, or being inspired by the conviction of a moving testimony - we're all deeply impacted by hearing words spoken in due season; and the key to "being a blessing" is simply to "pay-it-forward", by being personable and heartfelt in your approach to encouraging people.

For this reason, ENCOURAGEMENT is SO significant, in a technologically driven culture of impersonal "pokes", "tweets" and "shares".  Because, genuine encouragement can inspire and empower everyone "to look for the positive" and "to build relationship bridges", by encouraging someone else" and choosing to be an encourager.  

This heart attitude directly helps to foster an environment infused with positive energy and hope, and would even take the time to pen a personal note to anyone that you deeply care about, who may just need to be "lifted up"; without embarrassment, fanfare or shame!


And now, where competing ideas and conflicting parties seem to be even more prevalent in our internet-focused climate, relational bonds of trust and understanding may rarely develop amidst our busy and stress-ridden world, unless being an encourager becomes the sole focus, "as the strong choose to bear the infirmities of the weak".

By using ENCOURAGEMENT as a tool for "building caring communities", the wave that will inspire people to again speak face-to-face, will also heal our land, and encourage us all to seek a more personable exchange with others that makes life better for us all!

This is exactly what the Body of Christ should be to and for one another, and to the stress-ridden world that deeply thirsts for acceptance, affirmation, and understanding. WS-3


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