"The 21st Century Apostolic Function"

I believe that ALMIGHTY GOD through the INEXHAUSTIBLE HEADSHIP of JESUS CHRIST, is releasing a "fresh new emergence" of HIS Ministry-Gifts in the New Testament Church today, as an extension and expanding work of Christ’s earthly ministry (Reclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven), including the function of the apostle.  

The Greek word, apostolos refers to God’s special ambassadors or “sent ones”, who are commissioned to contend for pure doctrine, preserve unity among the saints, equip leaders, model Christian character, and help the church advance into new territory.

As a "function" of  "the Gift" — Holy Spirit, believers or disciples of The Chief Apostle Jesus Christ, whether functioning in what is traditionally referred to as the "Five-Fold Ministry" — ALL FUNCTIONARIES are "on a level playing field", without bureaucratic, hierarchical, or political distinctions; which is most often SEEN in denominational settings, as an aside...

The challenge and confusion for many in the Body of Christ, is that they’re encountering the cheap imitations and shady counterfeits in many immature personalities seeking applause from men, rather than being the glowing reflection of Christ in reality; as His righteous servants with a heart for God’s purposes above their own. 

There is also a thirst for position and notoriety that perverts the function of these offices by promoting a political hierarchy amongst men instead of a governmental organization as a citizen of God’s Kingdom that properly recognizes the contribution of each office, and rewards their faithfulness for walking in agreement with the Father’s will.

As a thriving apostolic movement develops globally in the midst of changing and challenging times consumed by fear and uncertainty, the significance of true apostolic roles will reveal itself more and more important - as we all prayerfully participate and thoughtfully engage in the next global awakening and reformation in the world, before the eminent return of Jesus Christ.

The "functionary" apostle is marked with a special grace and anointing to mobilize the church to achieve its worthy mission and mandate that we’ve received from the Father. Cessasionist Theologians believe that the function or apostolic roles passed off the scene following the publication of the Bible’s New Testament (canon of the scriptures) or following the resurrection of Jesus, but this unbiblical theological disposition of many "learned theologians" and church leaders today - is the primary reason we’re currently in such a desperate need for wiser, inspired, and visionary leaders to help win the world for Christ, in spirit and in truth.

The Apostle Paul called those imitating the office in mere words without the true nature and character of Christ - impostors, whose misuse of their charisma and hierarchal positions in leadership is constantly seeking to draw people to themselves – instead of thoughtfully pointing people toward the Lord in thought, word and deed; The Kingdoms of Men vs. The Kingdom of God 

The following biblical characteristics and qualifications that should be evidenced through the Universal Church, under the Inexhaustible Headship of the Chief Apostle – Jesus Christ, includes:

NOTEAll of these "operational distinctive's" are simply the every-day outworking of God's Power through Christ's Finished Work, in and through the Ambassadorial Representatives (The Body of Christ), which yield completely and entirely Holy Spirit's guidance, in complete agreement and alignment with God's Great Plan for the Ages.
  • Apostolic Authority is the God-ordained influence, privilege and authorization to prayerfully and strategically mobilize Christ’s unified army of devoted believers over all of the enemy’s works; through the operation of God’s supernatural presence and power in the midst of resisting demonic principalities and strongholds wielding their perverted influence in/over people at all levels of society and in various geographic territories - where God’s original intention has been made known. When the church starts to ask “why” there is such a battle over certain physical territories and regions by getting the Mind of the Spirit concerning God’s intent, the measure of power and resource allocation from heaven will be seen or realized as we understand His purpose and enact His plan with greater accuracy and precision.
  • Apostolic Boldness is the unflinching commitment to the integrity of God’s Word and Will amidst powerful or influential men, religious ideologies and systems, and oppressive governments and dignitaries that may intentionally threaten or retaliate in word or deed against the fearless confidence exuded by God’s servants-sent to represent His heart.
  • Apostolic Character is the developed spiritual capacity for honesty and transparency through a special grace revealed in war (severe spiritual warfare) and in peace (season of spiritual rest). The genuineness of their humility is revealed by their desire to equip and empower others and not exercise control over people. The qualifications for spiritual leaders listed in both the book of Titus and Timothy, are the benchmark for this capacity-building that is ongoing in the life of a true disciple of Christ.
  • Apostolic Compassion is the heart’s devotion to serve unselfishly and to suffer gracefully, without forfeiting their eternal rewards for temporal benefits. The focus is on losing their life for His sake, and not misrepresenting God’s Kingdom by salvaging their reputation and misusing their position for personal gain.
  • Apostolic Intercession is the seasoned grace to pour oneself out with passionate intercession and spiritual fervor for the breakthrough of others, as led by the Holy Spirit in agreement with the Father’s plans and purposes.
  • Apostolic Miracles is the demonstration of Christ’s continuing influence revealed through genuine apostolic authority for being the instrument of miraculous signs and wonders that focuses searching humanity on God’s redemptive purposes in reconciling the world to Himself; through healing the sick, raising the dead, and the multiplication of material goods to reveal His Inexhaustible Power.
  • Apostolic Vision is the comprehensive spiritual perspective and seasonal download of God’s big picture for the local congregation and universal church that is inextricably connected to the strategic implementation of His Great Commission with timely and appropriate divine strategies for accomplishing His eternal agenda in the earth.

End of Blog. WS-3


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