
Showing posts with the label The Apostolic Function

"The 21st Century Apostolic Function"

I believe that ALMIGHTY GOD through the INEXHAUSTIBLE HEADSHIP of JESUS CHRIST, is releasing a "fresh new emergence" of HIS Ministry-Gifts in the New Testament Church today, as an extension and expanding work of Christ’s earthly ministry ( Reclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven ), including the function of the apostle.   The Greek word, apostolos refers to God’s special ambassadors or “sent ones”, who are commissioned to contend for pure doctrine , preserve unity among the saints , equip leaders , model Christian character , and help the church advance into new territory. As a "function" of  "the Gift" — Holy Spirit, believers or disciples of The Chief Apostle  Jesus Christ, whether functioning in what is traditionally referred to as the "Five-Fold Ministry" — ALL FUNCTIONARIES are "on a level playing field", without bureaucratic , hierarchical , or political distinctions ; which is most often SEEN in denominational settings, as an asid...