"MAKE US 'ONE' LORD, IN YOU".. Meditate on PSALM 37 the whole month of January.. Psalm 37 Commentary : In the 37th Psalm, David writes that God sustains the righteous ( Psalm 37:17 ) and that their inheritance will be everlasting ( Psalm 37:18 ). The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord ( Psalm 37:39 ). It is a psalm of God's faithfulness and an encouragement that the righteous do not trust Him in vain. Psalm 37:5 challenges the reader or listener to "commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him." In a perfect world, we wouldn't need God to be our refuge, because there would be no threats. But in this fallen and broken world, we desperately need Him to be our refuge. The psalmist instructs that we not fret or be envious because of those who do evil ( Psalm 37:1 ) because they will fade away quickly like the grass ( Psalm 37:2 ). Evil has no staying power. Even though evil gains a foothold in the short term and may...