#"The Father's Heart On Homosexuality" - Part 3, by Pastor Walter L Smith III.

"The Father's Heart On Homosexuality & Building Bridges Between the LGBTQ and Christian Communities" (Part 3)

DISCLAIMER: If you've never read my first (2) blogs (SEE LINKS BELOW) on the LGBTQ Community and the issues surrounding it - that I sincerely believe clearly reveals "God's heart"; PLEASE DO!  This 3RD BLOG is the MOST IMPORTANT one of them all, and will be sure to release God's power in unprecedented waves of HIS Goodness; if God's people OBEY!  WS-3
THIS is the 3rd blog installment of mine on this particular subject area, and it is VERY NECESSARY in light of the continuing drama and intense feuding going on everywhere in the "public square" (government sector and courts), in the marketplace (business world concerning human resource policy), and especially in many faith communities and "religious circles" all over the world.  

AND, because I sincerely love the LGBTQ community, along with many of it's bold, loving, troubled, and quirky people (like YOU and ME) - I also love ministering to them according to Christ's mandate for us; and MY GOAL in this installment, is "to simply stir up God's love amongst Christians" (specifically)...This being MY CONVICTION of what the heart disposition of every "genuine Christian" should be right now; which prophetically "understands the times and seasons"!

Since I've published my last blog, the following six things have occurred:

1. June 26, 2013 - In United States v. Windsor, the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, ruling that legally married same-sex couples are entitled to federal benefits. The high court also dismisses a case involving California's proposition 8.

2. October 6, 2014 - The United States Supreme Court denies review in five different marriage cases, allowing for lower court rulings to stand and allowing same-sex couples to marry in Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana and Wisconsin. The decision opens the door for the right to marry in Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming.

3. April 24, 2015 - In a televised interview with ABS'c Diane Sawyer, U.S. Olympic gold medal winner - Bruce Jenner says, "Yes, for all intents and purposes, I'm a woman!" Jenner later reveals that she is now "Caitlyn Jenner", and will live as a woman.

4. April 28, 2015The U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the question of the freedom to marry in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Michigan. The Supreme Court's decision is expected in late June 2015, and may bring a national resolution on the issue of same-sex marriage.

5. June 9, 2015 - Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announces that the Military Equal Opportunity policy has been adjusted to include gay and lesbian military members.

6. June 26, 2015 - The Supreme Court rules that states cannot ban same-sex marriage. The 5-4 ruling had Justice Anthony Kennedy writing for the majority with the four liberal justices. Each of the four conservative justices wrote their own dissent.


EVERY ACT of defiance and rebellion has its own associated judgment or harvest!

Meaning, there are both natural and spiritual implications for every action we commit, and when anyone who knows God's law "willfully chooses to go or to follow their own way", the due penalty of their sin is their reward. In Deuteronomy 28, the list of "blessings" and "curses" assigned to obedience and disobedience of the Israelites towards God's law, are clearly revealed.

Writer, Linda Gilden, recently wrote an article on The President's Prayer Campaign (online publication) about the labels "conservative vs liberal", and she made the most simple - yet profound statements concerning what a christian's disposition or attitude towards this particular issue and others (generally speaking) should reflect - in our world today; including "the proper way to relate to unbelievers".

"When you feel inclined to label Christians or unbelievers, and put them on one side or the other of an issue, take a moment to think about your response, and ask God to guide your thoughts as you pray for "wisdom from above".
  • Understand that all believers are on the same team. Christians have already picked a side, and it should be God's...
  • View each situation through the eyes of love...
  • Realize that you love the same God as others, who may not hold your same views...
  • Let love – not issues – be the focus of your relationships...
  • Remember that disagreement among Christians says to the world that Christians are no different than everyone else...
  • Make your decision based on the truths found in the Bible"... (End of quoted statement)
Since I've already stated my intentions for writing this third blog, I'd like you to search your own heart - and ask yourself this question, if you'll really be honest with yourself:  Is God condemning the LGBTQ community for their pursuit of the agenda and lifestyle? If HE is, what is HE saying to Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner as an example?

Okay, so let me answer it with a scripture, and then you provide the answer as HE continues to lead you into all truth..."For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." (John 3:17 ESV)

And, before I go a step further, I'd like to share the "key scripture" for this blog, which is the basis for my mandate "to stir up the love of God", and it is:

"MY LITTLE children, I write you these things so that you may not violate God's law and sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an Advocate (One Who will intercede for us) with the Father–[it is] Jesus Christ [the all] righteous [upright, just, Who conforms to the Father's will in every purpose, thought, and action]. And He [that same Jesus Himself] is the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours alone but also for [the sins of] the whole world. And this is how we may discern [daily, by experience] that we are coming to know Him [to perceive, recognize, understand, and become better acquainted with Him]: if we keep (bear in mind, observe, practice) His teachings (precepts, commandments). Whoever says, I know Him [I perceive, recognize, understand, and am acquainted with Him] but fails to keep and obey His commandments (teachings) is a liar, and the Truth [of the Gospel] is not in him. But he who keeps (treasures) His Word [who bears in mind His precepts, who observes His message in its entirety], truly in him has the love of and for God been perfected (completed, reached maturity). By this we may perceive (know, recognize, and be sure) that we are in Him: Whoever says he abides in Him ought [as a personal debt] to walk and conduct himself in the same way in which He walked and conducted Himself. Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning; the old commandment is the message which you have heard [the doctrine of salvation through Christ]. Yet I am writing you a new commandment, which is true (is realized) in Him and in you, because the darkness (moral blindness) is clearing away and the true Light (the revelation of God in Christ) is already shining. Whoever says he is in the Light and [yet] hates his brother [Christian, born-again child of God his Father] is in darkness even until now. Whoever loves his brother [believer] abides (lives) in the Light, and in It or in him there is no occasion for stumbling or cause for error or sin. But he who hates (detests, despises) his brother [in Christ] is in darkness and walking (living) in the dark; he is straying and does not perceive or know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (1 John 2:1-11 AMP)"

This passage provides the simplicity of understanding that shows how God delineates and demarcates "light from darkness", in relation to the subsequent behaviors and levels of maturity that we display through our character, conduct and conversation.

"In Christ", we do NOT have to be bound by any generationally-inherited issues from our families, and I believe that those in the LGBTQ community - who have ALWAYS had certain tendencies and proclivities, as long as they can remember; just may be dealing with "visiting iniquity" or "generational curses" that the scripture clearly outlines.


As I intentionally use my gift of writing in the most constructive and useful way for reaching and touching people's lives for the Kingdom of God, my mind is definitely set upon making a difference and fulfilling my personal ministry-mandate, which is: People Development, People Empowerment, and Eternal Bridge-Building.

I'm sure that we can all see the ongoing and pervasive "divide" in our culture and society over LGBTQ issues, and my heart breaks every day as I recognize that many of the more recent legislative advancements and outspoken activism on the part of this growing community, will have some impact in advancing "the cause"; but not in the way that many proponents or supporters may expect it; in regards to the matter of "equality" and "acceptance" by society-at-large.

