
Showing posts from September 25, 2013


I am constantly challenged by seeing people in need, but GOD is speaking too me about "why there's SO MANY lacking in this season"! I'LL SAY THIS, and move on.. GOD GIVES SEED TO THE SOWER, but too many of God's People are sowing into: - Broken Cisterns - Greed & Mismanagement - Unaccountable Ministries In turn, because there's NO ANOINTING to "break the power of the Spirit of Mammon and it's operation" - over many ministries, PEOPLE LACK - when they shouldn't be! PLEASE PRAY & AGREE that God send me "faithful monthly partners"... I've initially asked The Lord for 500 partners to give an average of $25.00 per month.. This covers: - TCFKA National/Int'l Discipleship Centers - Financial support for commitments made to fund the livelihood and education of children in both India and Zambia - PIHIM's General Operating Cost - HHCI "Chapters" in Urban-Centers - VPN Outreach for TCFKA ...


A "believer's reality" can be so fragile, when their NOT fully "grounded in Christ", and especially since so many "so-called Christians" - "mentally-assent" to the ideals of Christianity", without a CLUE on the necessity and importance of cultivating and nurturing an intimate and vital relationship with Jesus Christ; who will do much more than bring us into the "sphere of profession" (I.e. "Church attendance" and "social gatherings"); while we truly NEVER become a "citizen of the Kingdom of God"! Why isn't the "heartfelt sincerity", "serious attitudes" and "focused dispositions" of most believers - NOT "enough", to bring us into the fullness of God's plans and purposes? Because, none of those things - though very important, have anything to do with the simplicity of - OBEDIENCE! INTERESTING SCIENCE... Current "brain research" h...