
Showing posts from June 27, 2015


Can you honestly say - just like Jesus, "When you have seen me, you have seen The Father?" Whether you believe that you can say that or not, NOW is the time to fully reflect and to represent HIS heart, to absolutely EVERYONE that you encounter; especially amongst our friends and family! JUST MAYBE  the barrier to their deliverance and salvation is in a "TRANSFORMED YOU"!?! WS-3


#LGBTQ "EQUALITY" BRINGS CONTROVERSY... The application or out working of "sound judgment", is consistently principled decision-making. When we subjectively define "fairness", we're raising opinion to rank equally with principle; and our definition becomes both sabotaged and skewed, because its based upon personal preference and bias. The BIBLE is NOT "religious opinion", but "God's Law", and whether this country continues to decline into a secular humanism that despises our Judeo-Christian foundation or not; our individual lives and devotion to God's Word will make the difference in the long run! I've written about this important topic and community since 1997. I'm editing my 3rd blog entry on the subject, and completing my manuscript as well. If you'd like to read my views on the subject with two other blogs that correlate as well, see the LINKS BELOW. WS-3 "The Father's Heart on Homosexuality" - ...