We ALL know that there's a "high cost" for force-feeding ideas, legislating from the bench, and championing philosophies that are more "socially acceptable" than "biblically relevant", and this nation will reap what it has sown in this regards; but, our responsibility as the Body of Christ, is to cry out for mercy until the will of The Lord is plainly revealed!

BUT, let's settle some things first, as we consider the current state of affairs:
- LGBTQ persons that believe GOD (and Jesus Christ, HIS Son) "TRULY LOVES THEM", are NOT in error for boldly expressing and proclaiming this "undeniable truth" and reality!
- LGBTQ persons that believe GOD (and Jesus Christ, HIS Son) "TRULY ACCEPTS THEM" - "as they are", are NOT in error for refusing to be condemned or judged by well-meaning Christians, who are trying to "change people" (LGBTQ) whose "minds are yet to be fully acquainted and renewed with God's Word"!
- LGBTQ persons that believe GOD (and Jesus Christ, HIS Son) "TRULY FORGIVES THEM" for their sins, are NOT deceived at all, UNLESS in accepting Christ, they put all "their future choices, feelings and weaknesses" - ABOVE, HIS Word, HIS Way, and HIS Will; to ultimately transform us all by HIS mighty power, as we all choose to allow HIM to change us one day at a time!


When "truth" from God's Word is deemed "hate speech", it is seen as such because we're wielding "truth as a sword of death", and NOT "the source of all life", which can only be received to be that - if we (as Christians) possess a "loving heart"; while we pray that the world's blinders fall off so that they may have "spiritual eyes" to see!

The "Sword of the Spirit" absolutely "pierces to the dividing of the soul and spirit", so the eloquence of our speech or the excellence of our oratorical presentation, neither strengthens or weakens its (God's Word) potency; but the spirit in which we speak, absolutely does!

The JUDGMENT that the world feels comes from most Christians is a reality that we must change, until we can begin to perceive and understand that "our brokenness is the door for our witness to be supernaturally redemptive"; as our overcoming testimony is spoken from a place of humility and wisdom.


YES, Christians can be uncompromising and loving too, so, after reading 1 John 2, the question is: HOW can "we" (Christians) BE "uncompromisingly righteous" in the world, but still LOVE, MINISTER and RELATE to the LGBTQ community?  (AND, it is "God's Will" that we do so?)

"How do you figure that's possible, Pastor Walter?  Shall they 'continue in sin, that grace may abound'?"  

GOOD QUESTION; but, here's how:

"Salvation" is the introductory decision and spiritual mechanism of eternal transformation that introduces us "into" the Family of God; BUT "entering the Kingdom of God" is about "Lordship", which is the continuum of submission and surrender that every believer experiences, as our minds are renewed, as our choices and life decisions are conformed to HIS Will, and as our lives are changed according to HIS Word!


It's both INTERESTING and SIGNIFICANT to me that the LGBTQ issue is becoming such a "hot topic", when all the "other" sins and vices that exist in the world (which are forbidden according to scripture), are seen as "lesser-ranking sins"; and, LGBTQ is characterized as "abnormal or deviant sin", and an "abomination to the Lord".  

BUT, in our New Testament Reality, it is NOT the "only sin" that will keep someone from "inheriting the Kingdom of God", right?

The New Testament reveals a "side of GOD - through HIS Son (Jesus Christ)" that demonstrates the capacity to "be among sinners" - for the purpose of sharing our witness and winning them with HIS Love, without creating "religious lines of separation" from the outside world!  

This "protective insulation" of sorts, is no mystery to "Word-filled believers" with a consistent devotion to God and to His Living Word, but NOT to the "complacent or religious church" that's chalk-full of "form without power", along with a fearful distancing that seems required to "stay victorious"; and I completely understand why... 

We know that according to 1 Corinthians 15:33 that "wrong associations can corrupt and negatively influence the most sincere believer", but what about those called to engage and minister to the lost in our world? 

THE ANSWER: "Being then made free from sin, you became the servants of righteousness". This means, when a "true conversion" is a reality for the "believing-believer", the target audience is always prayerfully approached; but NOT in a defeated state of fear, because "The Greater One is on the inside of us!" 

The wisdom of "possessing the keys - to other's deliverance" means that "we've actually walked in their shoes", so our testimony and witness is strengthened, because "in becoming all things to all people", we're doing more than sharing our opinions about an issue!

DEBATING SIN is both unscriptural and a waste of precious energy, so our only focus should be "the Good News" from HIS Word!


YES, "holiness" is absolutely possible - and even probable, when the "committed disciple of Christ" adopts the Word of God as their "only standard" to obey!  BUT, it's ONLY by the grace of God that attaining to this supernatural reality will ever become a reality for the nominal Christian or uncommitted bystander, whose truly on the ropes about the things of God anyway.


#1 - Christ is "the standard". Christ is "holiness personified" and ultimately realized for the sake of all humanity.

#2 - Christ made holiness possible, by meeting every righteous requirement, and by faith - allowing the "believing disciple" to appropriate HIS Finished Work.

#3 - All things are fulfilled or consummated in Christ, so all the believing disciple must do is appropriate, apply and apprehend - as the Spirit wills.

#4 - Christ Himself said, "Be ye holy, as I am holy."; and this was a commandment for every believing disciple to enter in to the rest of HIS finished work. It was not a command to do work outside of believing upon the work HE accomplished; but to explicitly and implicitly believe upon what HE completed at Calvary. As long as the believer is "believing upon HIS Finished Work", we do not place and undue burden upon anyone to perform in their own strength, according to John 6:28-29; because it's not possible. The Law was our schoolmaster, but now grace is our equalizer; and we win, if we depend upon HIM!

#5 - The Finished Work is the completion of all righteousness - through Christ's Perfect Sacrifice. Although this does not give the believer "right or license to sin", it does diminish the mental anguish and struggle associated with "bearing burdens we weren't meant to carry"!

#6 - GRACE is the complete transfer of the Finished Work - in full manifestation, to the believing disciple of Christ who abides. "Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God." As we apply "what we know", we experience the expanding and increasing intensity of HIS amazing grace!

#7  - If we place the burden of holiness on any believer - outside of them explicitly appropriating God's grace, it is a form of Galatianism.


As a matter of fact, I actually see it no differently than "the call to holiness" that God has commanded of every believer!  In our own strength, holiness is NOT possible, but "biblical holiness" is simply "heart alignment with and to Jesus Christ in every area of life"; and the natural separation to competing, idolatrous or inappropriate things, occurs as we keep our hearts and minds stayed upon HIM!

When the "raw realness" of God's Power is on "front street" in churches of every denomination that believes and applies the whole counsel of God's Word, "church gatherings" will no longer be seen as irrelevant and powerless to the watching world.  

Because of this lack of authentic - "divine power" in our church meetings, a large segment of our services attracts less than 3-5% of those in attendance - who are actually "unbelievers", which are genuinely in need of "what we have"; but we're NOT motivated (I guess?) to invite them to church" or "to build relationships" -- and ultimately to disciple them to Jesus without apology! 

