
Showing posts from August 31, 2016



#DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES...Does THAT Sound Like, "Good News"?

Subtitle: 'Sharing "the Gospel" (the GOOD NEWS) Without Standing in Judgment of Those We're Called to Win and Serve'! "God's Story", from the Holy Bible doesn't just include "squeaky-clean heroes" and "ideal families", but is an exhaustive portrayal of "Redemptive Love" that boggles the mind when you really consider that HE really died for all of humanity's sins; being completely sinless Himself!?! "God's Story" includes "failing families" and "dysfunctional people", who made an absolute mess of their lives, and more often then not -- incessantly rebelled against HIS goodness and HIS mercy; without ever truly understanding the extent to which JESUS went to the Cross of Calvary to offer HIS “innocent blood” for filthy hearted people like YOU and ME.   The Bible is full of surprises at the people God chose/chooses “for Himself”, and it's also full of mi...