
Showing posts from September 12, 2019


" SIGNS OF AN ORPHAN SPIRIT " The orphan spirit is something that many people struggle with, both in the Body of Christ, as well as in the lost world that Christ died to save!  When I first heard the phrase, I immediately assigned it to the absence or the lack of parental guardianship and adult care for an innocent child.. But, what has become quite clear and evident to me, after being "in church" my whole life — and "in" or around ministry for forty+ years, is ANYONE that could be attacked with this satanically influenced "weight" of accusations, lies, and poison that intends to: - Keep "believers" from EVER realizing their "god potential" in Christ; - Keep "unbelievers" from EVER serving Christ, because the devil has "convinced them" that no "good God" would let something like this happen to "them". When Adam disobeyed, and Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden, sin...