I believe that this "cold-hearted apathy and complacency" that is neither motivated to share our testimony or actively invite people to home fellowships or church, is an apathetic seduction that lulls segments of the church into prayer-less stupors, apocalyptic rantings, and heretical off-ramps.


Why is it so important to "live" the gospel of Christ that you espouse? 

Because, you and I MUST "sweep around our own front door, before we try to sweep around anyone else's"!  And, veraciously correcting or belittling the LGBTQ community, is NOT an "honor badge for righteous zealots" that have the right to judge or belittle anyone else! 

The "light" of the Christian community is meant to be a "beacon of hope" for the lost and dying, but as the Spirit leads and breathes upon us individually and collectively.  Jesus' commission to HIS disciples  to "go", is the overarching parameter for every believer's movement and momentum in relationship to Christ, but does not negate the importance of developmentally-appropriate endeavors and solid relationships that acts as the backdrop for effective prayer and intercession; as the primary basis in laying a foundation for soul-winning relationships, by pointedly sharing the gospel and our "overcoming testimonies".

Then, the ONLY WAY to consistently and effectively "love, minister, and relate" to the LGBTQ community (as Christians) is to:
1) "BE" in a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ YOURSELF!
2) "LET" your desire to change or fix people, be replaced by the mandate of Christ "to disciple all nations" and RELATE to them, first!
3) "BUILD" relationships intentionally and prayerfully with the focus of learning, listening and loving the person, but NOT excuse, justify or nurse their "sin"!
4) "BE" even-handed in your pursuit for "justice" and equality in ALL AREAS (not just with the LGBTQ issue), through the consistent application of church discipline, scriptural application and balanced interpretation, in your public statements and in your social discourse...


The "ferocious attitude" and "hateful disposition" of many immature and unstable Christians, exist for what reason exactly?  Our "capacity" to love our brothers and sisters who we can "see", MUST BE a reality; even if we don't "agree with their present course"!  Because, if we don't have our security - "in Christ alone", "stoning the struggling" will NOT yield any "eternal results", right?!?  

When ANY of us are NOT "secure in HIM", we struggle and wrestle with our "own identity", and end up circling, cycling and questioning - UNTIL, we're completely settled and at peace within ourselves.

I actually see this as "near-sighted, covenantal ignorance" by well-meaning Christians, who "condemn the struggling", which seems to me to be the underlying issue that many persons in the LGBTQ community are having with the "Christian community", right now; while others in the LGBTQ community are "incessantly crusading" and "pridefully expecting" fair and equitable treatment, based upon many of the questionable ideas of some of the most activist LGBTQ proponent's - with strong opinions and views; without real thought for the consequences and repercussions of their actions, and not just in regards to marriage.


The LGBTQ community "demanding or expecting acceptance, while creating dissidence - or forced consensus" (from both their families and society), with very specific emphasis on progressing their agenda to change and "bring equality" at every level of the business, educational, civic, and political arenas, is unwise to blindly pursue; when MANY of the ideas being espoused are "UNTESTED" and "UNPROVEN"; because of the rampant "self-diagnosing" and unhealthy mental state of many in the community, which are simply letting their "feelings go into overdrive"!

AND, as long as the feasting continues at the table of human reason and brokenness, the intensifying divide and disunity that comes as we make championing human acceptance apart from divine purpose, our focus!


This rationale that is driven by emotional pain and social pressure actually makes sense to me, because (from their point of view), "If I didn't make myself this way, don't penalize me for being this way"!

I also completely understand or "get" the premise of NOT being governed by God's "divine and natural laws", on the basis of simply "doing what is in their own heart and mind"; especially if, the Word of God is NOT normally their "guiding light" or "way of life"...

But, for some, "it" (the Word of God) is either their long-standing foundation or their "new" source of enlightenment and strength, and "until their understanding is completely renewed to God's eternal and empowering promises - through Christ" about the issue, the dividedness or struggle within their own souls, will worsen or actually keep the person in mental and spiritual chains!

Although the hostility of so many Christians towards LGBTQ issues - is really sad, the Agape love that seeks to share the truth - without malice, must be communicated in light of the context of Christ's "finished work", for "them" that first "repent" and then, "believe"!


WHY, "repent" and then "believe"? Well, "without repentance", "seeing your sin" is NOT POSSIBLE, or Holy Spirit's "supernatural recovery mechanism" at work in the heart of every sincere believer, in "removing the spiritual blindness" and "revealing the truth", may never become a reality; without "repentance" being - FIRST, in their hearts!

What I'm beginning to see as "veiled deception" on both sides of the issue right now, as I stay engaged, informed, and prayerful, is:
- Christians are called to "be a witness" and to "live their lives with, for, and on purpose", so if you're struggling (as a Christian) with ANYTHING the Bible calls "sin", repent (change your mind; change your attitude; and change your direction; which is a process or a step-by-step metamorphosis).  But, "there is still - NO CONDEMNATION, to them that are "in Christ Jesus"!
- "Unbelievers": You can choose NOT to be governed by God's "divine and natural laws", but it doesn't change HIS Intent or HIS Word on the matter, one bit.


Now, people of every field and industry are finding the courage to "come out", and what is normally seen as "homophobic" cynicism, ignorance and isolation - by certain opponents to "alternative lifestyles", just doesn't seem to change "one bit" amongst those known critics who cry-out and "adamantly opposed" the LGBTQ community; by taking their position through "demonstrating hostility" or by being "religiously closed" to the expanding possibilities that the diverse "gender options" and presentations are being represented today.  

For many Christians, this means nothing more than "them" (the LGBTQ community) making up "their minds" to just "be different", or to openly rebel against God's commands, because their "hearts are dark". 


I can hear someone asking, "Why does your heart break over this whole issue?"
- "Because, God's heart breaks!" HE sent HIS Son to settle the issue of "ALL SIN", but without any of us "fully receiving" and "willingly benefitting" from Christ's "Finished Work", we live our lives in limbo to all kinds of deception, habits, struggles, and weaknesses.
- Because, BY NOW, the Christian community should have a full grasp of our New Testament Reality "in Christ", and have "mastered the GOOD NEWS", concerning Christ and HIS Kingdom.
- Because, in our effort to "defend the cause of Christ", we've ONCE AGAIN become divided over something that should be settled in every heart - "according to God's Word", and our own "experience" in truly walking with Christ - in the "sanctification process" should convince us that "God's Long-suffering" towards the world; is "HIS MERCY REVEALED to the SINNER"!

The "gross darkness" that is "in the world", needs a comparable-but superior response, which is "more than equal to it"; and the only reliable and eternal force in the earth able to accomplish this is - HIS GRACE (Jesus Christ) and HIS "representative body" (The Body of Christ), who are empowered and infused with the greatest power ever known among men; that has already remitted "ALL of our sin"!

In our hyper-religious world, where secular-humanism and moral relativism are the primary focus of many of society's power-brokers and societal elitist, what is all too often embraced as "acceptable" and espoused as "truth", is grossly disconnected from "God's Word"!  

But, what seems to "rationally agree" with the growing trends and the cultural tide that is enveloping so many lives now, is actually an affront to God's Word, and "conforms to this world"; with all of the corruptible influences that keeps sinners and complacent Christians "in chains"! 


