
Showing posts from December 31, 2015

#"2016: The Year of HIS Perfected Promise & Purpose Revealed!"

TIME has definitely accelerated and collapsed in the past few years, and it seems just like a few days ago that the fear of transitioning into the "new millennium" (the Year 2000), was loudly being heralded by prophets and prognosticators alike - from all over the airways, because of the uncertainty and newness that emerging technologies, as well as the proliferation of technology was provoking inside of people; including those who'd consider themselves "people of faith". Interestingly enough, as I expectantly look forward to a tremendously blessed New Year, I can look back to some of my own debilitating attitudes and defeated dispositions that I eventually came through; yet, I still remember the seasons in time in which "laying aside a nagging habit" and "confronting some area of insecurity or weakness", seemed like and unending struggle that I'd never make it through; because my mind was so conditioned by my repeated failu...