The Father’s Heart on Homosexuality: Building Bridges and Sharing God’s Love with the Lgbtqia+ Community by Walter L. Smith III
IN ENGLISH.. "The APA claimed that they made the change because new research showed that most homosexual people were content with their sexual orientation and that, as a group, they appeared to be as well-adjusted as heterosexual people. I suggest, however, that these research findings were simply the APA's face-saver. For centuries, perhaps millennia, homosexual people had clung to their sexual orientation despite the most severe persecution and vilification, including imprisonment and death. Wouldn't this suggest that they were happy with their orientation? Do we need research to confirm this? And, if we do, shouldn't we also need research to confirm that heterosexual people are happy with their orientation? And if poor adjustment is critical to a diagnosis of mental illness, where was the evidence of this that justified making homosexuality a mental illness in the first place? Also, quite noteworthy was the fact that the vote of the membership was by no ...