All of our CONVICTIONS and "the change" that may occur as we mature in Christ, should be based upon the continuum and stage of development that we all are "in", in our relationship with Christ, as we yield to Holy Spirit in the walk of faith; by HIS amazing grace and enabling power!

This is critically important to understand about "change", because where debate and disagreement exists about many things, there is all too often - incongruent arguments, erroneous beliefs, and scatter-brained definitions that still seems to rule supreme - over sound biblical doctrine, which should actually govern all the affairs of the Kingdom of God, or the "true apostolic order"; but NOT "every church" is even aware of the prevalence of the "false apostolic order", which is primarily governed by humanistic devisings, perverted authority and fleshly agendas!

Papa David Wilkerson said this about "change":  "Change is exclusively the work of the Holy Ghost. "How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?" (2 Corinthians 3:8). We simply can't "change ourselves". Only the Spirit of God can conform us to the glorious image of Christ. We have all heard it said, "When a person turns to the Lord, God lifts the veil from his eyes." That is solely the Spirit's work.  We also read, "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (verse 17). The word "liberty" here means "no longer a slave; exempt from liability; free, unchained." This describes the freedom that comes with having our eyes opened. Suddenly, we see things in a new light. Only the Holy Spirit can break down our lifelong way of seeing things, turn us around, and sets us on a true course."

Because of this, an "immature or unengaged believer", who is NOT "growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ", would definitely be more rigidly resistant to "having a conversation" or "reasoning together" - about these kinds of issues; simply based upon the narrowness that is often associated with "limited experience", "legalistic doctrines", or "languishing commitments", to first meditate upon God's Word and HIS Ways, and then to relate to everyone that Christ has ordained for you to reach for the Kingdom of God.


WHAT, Pastor Walter? Do you mean that if we're NOT open to dialogue about what we don't really believe is "morally right" or "biblically justified" concerning the LGBTQ community, we're narrow?

ABSOLUTELY, NOT! You're narrow, "if your belief keeps you from demonstrating the love of God, anyway", and without "knowing what the range of issues really are" within individual hearts within the LGBTQ community; while doggedly holding to your traditions of what you believe the Word of God "says", but what it doesn't actually mean at all!

I do NOT mean that "reasoning together" is arguing with a person about what the Word of God says is "sinful", but for the Church to be primarily focused upon SIN - is our FIRST ERROR!  JESUS CHRIST has RESOLVED the "sin issue" for EVERYONE that believes upon HE and HIS "finished work"!  Our FOCUS should be the ministry and word of RECONCILIATION, because of Christ's "redeeming sacrifice" for all of humanity!

BELIEF is "a privilege to be shared", NOT "a weapon to be wielded" against one another!?! And that's why, "LOVE is the greatest commandment!"  So, all the "aggressive believers" with intentions to "stick it to anyone", don't really understand The Father's heart for revealing Christ The King in this dispensation of grace - in the face of all that is wrong in this "cursed cosmos"; especially amongst "complacent Christians" and their "compromised convictions"!

Dr. Jim Denison, of the Denison Cultural Forum said this: "God's will is not a floodlight that eliminates the dark, but a flashlight that shows your next step.  His will is about present-tense obedience, before it is about future-tense strategy.  You may not know what to do with tomorrow, but God will always show you what to do with today.  Then, "whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin". (James 4:17)


NOW, I just lost half of my readers "correcting Christians that are attacking others", because more and more "believers" (in Christ) feel it their mission "to be uncompromisingly righteous (but really, "hateful and aggressive") in their posture towards the world"; UNTIL making themselves, "the standard" backfires on them, and they in turn have to refocus their attention on the "grace of Almighty God" in the Person of Jesus Christ!  

Yes, being "uncompromisingly wrong" is our dilemma, IF we EVER make ourselves the standard to be upheld...CHRIST ALONE, is "The Standard"!

And, in our generation, there just is NOT a more important topic to tackle in light of the power that Christ desires to bear witness to, during this critical time in human history, where the culture is "demanding real answers from the church", because "their problems" aren't just "going away" with their simple confession of Christ!  

And, now, we feel the need to "force our views" upon them, because "the world seems to be winning", or their NOT "fighting fair" so why should we"!?!

Napoleon understood this principle when he said, "I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world, there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander [the Great], Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! Jesus Christ founded his empire 'upon love'; and this hour, millions of men would die for him."

As Christ "laid down HIS life", we must take on the same practical and heartfelt devotion to our witness to the world; but especially, the LGBTQ community, or what is seen by some as "the leprous of society" in a 21st century context...  

YES, that's very hateful and mean, but its definitely how far some people take their "dislikes" for the LGBTQ community!?!  I admit, far too many people are being enticed into embracing a "politically correct" social posture, rather than standing strong in our Christian faith by adhering to the Word and promises of God; even though it means going against the tide of popular public opinion, as it relates to support for LGBTQ issues, is unwise and could potentially lead to a lawsuit, loss of their business, or some "unavoidable" legal assault.

So, I am NOT suggesting that Christians compromise their own convictions to demonstrate some syrupy-sweet disposition that accepts "sin", but I AM crying out to the Remnant about "compelling them to come" - who have a legitimate need or conflicting view with God's Word.


In Richard Niebuhr's classic "Christ and Culture", he describes five distinct ways that Christians normally relate to society:
- "Christ against culture" (no engagement with each other)
- "Christ of culture" (the church adopts what the culture embraces)
- "Christ above culture" (following Jesus on Sunday and cultural norms on Monday)
- "Christ and culture in paradox" (using culture to advance the church)
- "Christ transforming culture" (leading culture to adopt holistic biblical values).

It is said of all five ways that the third-one represents the "greatest compromise" to our "commission mandate" from Christ, but I have personally focused upon the last two ("Christ and culture in paradox" and "Christ transforming culture) in my ministry, for ensuring that I "intentionally build a bridge between faith and culture"; so that the advancement of Christ and the Kingdom of God, are powerfully established and pursued without fail!

The ONE QUESTION that I want you to ask yourself is: "Am I representing The Father's heart (GOD) in my general philosophy and everyday practice concerning the LGBTQ community, and with the many surrounding issues - like on civil benefits, marriage equality and fairness of treatment?" 

"Uh, Huh, Pastor Walter! I am APPALLED to hear you say that!! Now, that's what I was waiting for you to say! YOU think Christians should support the LGBTQ community in those areas? THAT goes against scripture, and is NOT the will of God! So now, you're going to have to explain yourself!"

Okay, I will, but let's start with the "civil benefits" for partners or the actual couples who've pursued "same-sex unions"...

Q. Even if you don't believe in "same-sex unions", and didn't support "Proposition 8" (if you're in California), and are currently in an uproar about the overturning of DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act); How can you turn your head or silence your conscience and values, to support something legally (partner benefits) that is rooted in something that is sinful and unscriptural?"

A. People who do not believe the way that you or I do, also won't feel comfortable being governed by laws and principles that are viewed as limitations, restrictions or even shackles, because there based upon God's Word, which they don't adhere to or believe! So, if the basis of belief is different, the foundation for living will also "be"!


