
Showing posts from January 2, 2019

How Can We “Guarantee Change” in 2019?

How can YOU and I "guarantee change" in 2019? Changes don't come by "invisible things" falling out of the sky! Change comes as we: a) renew our minds through God's Word, and b) choose to both believe, receive and confess ALL of God's Promises back to Him! When GOD sees that we're pursuing HIM "with all of our hearts", HE not only gives us the desires "in" our hearts, but also "of" our hearts; which means HE changes "what motivates us" and "what we seek after".. When we're "led by the Spirit" instead of being "controlled by our flesh or feelings", our obedience in following HIM, and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us each day, brings about God's best into our lives -- and then, the change that comes into our individual lives, transforms us from the inside-out! "2019 is...The Year of Unfolding Majesty & Supernatural Identity in Christ"! GET THERE, by shifting a...