Our children are being sacrificed on the altar of ideology. This must stop.
— "NEW SCIENCE" isn't science at all! (Science is a systematic discipline that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable hypotheses and predictions about the universe.
The Erosion of Informed Consent: Children, incapable of understanding lifelong implications, are being pushed to make decisions resulting in permanent sterilization, loss of sexual function, and irreversible physical alterations. Doctors admit true informed consent from minors is impossible, yet many violate their ethical duties. This is medical negligence at its most egregious.
A System Driven by Ideology, Not Science: Organizations like WPATH have stripped away age restrictions and ethical safeguards, aggressively promoting procedures without solid scientific backing or long-term studies. Medical professionals are pressured to conform to an agenda, abandoning evidence-based medicine. Ideology has replaced biology, with disastrous consequences.
Manipulation and Coercion: Families are misled with dire predictions and false statistics. The documentary reveals how psychological tactics are used to frighten parents into compliance, often with the unfounded claim that doing nothing will lead to their child's suicide. This is exploitation of fear, not compassionate care.
As Christ laid down His life, we must take on the same practical and heartfelt devotion to our witness to the world; but especially to the LGBTQ community, or what is seen by some as "the leprous of society" —in a twenty-first-century context in our world.
Yes, that's very hateful and mean to say, but it's definitely how far some people take their dislike for the LGBTQ community.
I admit that far too many people are being enticed into embracing a politically correct social posture, rather than standing strong in our Christian faith — by adhering to the word and promises of God.
We must stand strong, even though it means going against the tide of popular public opinion, as it relates to support for LGBTQ issues. This is unwise in many respects, and could potentially lead to a lawsuit, loss of business, or some unavoidable legal assault.
So, I am not suggesting that Christians compromise their own convictions to demonstrate some syrupy-sweet disposition that accepts sin. But, I am crying out to "the remnant" about compelling those who have a legitimate need or conflicting view with God's word, to come.
Christians Relate to Culture
In Richard Niebuhr's classic Christ and Culture, Niebuhr describes five distinct ways that Christians normally relate to society:
• "Christ against culture" (no engagement with each other)
• "Christ of culture" (the church adopts what the culture embraces)
• "Christ above culture" (following Jesus on Sunday and cultural norms on Monday)
• "Christ and culture in paradox" (using culture to advance the church)
• "Christ transforming culture" (leading culture to adopt holistic biblical values)
EXTREME PARTISANSHIP is "how" we got into this place or PERFECT STORM (politically speaking), and because there's NO LOVE or FORBEARANCE for the way that we approach things in this country!
The TENDENCY is, to "keep THIS NATION divided", by STRONG-ARMING each other, as one party DOMINATES another like a pedantic game that stinks to high-heaven..
And, SPREADING our "toxic politics" and "childish exchanges" — especially during EVERY ELECTION CYCLE, by ACTING without LISTENING; because we're ALL PRIDEFULLY-BLIND and SELFISHLY CORRUPTED in every way!
ALTHOUGH, I'm very excited that President Donald J. Trump won by a LANDSLIDE-AVALANCHE!
I'm VERY CONCERNED about the NEXT GENERATION and OUR CHILDREN, because the HATE, POISON, and TOXIC EXCHANGES will eventually consume this land if JESUS CHRIST doesn't come back soon; or SUPERNATURALLY "revive us" and "heal this land"!!
The Father's Heart Part 1-3 BLOGS (Original Book Content)
LGBTQ — So, why did you write The Father's Heart On Homosexuality…
LGBTQ — How does Jesus Christ make it possible for this community to "live free"?
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