The LGBTQ community is actually saying: "Your reality is NOT mine, so I refuse to live up to your rules - your way, based upon your interpretations of scripture; and cow-tow to your values as our "moral authority", because you are also human and frail! Since GOD "made us this way", or has "allowed us to be this way", WHO ARE YOU to suggest otherwise, or try to keep us unhappy for your own 'moral superiority' or 'religious conformity'?"

NOW, let's add this to the equation, and all you Ultra-Fundamentalist and Dominionists that believe "LAWS CAN CHANGE THE HUMAN HEART", must not have NOT read your bibles in years, or maybe even centuries! (Smile)

Our "kingdom ideals" (as Christians) can NOT be imposed upon mankind, simply due to the fact that the "earth's realities" don't just "go away"; but especially for those who do NOT live or walk "in the power of Christ" - through HIS written word!

A Real-Life Example: Hermaphrodites? = Intersex (born in a conundrum; no power to make the choice to be male or female..?)  How does Christ relate to these people? WHATEVER "the cause" of this particular developmental plight, "Why would God allow something contrary to HIS will to exist, and then condemn it - since HE has the power to change or resolve it?"

Are WE (Christians) so heaven-bent on "eradicating sin from the earth" that we are forgetting that there is an "appointed time" for this eternal reality; but not now!?!

In other words, according to the New Testament Reality in Christ, "Is my knowledge and understanding of Christ's 'finished work' what fully informs my theological approach and voice to the confused and hurting amongst the LGBTQ community; and is HIS compassion and love really at work in my heart and through my life?"  

IF IT IS, my desperate need to "relate and win", will prevail above my religious obligation to "condemn and judge"; and THEN I can demonstrate or represent that another reality is possible, without condemnation, conformity or criticism! 


People still "smoke", but should we NOT show compassion, show love and continue to pray for those who get diagnosed with cancer?

People still drink "in excess" and end up with liver problems, but should we ignore their prayer request or pleas for help when their shared, because we discover that they were a lush back in the day?

You KNOW the answer, so where did "we" (Christians) get the idea that condemnation, judgment or verbal sparring with the LGBTQ community is the will of God?  SELAH..(Now, think about that for a moment...)


What every sincere LGBTQ person (with claims of truly "being Christian") must do in light of this powerful question from above, is simply to evaluate whether "their putting their lifestyle and/or their relationships", before their devotion to Christ?  

IF THEY ARE, it is "sin", and ANYTHING that is NOT "of faith", is "SIN" according to Romans 14, and conflicts with the real purpose for the Law of Freedom (liberty) that Christ died to grant to everyone that believes upon HIS "finished work"!

There are (3) passages that communicates the same sentiment about "putting anything" before our relationship with Christ! And, these truths go "across the board" in their context, whether we're talking about "homosexual sin" or "heterosexual sin"; whether we're talking about "homosexual marriage" or "heterosexual fornication"; because, according to scripture - it's ALL SIN!

Might I add, in each of these examples below, "these are the words of Jesus"! NO, HE does NOT "pick on the LGBTQ community", and neither should we. But, his general and principled approach to ANY SIN that we make "bigger than God", is "surrender it all", so your eternal resting place is "secure in HIM"..

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. (Matthew 5:27-30 ESV)

"Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire. (Matthew 18:7-9 ESV)

"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell, (Mark 9:42, 43, 45, 47 ESV)

Now, of all three passages, the last one has a very poignant phrase that makes me shudder in regards to the responsibility God has placed with us ALL, concerning "the use" of our own personal witness and life, when Jesus said "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea." 

If THIS does not describe "the eternal implications of our decision making", no matter what feelings or frustrations that we express, which could very well be "innocently" misleading others; and, our indifference or ignorance is NOT an excuse, when it comes to our eternal future! 


Anyone whose lived a "do-what-you-like-lifestyle" will tell you that "the body is NOT made for sin"! As a matter of fact, Solomon's soberness is a testifying witness from the book of Ecclesiastes that actually points towards the revelation that "pain and indifference - to principles of truth and wisdom from God's Word" will definitely bring strain, stress, and struggle into your life!  

AND, "the sealer" on this truth NOT just being about the LGBTQ community or the surrounding issues, is CLEAR from 1 Corinthians 6:

"Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality, Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God. And such some of you were [once]. But you were washed clean (purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin), and you were consecrated (set apart, hallowed), and you were justified [pronounced righteous, by trusting] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God. Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power. Food [is intended] for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will finally end [the functions of] both and bring them to nothing. The body is not intended for sexual immorality, but [is intended] for the Lord, and the Lord [is intended] for the body [to save, sanctify, and raise it again]. And God both raised the Lord to life and will also raise us up by His power. Do you not see and know that your bodies are members (bodily parts) of Christ (the Messiah)? Am I therefore to take the parts of Christ and make [them] parts of a prostitute? Never! Never! Or do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh. [Gen. 2:24.] But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him. Shun immorality and all sexual looseness [flee from impurity in thought, word, or deed]. Any other sin which a man commits is one outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own, You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:9-20 AMP)

SYNOPSIS: The "body" was NOT made for "sin", and the Bible says that "Any other sin which a man commits is one outside the body, but he who commits 'sexual immorality' sins against his own body." (vs. 18) 

And, what does than mean? That, "YOU" ARE NOT, YOUR OWN!" That you've forfeited all your "rights" to God, and chosen allegiance to HIM before anything or anyone else! 

What does it mean "to sin against the body", anyways? Do you mean, abusing or mishandling the body, like overeating, sedentary living, or sexual promiscuity? 

ABSOLUTELY, but it also means, once we "repent of our sins" (FIRST) and "accept Christ" as our Savior & Lord, our BODY "is NOT our own" - any more!  Just like any other "legal purchase" of goods and services made by any of us in this life, the body is "eternally reserved" for Almighty God; once we've invited and received Christ into our hearts as SAVIOR and LORD!

Every human being on earth has a struggle with "some kind of sin", as long as we are "in" the body!  But, the degree of sin's dominance or nagging prevalence, is totally dependent upon our personal devotion and relational walk with Christ, through our renewed minds according to God's Word; which should act as the primary source of empowerment and strength - if we study and seek HIM, and the lack thereof will actually make "the weight or gravitational pull of the world" seem heavier and more taxing than our frail bodies can stand in our "own strength"!


