
Showing posts from December 24, 2022


MAKING A DIFFERENCE? To ALL of my co-laborers in the gospel, I want to affirm your call, encourage your faith, and support the unique work in the vineyard in which God has called YOU to serve! Many times, the isolation and loneliness that's associated with being a true messenger of the Gospel of the Kingdom is just NOT easy to bare! So, private struggles and internal battles become even more pervasive, and a point of satanic access in the "gates" and "armor" of the believer - is compromised, so we end up cycling in defeat for much of our Christian walk! Noah was a real-life example of what "swimming up stream" looks like, in the realm of the spirit. No one wants to really look foolish, while every one else simply wants to appear "hip" and "in touch" with life (relevant); but often at the high cost of being "in darkness", because we've adopted "cultural definitions" for signific...


WILL WE ARISE? This important HISTORY and the brilliant thoughts and research conducted by these ACADEMIC GIANTS, which have harnessed HISTORICAL "TRUTH" -- in context, is very important to bring into the mix of the needed "educational infusion" of both U.S and "American" history books -- as it's been previously told; so that we can RIGHT the wrong of blatant mischaracterization and misinformation of African American contributions to this country. AFTER this achievement has been accomplished and our textbooks are finally "changed", simultaneously, we also need to conduct a comprehensive marketing campaign through public service announcements (PSA's) and educational short-films (in every classroom and public library, at all levels) to broadcast these historical truths for at least the next fifty years. And, to the changing and emerging generations that have already rebelled against our status quo history, because ...


SECURE vs INSECURE IDENTITY.. Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM; WS-3 Enterprises & Associates For those who read my FB posts: I'm sure I come across quite direct and pointed in my biblical assertions, but the heart or motivation behind my communication is simply about my passionate betrothal with Jesus Christ - and my undying commitment to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God for all eyes to behold, from generation to generation! Today, I want to God's people who are "nursing insecurities". How do you know whether you are or not? 1. As a leader, your heart is not firmly fixed or established in Christ, so you vascillate in your faith and positions to appease people, or to overcompensate for a lack of capacity you secretly know that exists. 2. As a leader, you constantly feel inadequately guarded or protected, and nurse a struggle with fear of "being" who you know that ...


"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".. 'Exposing the Lies of the Humanistically Driven System of Injustice That's Inspired by Satanic Power' FOE : A person who appears to be close to you and befriends you just to be in the place where they can destroy you and/ or your character ( A friendly foe) ENEMY : A person who is outright against you and is willing to war with you to dominate and defeat you. Puppets - are intellectual mental midgets with deep spiritual deficits and demonic strongholds that unnecessarily occupy space, to simply distract purpose-driven actors from reaching their eternal destiny, potential and purpose Actors - are mature people that have embraced the "loud" life lessons and wisdom with graduated degree of sobriety as a person's unique experience, industry (multiple fields) knowledge, and strategic expertise position them with influence for the Kingdom of God. Stages - are points of leverage an...

Jesus “is” Enough!

Jesus "is" Enough! JESUS is the " Only Constant "! — JESUS IS ENOUGH!! Need = essential; important..(Matt 6:25-34) Desire = the feeling of longing or hoping for..(Psalm 37:3-7) PROVIDENCE : God's providence stands over and above our actions. He works out His will through the actions of human wills, without violating the freedom of those human wills.". "God, the great Creator of all things, upholds, directs, disposes, and governs all creatures, actions, and things from the greatest event to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness and mercy." In the scheme of things in your life, there will be..Actors and Puppets! In the "world system", there are ACTORS and PUPPETS Actor - an independent participant by profession, in a certa...

“The King of Glory and His Kingdom”..

"The King of Glory and His Kingdom".. Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM; WS-3 Enterprises & Associates Listen to: "GET READY FOR THE FLOOD" Should we prepare for "another AZUSA"? NO.. The Azusa meetings continued with intensity for about seven years with hundreds of thousands having attended and missionaries being sent out. Many Pentecostal denominations today trace their roots back to the Azusa Street Revival, and many individual Pentecostals trace their spiritual roots back to the same. Unfortunately, the emphasis on tongues "as the only evidence of filling by the Holy Spirit", is unbiblical and leads to error and excess. ANY TIME that human beings attempt to make ANY PART of their spiritual efforts and work the sole focus of God's Works and His Wonders that He Performs, we short circuit the potentiality of the lavish and super abundant supernatural releas...


SPIRITUALLY ALERT & ENGAGED.. SHARING THE GOSPEL While we await the imminent return of Jesus Christ, what's the proper way to be alert? A lion-share of our marching orders for last-days living, is faithfully proclaiming the gospel (see Matthew 28:18-20 ) without fear! How can we legitimately claim to be awake and alert and at the same time be oblivious to the perishing world around us? Watching and witnessing go together. We can't get so caught up in our own ambitions and pursuits that we turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to those around us without Jesus. Neither can we get so caught up in the details of the end times that we lose sight of the spiritual needs that surround us. LGBTQ ISSUES AND MARRIAGE According to reports, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) is readying the misleadingly named "Respect for Marriage Act" for a vote. While the name of the bill makes it sound as if it affirms and supports marriage, it would ...


RESTORATIVE JUSTICE I believe that "reparations" must be founded upon the principles of "restorative Justice", and I hope that my views will be strongly considered, used and a strategic part of the agenda moving forward. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE is God's Work through yielded disciples/vessels, who are unafraid to prophetically engage, to represent His Voice, and to withstand the culture's whims and winds that are meant to debilitate and to immobilize God's people from courageously acting!! The criminal justice system of the United States is a punitive system designed  to hold individuals  who have committed crimes accountable to the state. Within this system, "accountable" is synonymous with "punishment." Because the criminal justice system is focused almost exclusively on the person who committed the crime and the punishment that person  should  receive, those who are most affected by the crime are alienated fro...


RELYING ON GOD's POWER The REMNANT CHURCH must display GOD's INEXHAUSTIBLE POWER, not just give out CHARITY and do good deeds! Charity or charitable acts does NOT distinguish us from the world at all! Only the POWER OF GOD, does, and will distinguish us in these last days when nothing else can!! admitting to human weakness, not bowing to it asking for and relying upon God's help, not pridefully representing human strength, perfect performance or human ability In order for God's Unlimited Power to be available, total surrender is necessary and requisite. We often hear about the power of God , and Scripture is full of examples of His power in action. He is "the great God, mighty and awesome" ( Nehemiah 9:32 ). We are taught to rely on His great power to get us through trials such as a job loss, a sticky divorce, bankruptcy, hateful persecutions, a debilitating illness, or the loss of a loved one. Learning to rely on the power of G...

WORD OF THE LORD — Pastor Matthew Barnett and Angelus Temple/Dream…

WORD OF THE LORD — Pastor Matthew Barnett and Angelus Temple/ Dream Center December 21, 2023 In the 100-year anniversary of Angelus Temple and the near thirty year history of The Dream Center, in Hebrew year 5783 and the year 2023, is a "colliding confirmation and convergence of the Father's Refining Love, as every aspect of this work is ELEVATED for the world to see.. At its very launch, a peculiar and unfamiliar brand that the Dream Center represented, began to challenge the status quo of everything that Christendom had paraded around as "Christian charity" before. The fact that a devotion to the felt needs of the community on an ongoing basis has been held as sacred for all this time, "genuine Christian ministry" has created waves of judgments, questions and suspicions for many complacent churches, through gazing speculations, jealous curiosity, and conspicuous embarrassment for doing it partially; but never till it hurts; the...