CHRISTIANS: Do YOU understand that the EXTRAORDINARY and PROFOUND DETAIL associated with the "Kingdom Operations" of ABBA-FATHER's Heavenly Host — "works" and "wonders" in heaven, in earth, and under the earth — AND, "how" it also intersects with our EARTHLY EXISTENCE, by His Faith, through His Grace, and for His Righteous Community; for ALIGNMENT, AGREEMENT, and APPREHENSION of HIS Will, Purpose, and Plan. OUR INVOLVEMENT in these supernatural affairs, is specific to our UNIQUE "grace", "gifts", and "governmental understanding" (of the Kingdom of God). SO, based upon RANK, AUTHORITY, and CONSISTENCY (faithfulness to HIS Cause, Community, and Convictions) in CHRIST's Graduated Developmental Continuum in HIS EKKLESIA and through CHRIST's Inexhaustible Headship — and the INTIMATE WORK of Holy Spirit "amongst His People" and "in the world", we faintly grasp and actively participate in HIS...