Dr. Billy Graham was once asked "Whether all sins are equal in God's eyes?", and his most wise answer was:

"It is always difficult and dangerous to attempt to list sins according to their degree of seriousness. In one sense, all sins are equal in that they all separate us from God. The Bible's statement, "For the wages of sin is death …" (Romans 6:23), applies to all sin, whether in thought, word, or deed.  At the same time, it seems obvious that some sins are worse than others in both motivation and effects, and should be judged accordingly. Stealing a loaf of bread is vastly different than exterminating a million people. Sins may also differ at their root.  Theologians have sought for centuries to determine what the essence of sin is. Some have chosen sensuality, others selfishness, and still others pride or unbelief. In the Old Testament, God applied different penalties to different sins, suggesting variations in the seriousness of some sins. A thief paid restitution; an occult practitioner was cut off from Israel; one who committed adultery or a homosexual act or cursed his parents was put to death (see Exodus, chapter 22 and Leviticus, chapter 20).  In the New Testament Jesus said it would be more bearable on the day of judgment for Sodom than for Capernaum because of Capernaum's unbelief and refusal to repent after witnessing His miracles (Matthew 11:23-24). The sins of Sodom were identified in Ezekiel 16:21 as arrogance, gluttony, indifference to the poor and needy, haughtiness, and "detestable things."  When Jesus spoke of his second coming and judgment, he warned that among those deserving punishment some would "be beaten with many blows" and others "with few blows" (Luke 12:47-48). He also reserved His most fierce denunciations for the pride and unbelief of the religious leaders, not the sexually immoral (Matthew 23:13-36).  However, remember that whether our sins are relatively small or great, they will place us in hell apart from God's grace. The good news is that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and the sins of the whole world at the Cross. If we will repent and turn to Jesus in faith, our sins will be forgiven, and we will receive the gift of eternal life." (End of statement)

The BIG CONJUNCTION "if", is the determining factor in Dr. Graham's profound response to the question of "ranking sin", which I believe was biblically appropriate, but there's also the "iniquity" of the human heart that represents the residue of past sins that are really never confronted or repented of...Meaning, a real "change of attitude, change of direction, and change of mind" never genuinely occurs!


"And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord! the Lord! a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, Keeping mercy and loving-kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but Who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children's children, to the third and fourth generation. And Moses made haste to bow his head toward the earth and worshiped. And he said, If now I have found favor and loving-kindness in Your sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray You, go in the midst of us, although it is a stiff-necked people, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for Your inheritance. And the Lord said, Behold, I lay down [afresh the terms of the mutual agreement between Israel and Me] a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels (wonders, miracles) such as have not been wrought or created in all the earth or in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord; for it is a terrible thing [fearful and full of awe] that I will do with you. Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I drive out before you the Amorite, Canaanite, Hittite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite. Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant or mutual agreement with the inhabitants of the land to which you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you. But you shall destroy their altars, dash in pieces their pillars (obelisks, images), and cut down their Asherim [symbols of the goddess Asherah]; For you shall worship no other god; for the Lord, Whose name is Jealous, is a jealous (impassioned) God." (Exodus 34:6-14 AMP)

INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH, this passage is the one that Oprah Winfrey makes reference to "God being jealous" that actually "turned her off", and some heart searching and dividedness (in my opinion), which she credits to the exploratory fulfillment of her journey from that point on...But, what it actually speaks to, is "the deceitfully wicked heart" that the Prophet Jeremiah references, concerning the heart of wavering and unbelief that is so common amongst every human being!


GOD'S JEALOUSY isn't some selfish disposition paraded by a controlling, evil and unjust tyrant, with destructive tendencies and qualities of unfaithfulness and wavering! HE IS the GOD of ALL - compassion, faithfulness, justice, righteousness, and truth!

What is revealed to Moses in Exodus 34, is a definitive part of "the mystery yet to be revealed through Christ" - about this GOD of THE BIBLE, who has a no-nonsense dealing towards "sin" - in the Old Testament; yet HE demonstrates an unfathomable love and undeniable grace in the New Testament, which makes many believers and unbelievers see HIM as an unstable dictator or indecisive bully?!?

IS THIS TRUE, and if it's NOT, Why does God appear so scitzophrenic between the two testaments ("Old" and "New) of the Holy Bible?

Because, before Christ would be revealed as the Perfect Substitutionary Sacrifice that remits ALL OF OUR SINS -- if we simply BELIEVE, RECEIVE and REST; God's wrath was NOT "fully satisfied" through the blood of bulls and goats, so HIS anger relented and was requited - because HIS Love, Mercy and Redemptive Plan were yet to be revealed. 


ANY "THING" THAT WE PUT "BEFORE GOD" is seen as "idolatry" in the scripture! Whether it be "iniquity" (the unrepentant condition of the heart that we recognize through God's dealings with us, but we have not let go of); "transgression" (ought with or against our brother or sister); and "sin" (missing the mark in accordance with God's Word), God is ABLE and WILLING to forgive us - but "in no way will HE clear the guilty".

Any "visiting Iniquity", which represents the unrepented "sins of the heart" that "we legally give place" to, are only "passed-on to the third or fourth generation", but NOT as an "imputed or generational curse" sent as "punishment upon the innocent" (or unborn children); instead as a "visiting notice or reminder" that "legal right" still exist in "your generations", and UNTIL someone in the family stands against this by "walking in authority" and "taking responsibility", eventually overcoming or walking victoriously through Christ's "finished work" won't be possible - and the stronghold will keep "visiting"! (Ezekiel 18 and 33; Proverbs 28:1-2)

YES, we ARE "redeemed from the curse - in Christ" (Galatians 3:13, 29), yet we MUST "take a stand", and this requires us to formally evict the "familiar, perverted, tormenting or trespassing spirits" that intrude illegally into our lives -- through the doors that we leave open, where the enemy no longer has the right to maintain territorial occupation and hinder "kingdom" progress - within; to be once and for all DEFEATED, by renewing our minds to God's Word and Ways!


Practically, if ANY of our parents refuse to deal with a "known sin" in their lives - and let's just say that they "die with it", whether they're "Christian" or not; that becomes the legal access for satanic forces to work within the dysfunction or weakness of our hereditary lines (biologically, physiologically, psychologically, and spiritually) to "visit" our lives with progressively worse yokes of bondage and destructive devices that are all related to "the curse"! 

But, in order to understand the points of access for the curse, we must briefly discuss "healthy development", or the graduated stages of our spiritual growth in Christ, which articulates how "natural development" correlates with the developmental continuum (in the Spirit) that should be "normal" for every believer...



"Image" is the starting point of all "healthy development", and it first requires AGREEMENT with God's Mind about "being created in HIS Image and made after HIS Likeness".  In other words, the "outward adornment" is important, but not primary according to God's Word. If the heart is transformed (inward adornment), the person's security in God (not people or things) is secure.
- "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."" (‭Genesis‬ ‭1:26-28,‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

"Identity" is the next stage of "healthy development", and it requires ALIGNMENT with God's Son about "being hidden with Christ in God, and we no longer live for ourselves..". When a person is having an "identity crisis" there attempting to be more or less than God created them to be. When work is done with our identity in Christ as our anchor - we war less, we yield and surrender more, and we accept our limitations that are meant to protect us; not hinder us or hold us back.
- "And we have such trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."  (‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭3:4-6‬, ‭NKJV‬‬)

"Individuality" is the next stage of "healthy development", and it requires a set of EXPERIENCES through the guidance of Holy Spirit that exposes the "truest self" to us, so that our cooperation and understanding becomes fruitful. In other words, once we've settled identity, we explore our individual desires in light of our values and convictions. When we have a "guilty conscience" on a continuous basis, we're falsely seeking our deepest self to explore. The "human soul" without the "anchoring strength" of the Word of God, is like a row boat in the middle of the ocean -- tossed "every which way, but loose"; and driven by winds and waves without security, stability or sustainability.
- ""But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not! For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.""  (‭‭Galatians‬ ‭2:17-21,‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

