
Showing posts from January 24, 2023


"IS GOD PUNISHING US?" THE WOMEN's MARCH:  What's strange about this is, the head organizer is a WOMAN who is Muslim, that actually is seeking to implement SHARIA LAW in the United States.  What an IRONY, for a community that has frequent abuse, degradation and mistreatment to champion a cultural and religious practice in our country that would lead to FURTHER OPPRESSION OF WOMEN?!?   I understand the "pro-choice position", but this further contradicts the PROTECTIONS that women should have, because of the devastating consequences to their physical bodies and mental health in the future.  Studies are showing an increased incidence of "Breast Cancer" for women that have had abortions; although this is NOT broadcast through the MSM, at all! The ECONOMIC and POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS of this link being definitively determined would lead to a crippling effect upon the incidence and epidemic proportions of abortions being p...