"DISCERNMENT is Essential for PEACE"

FAMILY: Your "discernment" is NOT "your feelings" about a matter- after an encounter, experience or exchange with an individual occurs!

DISCERNMENT is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the life of a devoted and disciplined follower of Christ, who has prioritized God's Word (Logos & Rhema) above the limiting experiences that occur in everyday human interactions; which often ill informs - without our "spiritual antennae" attuned or sharpened enough, to both perceive and understand the strategies of hell against a person's life, by having the Mind of the Spirit on the matter!

It (discernment) is NOT some "mind-reading sensitivity" or "predicting someone's intentions" - spiritual mechanism, that God has given to ANY of us "to use, on one another"..?!?

YOUR - past disappointments, hurts, judgments, and suspicions are NOT the primary source or foundation for things which are "born of the Spirit", and should NOT inform how you deal with, interact or SEE other people (believers or unbelievers)!

That's why, "judging a book" by its cover is a ruinous way to attempt to properly discern a situation!

If we're going to REACH THE WORLD, our discernment will allow things to be revealed about the strategies of hell meant to kill, to steal, or to destroy a person's life - and, more importantly keep them away from Christ and HIS Kingdom..

If we're going to "BE AT PEACE with one another" (as Christians), our discernment's primary thrust and use, will be to act as a supporting foundation "in love" (Agape) for all the fellowship and worship-related interactions and exchanges that we will have as a "believing community".

Half of the back-stabbing, church antics, and gross misunderstandings that occur amongst "believers" is about "somebody's discernment".."God said", "God showed me", etc etc.

"Knowing each other by the Spirit" simply means that ALL of our "doing, saying or thinking" concerning one another as believers, is totally governed by the Holy Spirit's voice that emanates and reverberates of The Father's Heart for HIS People!

"Observing behaviors" is a limiting evaluative strategy for knowing others by the Spirit!

Our ONLY SOURCE is God, and without HIM - we become "the voice of the Accuser" towards others, and that's normal for carnal or hurting people!

CHECK OUT the link below, for a brief article on the subject!

Blessings, WS-3

Sent from WS-3's iPhone


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