"Integrity" is the final stage of "healthy development", and it requires ongoing education about the benefits of choosing a proper "life balance" - and God's blessing over the world's riches, so that internal conflict and compromise doesn't destroy what The Lord has formed in the person - through the various seasons of life.  Once we understand who we were created to "be", our consistent representation for God will not be an issue ever again; meaning, a struggle "with sin" will become a non-issue.
- "Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight. When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them. Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death.  (Proverbs‬ ‭11:1-4‬ ‭NKJV)


Well, let's start with the reason the world "judges Christians", and all too often it is because "we make ourselves the standard of holiness, righteousness and truth", INSTEAD OF JESUS CHRIST!  AND, we end up becoming a "public spectacle", because we "privately struggle" ourselves - while "publicly proclaiming" what we're NOT truly experiencing ourselves, and we're seen as "raving hypocrites"!  OF COURSE, the world will judge Christians who have "another area of sin", but hypocritically want to HIGHLIGHT some else's?

THE TRUTH "IS", no matter "how much or how often" atheistic segments of the world have attempted to refute "HIS existence" -- or the reality of "HIS Sonship" (JESUS CHRIST) as an example, we should KNOW that "no argument, philosophy or unbelief" can change who "HE, really IS" or "HIS missional focus" that was fulfilled through HIS "finished work" - on ALL of our behalf! 

Just because the world "seems to be" (due to media representations) openly or subtly rejecting HIS "perfect sacrifice" (in some instances), doesn't change the fact and reality that "HE MADE IT", and is STILL "waiting with open arms" until the end of "this age"!


YES, in the midst of some of the "greatest darkness" in our generation, GOD (through Christ) is STILL "wooing the world" to HIMSELF!

The "cry for justice" in any form, because of "the chaos - of the curse", and the disdain that even "unbelieving people" have for the effects of sin upon our world, is most telling!  The problem is, CHRISTIANS are NOT "the answer", Christ "IS", but that doesn't negate the importance or the power of our "Christian witness"!

When our witness is "for HIS glory", the attraction or draw of the hurting, the searching or the unbelieving person to HIM - through us, will NOT ever be a disappointment to them! The "power" that is activated as a part of our witness to the world - on HIS behalf, is an actual testament of us "doing HIS work", and NOT our own; which should always and only be -- about HIM!


Do you honestly believe that "all" LGBTQ people want to displease or dishonor God?  YES, the Book of Romans says that "they have loved darkness more than light", but "in context" that does NOT characterize or profile the entire LGBTQ community - or what the specific reference is referring to about the men of Sodom who were adamant about "defiling Lot and his guests"!

It "is" THAT DIABOLICAL and TYRANNICAL SPIRIT which is already "under judgment", and what the Apostle Paul is making reference to in Romans 1?
- It represents a total disregard for the truth of God's Word, and is lustfully-aggressive and lasciviously-controlled, with no regard or respect for the will of others.
- It represents a tireless pursuit to convert and corrupt the innocence of young hearts and minds, with no concern for anything or anyone - but its own perverted desires and agenda.
- It represents a wicked intention to disrupt any tradition or value system that champions self-control, moral absolutes, or majority consensus about marriage, instead of rationally or reasonably addressing the issues surrounding the choice concerning the LGBTQ lifestyle.


Think about this for a moment...Doesn't the Scripture make mention of the "utter amazement" that the nations will have when they discover the extent of Satan's work in the world?!? 

YES, we KNOW that "human weakness" is enough for the world "to go to hell in a hand basket", but the added contention of Satan "in" and "against" the hearts of humanity is a horrible strain; and, I'm NOT a proponent of "the devil made me do it"! 

In Isaiah 14:16-17, the Bible says, "Those who see "you" will gaze at you and consider you, saying, Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms? - Who made the world like a wilderness and overthrew its cities, who would not permit his prisoners to return home?"

Now, YES, this passage (in context), is making reference to the Babylonian king at that time, but it also parallels with exactly what will happen to Satan in his "final fall", which will create the same gazing perplexity at the reason "we" humans allowed him to be given such a prominent place in the affairs of men!


The LGBTQ community are indeed, just - "human beings", with as much fervor, passion and zeal for "their cause", as any other community should be, but, "separate" for more than just their sexual "preferences" and lifestyles...

SATAN is attempting to "mock God" and "dehumanize the LGBTQ community", by highlighting -- and all too often "spotlighting" the degree of brokenness, confusion and perversity that seems so prevalent amongst many of them; but especially, because it creates such deep soul-wrenching speculations and heart-searchings around "God's Heart" and care for this struggling community. THIS being the "primary accusation" of the enemy towards every struggling LGBTQ person, which keeps them bound, as long as they believe "that God distances Himself from their brokenness".

Because the LGBTQ issue seems to have such a "transcultural influence" upon the societal, psychological, philosophical, religious, and sexual viewpoints of life, "linear arguments" or "narrow opinions" tends to just create even greater divides in society as a whole, which exists due to the fact that not many fields (if any) have a "interrelated connectedness" or "historical synergism" in their general commentary or opinions; other than what I see as both the "correct" and comprehensive view that the Bible paints about this particular issue!

"HUH?", says anyone who believes that the Bible's viewpoint is "narrow" and religious, as it pertains to the LGBTQ issue?!?

WELL, I believe that there are FEW (if any) specific fields in education or in the social sciences that clearly shows the DIFFERENCE between what I know the "real conversation" should be about or reflect upon from a "religious context" of scripture, and that being to "lovingly dealing" with the following (3) thoughts on LGBTQ "head-on":

#1 - "Unnatural Relations" vs. "Inhumane Treatment"

THE QUESTION: What actually determines whether something is "unnatural", anyways?  

THE ANSWER: Anything that is contrary to the ordinary course of nature, is considered to be "abnormal" or "unnatural". Two "consenting adults" of any sexual gender can determine the course they will take in regards to sexual relations, BUT the "biblical definition" is NOT competing or contrary to the world's, it's simply different and "right" according to scripture!

"God's Word" needs NO CRUTCH or human defense, and until Christians align their thinking to the eternal reality and benefit that "it" is NOT debatable or "dumbed-down" - because of the world's indecision, indifference or intolerance, we'll fight unnecessarily; when we're actually supposed to be RESTING!

#2 - "Innocent Ignorance" vs. "Open Rebellion"

THE QUESTION: Is anyone actually responsible for determining whether a person's heart "innocently believes" or "rebelliously pursues" the LGBTQ lifestyle?

THE ANSWER: I'm afraid that both the church and society in general, has made itself a "moral governor", in regards to what is going on in the heart and conscience of people, and I believe it is "great error" to do so! If we had "the ultimate answer" for eradicating this issue from our lives, every argument, debate and the subsequent persecution would NOT exist! 

