Meditate on PSALM 37 the whole month of January..

Psalm 37 Commentary:

In the 37th Psalm, David writes that God sustains the righteous (Psalm 37:17) and that their inheritance will be everlasting (Psalm 37:18). The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord (Psalm 37:39). It is a psalm of God's faithfulness and an encouragement that the righteous do not trust Him in vain. Psalm 37:5 challenges the reader or listener to "commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him."

In a perfect world, we wouldn't need God to be our refuge, because there would be no threats. But in this fallen and broken world, we desperately need Him to be our refuge. The psalmist instructs that we not fret or be envious because of those who do evil (Psalm 37:1) because they will fade away quickly like the grass (Psalm 37:2). Evil has no staying power. Even though evil gains a foothold in the short term and may even appear to win the day, the reality is that it will not last. Because of that truth, we are encouraged to put our trust in the Lord and to do what He prescribes, which includes living faithfully (Psalm 37:3).

Our delight should not be in our circumstances; rather, our delight should be in the Lord. We should take pleasure in Him, and when we do that—when our desire is for Him—He provides that our desires are met (Psalm 37:4). The closer we get to Him, the more our desires begin to change from our own selfish wants to wanting what He wants for us. After presenting these thoughts, the psalmist exhorts that we commit our way to the Lord and trust in Him (Psalm 37:5). That commitment and trust does not come without reward, as God is faithful, "and He will do it" (NASB)—but what is it that He will do?

When we commit our way to the Lord and trust in Him, God is faithful to "bring forth [our] righteousness" (Psalm 37:6, ESV). When our way is committed to Him, He shapes us and grows us in His righteousness. Paul explained many years after the psalmist wrote that a person who is walking in the Spirit of God will see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in his life (Galatians 5:22–23). God will accomplish His work in our lives—He will transform us by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1–2) if we will simply be committed to allowing Him to do that.

Elsewhere, Paul reminds believers to set their minds on things above (Colossians 3:1–4). The mindset of the believer is important, and it involves commitment to allowing God to do His work in us. Paul provides another example in Ephesians 5:18. He says we should not be drunk with wine, but, instead, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. When a person drinks wine excessively, that person is submitting to a process that will end in his having little or no control over his body. Instead of submitting our bodies to wine in that way, we should be submitting ourselves to the Holy Spirit of God—immersing ourselves in His Word so that we are controlled by Him and our desires are shaped by Him. When we are doing that, we are filled with His Spirit or are walking in His Spirit, and He is faithful to bear His fruit in us. When we commit our way to the Lord (Psalm 37:5), He will make sure that way is fruitful.

TERRITORY will be STOLEN on a daily basis in 2023, if we permit the devil to run roughshod all over the land!

GOD WILLS for EVICTIONS NOTICES to be given and advanced on a level that devastates the kingdom of darkness!

TAKE UP ARM's, People of God! YOUR DISPOSITION will ESTABLISH YOU or DEFEAT YOU; but it's up to us..


Moments ago, I had a foreboding thought that settled in my gut, as I heard and deeply pondered upon what I see that many of us will have to face in 2023..

It's nothing to be afraid of — God is ALWAYS GOOD! But, "God Processing" in our lives can produce NECESSARY PAIN; especially where there has been NEGLIGENCE, IGNORANCE, DISOBEDIENCE, and CONSENT (willfully granting "permission") to forces that all have particular assignments, purposes and usefulness to The Lord Most High in every genuine disciple and follower of HIS!!

What we are actually saying "yes" too, is a catered and uniquely manufactured process that is God-ordained, God-directed, and God-protected — no matter "how close" to LOSS, DEATH, or DIS-EASE you come!!

Most preachers STAY AWAY from the "real God processing dialogues and exchanges", because they will more than likely "discourage giving", "establish dependence upon GOD", and "lessen their manipulative grip" on and over people's lives!!

THIS is one of the reasons I'm NOT good or masterful at "taking up moving or emotional offerings", because THAT SACRIFICE is NOT what GOD is after the majority of the time..HE WANTS YOUR HEART..Period!

YES, "where your treasure is, THERE will your heart be also"..SO, I'm NOT speaking evil against or ill of any preacher that does that or is MASTERFULLY SKILLFUL at raising an offering..BUT, I'd beg all the brethren to BE CAREFUL that you're NOT “polluting the invitation to genuine repentance”, with PROFIT MOTIVES!!
  • God will GIVE YOU "the treasures of darkness, the hidden riches of secret places"..Because, what the world DEVALUES, MISHANDLES, and USES UP/ABUSES, is what GOD has placed innate value upon, and it's ONLY people with His Heart and His Mind that are able to SEE!
In 2023:
  • DRIVE like you got good sense..STOP putting confidence in your skillfulness offensively or defensively — maneuvering through traffic like a "speed demon" (literally); both the LAWS of the road and “natural laws” (proper distance from the car in front of you) actually matters..
  • MIND your own business, and spend less time SURFING on the Internet, when you're barely SURVIVING! You're actually praying to God for certain breakthrough and release; meanwhile, your ACTIONS and WORDS betray you to that end..
  • DO something DIFFERENT, people of God! Your "playing it safe" has you COMPLETELY SUBJECT TO and SUBJUGATED BY an enemy; and you have NO idea or clue that what you've "embraced as the will of God", is DEADLY, NON-PRODUCTIVE and DEMONIC at best!!
  • STOP CRITICIZING, GOSSIPING, and JUDGING! You're attracting harvests into your life that you REALLY want no part of..WATCH & PRAY!!


(Faulty Reasoning/Invalid Arguments) — "following your heart to your detriment"..

*EXTERNAL VOICE = SPIRITUAL/TRUTH AND REALITY (Real Existence/Substantive Arguments) — "making necessary changes since you've stopped ignoring what you see"..

Prophetic Forecast for 2023: https://www.theglobalwatch.com/prophetic-word-2023.html

As we all are well aware, that the New Year always presents fresh opportunities and new outlooks for most people.  But, it also presents unexpected emergencies, debilitating circumstances, and painful episodes in the realities of life, with no particular timeline..

If I was in the mood to provide a forecast of how things look based upon the historical trends and record from the recent past (2020-2022) I could literally depress you with all the “bad news” that is looming on the horizon..

REPENTANCE (change of mind, change of attitude, and change of direction) takes TIME or PROCESS out of the equation.  But, only as it serves to advance the Kingdom cause "in us".

In my last Video Blog Post, I made reference to Job 22:28-30, ASV: "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; And light shall shine upon thy ways. When they cast thee down, thou shalt say, There is lifting up; And the humble person he will save. He will deliver even him that is not innocent: Yea, he shall be delivered through the cleanness of thy hands."

Your LAW KEEPING, PERFECT PERFORMANCE, and SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS give you no advantage in the Holy Spirit!  We ALL must devote our precious energies to AVAILABILITY, DEPENDENCE and WILLINGNESS to explicitly “follow HIM”, and we’ll all be safe, prosperous and peacefully content in the end!

PROPHESY YOUR PROMISE (Bryan & Katie Torwalt) https://youtu.be/ZiuvKo-7Me4

"Ask Pastor Walter" 2023 Blogs:







EARTH's REALITIES (aka "Bad News"): https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/3792321-the-bad-news-2023-is-already-shaping-up-to-be-a-very-very-bad-year/amp/

Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 

Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180

California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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