#"2016: The Year of HIS Perfected Promise & Purpose Revealed!"

TIME has definitely accelerated and collapsed in the past few years, and it seems just like a few days ago that the fear of transitioning into the "new millennium" (the Year 2000), was loudly being heralded by prophets and prognosticators alike - from all over the airways, because of the uncertainty and newness that emerging technologies, as well as the proliferation of technology was provoking inside of people; including those who'd consider themselves "people of faith".

Interestingly enough, as I expectantly look forward to a tremendously blessed New Year, I can look back to some of my own debilitating attitudes and defeated dispositions that I eventually came through; yet, I still remember the seasons in time in which "laying aside a nagging habit" and "confronting some area of insecurity or weakness", seemed like and unending struggle that I'd never make it through; because my mind was so conditioned by my repeated failure that I had no hope of change without maintaining my focus on God's Promises and Purpose. This "victorious mindset" eventually became bigger than my present circumstances, and I truly needed that perspective to overcome and possess the promises HE intended; but NOT without a fight!

"2016: The Year of HIS Perfected Promise & Purpose Revealed", will unfold with great precision and timeliness for the remnant of Christ's Church that have permitted the times of refining, reconstructing and restoring to have its full course "inside" of us.

My sister in the Lord, Melissa Flores of Defining Words, said something very important in one of her blog posts in 2014:

Psalm 71:20 NIV, "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up."

Before God can advance in the arenas of our society, He must first advance upon the hearts of His people. The hand of God will resuscitate the lifeless. His Spirit will move upon and within the tent of our heart, reanimating us. After this mighty indwelling, we shall advance into our territories for our God and His Christ.

How will God advance? Many believers expect revival. By "revival" they mean a surprising flood of the presence of God that just happens by random-stance upon the unbelieving. Revival, however, by definition is the reanimating of something that was once alive. This can only pertain to the believing. Before the unbelieving will turn to behold the Christ in you, you first must be revived.

Do not expect the Lord to move around you, for you, in a detached or inanimate way. The move of God will happen first WITHIN you. How does God move in the earth? How does He manipulate the nations for His higher purposes? He can only move legally through His body on the earth… His hands and feet… His mighty army. Do not expect situations to magically turn in your favor. Imagine that He will ARISE in you, and YOU will turn situations into glorious demonstrations of divine purpose.

So, here's what your proper agreement and alignment of "seeking God FIRST" will look like: "Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.". (‭‭Hosea‬ ‭10:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

THIS MEANS, as our character and ways genuinely reflects HIS Character and Ways, we will produce (in affect) every purpose and promise "in" and "of" HIS Heart concerning us!

So, STOP LOOKING UP like some "mystical force" is going to aggressively force you to do anything! Walk in your authority (in Christ) with confidence! YOU are going to have to LET GOD (or Christ "in you", the Hope of Glory) "reign supreme", and then you will act as an agency for miracles, signs and wonders through your "naturally-supernatural life"; and then the sad longing and depression that marks too many of us "believers", will cease to hold you powerless to any other mindset or defeated hopelessness!

As the presence and power of GOD re-forms and repositions us as "HIS - available, dependent and willing vessels of honor" that are committed to sacrifice, to suffer and to serve "in HIS Name", our abandonment to let go of many things that were NOT ultimately in HIS heart or mind for us - and more "self serving", will now complete the purging and the refining that has developed "new appetites" in us; which will NOT contradict HIS purpose or pervert HIS promise, by making it about the temporal pleasures and things that bring more glory to ourselves than "to HIM"!

How do you know that the season has actually changed?

#1 - THE BATTLE (inside of you) that once loomed larger than GOD, now is overcome by YOU simply resisting the temptation to succumb - without blood, sweat or tears!

#2 - Your cries (to the Lord) "for relief" from the struggle - seem to go unanswered; yet, you feel God's GRACE giving you the way of escape, by consistently rebuking, resisting and resting "in HIM"!

#3 - Doors are opening without "your manipulation", and though it's encouraging and a direct answer to prayer, the "hot" desire and fire that once burned inside of you is a "sobering silence" that governs your heart attitude and expectation; and all you want NOW is for "God to get glory, no matter "how", "where" or "when" HE chooses to bring HIS WILL to pass!

YOU and I need to do ONE THING in 2016..

SEEK HIS PRESENCE as the SINGULAR PRIORITY, and ONLY pray and prophesy what you hear - "as HE speaks and reveals things to you", on a need to know basis!

Why? Because, the culmination and orchestration that will bring GOD the MOST GLORY, is about our "cooperation, by revelation" - NOT our "instigation, my manipulation"!

So then, PROPHESYING - in agreement with GOD's unfolding agenda "in the present", and not PROPHECY - laying out every detail "of the future", becomes most important and requires INTIMACY, MATURITY and UNITY that diminishes the self-serving agendas of SO MANY of God's people; who don't have a clue about HIS Strategic Agenda in play!

IF YOU are going to SEE - HIS "perfected promise" and "purpose revealed", SEEK HIS FACE with your "whole heart", and you won't have to wonder what's too come in 2016..WS-3


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