#DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES...Does THAT Sound Like, "Good News"?
Subtitle: 'Sharing "the Gospel" (the GOOD NEWS) Without Standing in Judgment of Those We're Called to Win and Serve'!
"God's Story", from the Holy Bible doesn't just include "squeaky-clean heroes" and "ideal families", but is an exhaustive portrayal of "Redemptive Love" that boggles the mind when you really consider that HE really died for all of humanity's sins; being completely sinless Himself!?!
"God's Story" includes "failing families" and "dysfunctional people", who made an absolute mess of their lives, and more often then not -- incessantly rebelled against HIS goodness and HIS mercy; without ever truly understanding the extent to which JESUS went to the Cross of Calvary to offer HIS “innocent blood” for filthy hearted people like YOU and ME.
"God's Story" includes "failing families" and "dysfunctional people", who made an absolute mess of their lives, and more often then not -- incessantly rebelled against HIS goodness and HIS mercy; without ever truly understanding the extent to which JESUS went to the Cross of Calvary to offer HIS “innocent blood” for filthy hearted people like YOU and ME.
The Bible is full of surprises at the people God chose/chooses “for Himself”, and it's also full of miraculous examples and supernatural proofs of what God is able to do with “lumps of clay” that He breathes upon — if we simply open up our hearts to "know HIM"; and without fail -- "fall in love with HIS Person" (The Truth), without unfairly judging those who aren't "sin proof".
We "are" truly a "Jerry Springer generation" that often pokes or makes fun of all the "baby mama drama" and "ratchet behavior" we see on television, which is deemed "acceptable" in today's hip hop culture. But, it continues to "be" a major source of offense, if/when a Christian minister talks about the importance of marriage -- and not "shacking up", and then, we decide to "leave the church" because we feel "judged" by their statements; when all they were doing was simply "speaking the truth".
Yes, there ARE too many "church folks" who appear to be "head hunting" and constantly "accusing and finger-pointing" the sinner's their called to win, but instead — they should be relating and ministering out of their own brokenness and learning curves, because "being a Christian" does NOT mean that we're all guiltless; or that we don't have to consistently seek to remain “free from sin”.
Our so-called "secular society" is so HYPOCRITICAL and RELIGIOUS too me — to the point that although the mention of these words is normally associated with "devout Christians" that are termed "right-wing extremist", if they (legitimate Christians) honestly and honorably stand fully upon the Word of God -- and are NOT afraid to speak to the pervasive darkness in our society; to include addressing all the compromises to what is definitely in the best interest of "healthy" families that encourages stable society. But, instead, "who are we to judge", right — "sinners are supposed to sin"?!?
In the Bible, God repeatedly shows us "failing families" that were terribly mixed up, including: two women so desperate for children that they seduced their own drunken father; several cases of surrogate motherhood; a woman so eager for a baby that she seduced her dead husband's father; a politician who committed adultery with a woman and had her husband murdered; a preacher's wife who got into prostitution and had children that weren't her husband's children; and yet, there’s still so much more...
God doesn't sensationalize these stories; neither does He want us to imitate these sins. But, God does show us — that even in the middle of an absolute messy situation, He can advance His plans and apply His grace and mercy to people whose lives and families are as broken as anything we’ve seen or heard about in our range of experiences in today’s lawless, reckless, and rebellious society.
God doesn't sensationalize these stories; neither does He want us to imitate these sins. But, God does show us — that even in the middle of an absolute messy situation, He can advance His plans and apply His grace and mercy to people whose lives and families are as broken as anything we’ve seen or heard about in our range of experiences in today’s lawless, reckless, and rebellious society.
Someone once described a preacher as "a nice man telling nice people how to be even nicer." That kind of preaching is not “the good news of Jesus Christ. It doesn't offer you much hope, if you're not somebody who's already nice and respectable. But, Jesus comes with a different message. The Bible proclaims "amazing grace" and shows us some pretty mixed up folks, who still had a special place in God's redemptive plan.
In a time when so many of us are affected by divorce, blended families, single parenting, troubled relationships between parents and kids, and other family failings, we need a gospel for people who don't have it all together, and a message of hope for failing families that doesn't ONLY highlight the prevalence of "sin".
THAT is God's "good news for sinners". "The Gospel" isn't just the message that nobody's perfect and so we should all be more tolerant. "The Gospel" isn't just a list of "good morals" that we can follow, if only we try a little harder or share a set of stories about nice people that we should all imitate, like the Cosby show. "The Gospel" is the message that a "Most Holy" God, who has every right to judge us, has instead decided to set aside our past and give us a fresh start through Jesus Christ. "The Gospel" is the voice of Jesus saying to sinners, "Neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin." "The Gospel" isn't just good advice; It's REALY good news! Jesus isn't just a "good role model"; HE's a Great Redeemer!
The Bible shows again and again that even in the midst of sinful lives and failing families, God can direct things toward HIS "gracious ends". If you've already got a family life that's holy and healthy; I'm happy for you. A stable, loving family, is a great gift from God; and you should be very thankful. But, if you're in a family that seems like a hopeless failure, God announces "good news" that you need to hear and believe..
Jesus doesn't avoid sinners, HE "saves them"! Jesus was willing to join a family tree that included incest, prostitution, adultery, and murder. Jesus was willing to eat with embezzlers and prostitutes. Jesus died on a cross between two criminals. Jesus didn't leave the glory of heaven and give his life on the cross, just so that “nice people” could become a little nicer. HE came to bring you and I forgiveness from our sin, and supernatural power by HIS Grace to start a new life!
There's nothing to keep you from a "new life", except unbelief. There's nothing to keep you from Jesus except YOUR own stubbornness. Listen to Jesus speaking love and hope to you right now! Trust him. Come to him. Jesus promises, "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away" (John 6:37). WS-3
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