
Showing posts from December 11, 2022


There is such TABOO and ignorance around most areas related to SEXUAL SIN in the church, but Myself and many other "heavily graced", balanced and mature - PIHIM Ministry team members, are going to facilitate targeted discussions, blogposts, interviews, testimonies, and "Let's Have A Conversation" educational forums, on some very controversial and critical issues involving it; to help in the work the Spirit of Grace is preparing to do in 2023 and beyond, in Christ's Body! PRAY for Christian singles, "separated" married couples, adulterers, and all those boldly fornicating - but continuing to "have church".... "The Refiner" (Jesus Christ) is going to purify (in major ways) in 2023, and as the Body of Christ confronts, communicates and confers with our five-fold ministry leaders on the strategic ways to "rebuild the gates and walls" of our temples (individually) and our sanctuaries (corporately) again, cer...


For YOU "prophetically curious" people, I'm NOT just writing to waste space here... What is quite interesting about The Lord's ways in light of our human frailties and finiteness, definitely shapes how and what we perceive of HIS character, essence and nature... One of the things that intrigues me the most, is the very "existence of evil and EVERY THING in or under the "creative order", which is "at enmity" (or indifferent) towards God, is allowed or permitted space, time or matter; to work contrary to or crosswise of Christ and HIS Kingdom, in the scheme of the dark and dangerous world that we live! It ALL is "serving HIS higher purpose, whether he/she/we/ "has a clue" that we're ALL expendable in the scope of destiny, eternity and purpose - which all works according to and after the "Counsel of HIS will"! "I was in the Spirit [rapt in His power] on the Lord's Day, and I heard be...


SO - "God said", huh?...NOT!! You know, I get tickled at all of the "god said's" that are so prevalent amongst my "Christian" brothers and sisters.. YES, God does speak and wants to guide us in every area of our lives; so I'll NEVER accuse or unfairly judge someone for being "super spiritual", because they believe their being directed by The Lord, in even the smallest or most insignificant details in their lives.. BUT, suffice it to say, "common sense has taken a back seat", and the blaring ignorance and obstinance that we tend to ignore boiling on the inside of our hearts - has us wandering in the maze of our own self-willed escapades of "REVELATIONS without MANIFESTATIONS!" Did God REALLY tell you to "believe for someone else's husband or wife?... Did God REALLY tell you (PREACHERS) that it "was okay" to use the tithe and offering for YOUR Bentley? Did God REAL...


This morning, as I'm praying for the Body of Christ, I could hear the Father's heart break over the "diminishing returns" in the lives of HIS people, because of a lack of brokenness, humility and understanding! "Diminishing Returns" is representative of "a yield rate that after a certain point fails to increase proportionately to additional outlays of capital or investments of time and labor", according to The Free Dictionary Online. CHECK OUT Solomon's wisdom... STEWARDSHIP IS THE KEY: "Don't be surprised if you see a poor person being oppressed by the powerful and if justice is being miscarried throughout the land. For every official is under orders from higher up, and matters of justice get lost in red tape and bureaucracy.  Even the king milks the land for his own profit! Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!  The more you have, the more pe...