FAMILY: "Prayer in Schools" is neither necessary or biblically mandated, but PRAYER AT HOME, is! If, we as parents "prayed with and for" our children EVERY DAY, as both a priority and discipline, GOD will protect them - when we can not! Yes, we have more to do than pray, but not much more, if we claim and proclaim God's promises of protection. Don't get me wrong, it would be both "preventatively wise" and "supernaturally offensive" to pray on the school grounds; but THAT can happen by all the concerned Christians with walking shoes and anointing oil - BEFORE or AFTER school is out! STAY AT HOME MOMS or DADS - Get Busy!!! Honestly, what have we (Church Leadership) been doing with the people's time and money? I pour myself out with and for God's people all over this country and world, and have to "look for work", because God 's people are too busy supporting the lavish lifestyles of ...