This important HISTORY and the brilliant thoughts and research conducted by these ACADEMIC GIANTS, which have harnessed HISTORICAL "TRUTH" -- in context, is very important to bring into the mix of the needed "educational infusion" of both U.S and "American" history books -- as it's been previously told; so that we can RIGHT the wrong of blatant mischaracterization and misinformation of African American contributions to this country.

AFTER this achievement has been accomplished and our textbooks are finally "changed", simultaneously, we also need to conduct a comprehensive marketing campaign through public service announcements (PSA's) and educational short-films (in every classroom and public library, at all levels) to broadcast these historical truths for at least the next fifty years.

And, to the changing and emerging generations that have already rebelled against our status quo history, because "student-research" and "google searches", have already grossly disproven what our educational "system" has taught us. But, NOW, we have to use it to "heal the pathology" of a generation that "doesn't know their history", and believe GOD to restore our community that's been systematically ravaged by perverted Eurocentric thought!

FINALLY, the pathological nightmare and historical injustice that many African Americans have faced and lived through, must be righted over both the short and long-term horizon. AND, the idea of forced "reparations" by an unrepentant government, must shift to "divine restoration and restitution" that provides certain benefits to the accountable and responsible citizen, which is NOT looking for a handout; but, who is positioned to receive the "due recompense" from this country that was taken during the sorted rite of passage governed by systemic racism and prejudice!

AND, if WE REPENT -- as a PEOPLE, there will be supernatural favor granted back to us, for renouncing the idolatry and the pride of our past and present that has OUR COMMUNITY "on the ropes" (and in many respects) in REBELLION to GOD!


A NEW APPRECIATION: Because of the satanic strategies employed against Christ's Church, to diminish the importance of godly authority, and to in turn, send unyielded counterfeits into our midst without a genuine reliance upon the "Resident Expert" (The Holy Spirit); God is positioning HIS people to walk in their authority (in Christ) like never before!

As an extension of Christ's ministry in the earth, the relevance of genuine, spirit-led" leaders, will "play big" as thriving in the coming days will be all about "who we're connected to"!

As "darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people", the "light" that shines around "the remnant" in Christ's Church will have greater significance than ever before!

"A New Appreciation" for credible and legitimate spiritual leadership in Christ's Church will erupt!

The power of "answered prayer" and divine opportunities, to reach the "hard-hearted" and "obstinate will", will increase in the days just before us!

Like the Apostle Paul in Acts 19, the reaching-affect of his inspired steps to "leave the synagogue" for an environment that was conducive for ALL to "reason together" - leaders with God's heart will take the forefront, and the "real believers" following Christ, will submit to their authority!

Now, Christ's Church will operate "without walls" on another level, while building bridges into culture that causes the gates of our enemies to be captured - with countless souls coming into the Kingdom of God; on the heals of legitimate demonstrations of power - without human manipulation or manufacturing at work!


"Stay Ready - Stop Getting Ready"! WS-3

Will we TAKE IT?



Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 

Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180

California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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