
Showing posts from October 15, 2011

"Some Lessons "REQUIRE" a Good Spanking!"

Family : We must LEARN not to prematurely commit to anyone or anything between the obligatory commitments or promises we make out of pressure to "change our season", or based upon the sensual wisdom that misleads our hearts - because we don't explicitly trust in God ! The repeated cycles that we've all traversed is tied to our own words that are "stout against us", which keeps us duly "bound" to alliances and relationships with corruptible influences that we faintly discern are wrong for us. How come we can't see it for what it is? Our "blindness" is our correction , and until we get tired of the rollercoaster ride of defeat and disappointment - we will stay tied to "fruit dying on the vine" . Shift NOW before it's too late! WS-3