"BIBLICAL SUFFERING is.." DENYING YOUR FLESH - when the opportunity to choose any "thing" that you know disagrees with HIS Word and HIS Will concerning you! MISSING THE FUN - when God clearly tells you to stay away from those former associations and relationships! PERSECUTION FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE - when you've stood the test of time with a proper attitude or representation to your peer group, although everyone else is compromising and running your name in the dirt! DEMONSTRATING LOVE ANYWAYS - when your backs against the wall, "friends" lie on you, and your co-workers mischaracterize your performance - to draw attention away from you to them! LISTEN: God needs you to LET HIM, "prepare a table for you, in the presence of your enemies"! Until some people look at YOU, "and SAY" - "Blessed is he/she that comes in the name of The Lord"; GOD WILL NOT LET THEM PROSPER! It's NOT abo...