YES, "Jesus is the answer", BUT, "the immediate" and "future implications" of HIS "finished work" in the earth and in "we" HIS earthen vessels, leaves us ALL in the "middle ground" territory of our "ultimate deliverance", until our "corruption puts on incorruption" - and the grip of sin is "no more".  Meanwhile, presuming that the "human struggle" will END once everyone "gets a revelation - and receives Jesus", is just FALSE!

#3 - "Volunteer Advocacy" vs. ''Aggressive Activism"

THE QUESTION: Should the LGBTQ community just ignore the hurting members of their community - and "agree with the church", by abandoning their heartfelt commitments to serve the growing needs?  And, should the "activist agenda" of the segment of the LGBTQ community that is "forcing acceptance upon society" be resisted or supported by the Christian community and others that believe its a "choice"?

THE ANSWER: The LGBTQ community can NOT ignore its own, and is obligated to stand with and support the members of the community which desperately need assistance on many different levels. The "activist agenda" is creating a greater divide and disunity in society, and therefore will have rippling repercussions that are negative or NOT in the "best interest" of the LGBTQ community - in my opinion.

One of the interesting dynamics associated with Bruce Jenner's transition to becoming "Caitlyn Jenner", is the mesmerizing sentiment of heroism and courage given to her, that is so prevalent amongst the outspoken LGBTQ advocates and supporters of "her cause"; and that of many others who are "coming out" in masses all over the media!

As I both write and exchange with people in this community, it is NEVER my intent to EVER make a mockery, or to "poke fun" about anyone struggling with their identity and are "in crisis" in their hearts; even to the point of suicidal.

WHY? Because, "everyone struggles" in life, and attempts to fill the void or "the hole in their own heart" in some way - by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE; so having compassion isn't a challenge at all!

The "sad truth is", many people with a casual or committed allegiance to the LGBTQ community, who have "tried the church" or experienced the balm of the religious community; without truly experiencing the POWER of the Holy Spirit!

But, plastic surgery, changing your hair color, or a dramatic makeover, is just an "asthetic improvement", and until we spiritually address and maintenance our dark and sickened hearts the superficial or outward appearance will serve to disguise the vacuum ONLY GOD can fill; as we surrender to the change HE longs to make in our hearts.

While I'm NOT surprised by the loving support, generous applause or philathropic gestures that are being given by the LGBTQ community for Caitlyn's courageous transition - amidst the storm of comedic inferences, religious intolerance, and frequent public insults.

My prayerful disposition and compassion for Caitlyn's family - is heavy on my heart, because "external or cosmetic modifications" may reflect a dramatic change or difference, but "gender identity" as a WOMAN - is not just reflected by superficial physical characteristics or asthetic changes.


If a "changing appearance" is a representation of a "changed heart" or life, everyone of US would need to undergo a similar transition; but that's NOT necessary or wise; if we heal the heart, instead of medicating the pain that remains in our lives FOR YEARS, despite the surgical procedures.


YES, and ALL OF THESE descriptions above are "covered" in one way or another in "the scripture", with what I believe is a definitive thoroughness and thoughtfulness that ONLY GOD in "HIS omniscience" would be able to comprehensively address through HIS "inspired word"; without representing a "hyper-religious viewpoint" or "hypocritical bias" that would be seen as discriminatory and unfair!

It's really sad, but so many people in the LGBTQ and Christian communities have reduced God's Word to "dead letters" that were written for "generations past" - that they now find it almost impossible to believe that "God saw society - in the 21st century"; and still resolved that HIS Word and HIS Spirit was enough to fully satisfy the frailty and weakness of all broken humanity; including LGBTQ persons.

But, suffice it to say, if you were to do a comparative study on all three of these thoughts above, "the balance that is yet needing to be reflected" amongst Christians (especially), would simply emerge with greater clarity and impact - if our goal was just about "helping people", and NOT "winning an argument" against the world!


When "we" (Christians) begin to comprehend and understand the distinction in these three areas a little further, our role of "helping those who sincerely wants or needs it", will become even a clearer mission for us all to fulfill, as a "community of grace, forgiveness, and hope" that deliberately shares the LOVE of God! 

And, the juxtaposition that many Christians feel like their in right now, "for loving the LGBTQ community", instead of trying to change, correct or judge them, will truly begin to relieve those who are struggling within "our gates", for both helping anyone who is trying to know the will of God in "how" to properly engage and minister to the culture-at-large; while also leaving "the conversion" and "the transformation" of sinners to GOD!  

People who are NOT about "making disciples" or doing much more than "existing", don't really care what happens in or to this community...

Their "attitude" is, "just let them all go to hell"!  And, OH, how SAD that really is!


Many "CHRISTIAN's" also feel it is "their prerogative", to demean, demoralize and demonize the LGBTQ community, but it IS NOT!  Yours or my "experience", interpretations, and opinions do NOT change HIS Will, but our lives will certainly be affected (as "living epistles") by what we believe "about HIS heart - through HIS Word", concerning this particular issue and any others that affects our witness to the world...

AND, this is the reason "why", too many Christians believe (and society as a whole) that "their ideas about God", DEFINES - "who HE really is", but ONLY HIS WORD reveals - HIS character, nature and love for the dying world that Christ came to save!


To demonstrate HIS love, you or I may have to:
- "Be inconvenienced" by someone/something that we really just don't agree with..
- "Show respect" to or for someone that you believe just doesn't "deserve it"...
- "Build relationship" with someone that looks and acts "very differently" than you...

Are YOU ready to TRULY, demonstrate "HIS LOVE"?  I hope so...


The "right of conscience" is one of the BIGGEST issues of IMBALANCE in the general landscape of "human rights policy" throughout the world, but it shoud NOT be in the "Christian community", AND - I'm really NOT sure why it is amongst Christ-followers?

"What do you mean, Pastor Walter?"

"Christians" should NOT be about "imposing their beliefs upon anyone", but demonstrating and modeling what true biblical alignment looks like; being "light" and "salt" in the world, and that's it!  "Voting our conscience","fighting against injustice", "interceding for the persecuted", and "giving to the needs of the orphans, the poor, and to the widow", is our occupational mandate "in Christ".

WHY? Because, "the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds" (2 Cor. 10).  Even though the aggressive posturing in a segment of the LGBTQ community is becoming more and more pronounced, "we" (Christians) are NOT subject or bound by the radical activism, humanistic rantings or the satanic devices of the enemy whose "blinding the minds" of many well-meaning advocates, without a shred of biblical grounds or justification for their pursuits.

NOW, this does NOT mean that Christians should allow strong-arming or manipulation through "legislation from the bench" or any form of "judicial tyranny", which actually dishonors "the will of the people"? But, it does mean, outside of praying, "relating to" the LGBTQ community, and voting our God-given conscience, we are called to "OCCUPY till HE comes"!


GOD has given to every human being "volition" (or "free will"), BUT in mankind's "civil governmental systems and forms", certain abuses, limitations and restrictions have arisen to "maintain civility", to "manipulate its citizens", or to "manufacture profit cycles" for its own benefit through "monopolistic capitalism" and greed!

The "right of conscience" provides the basis for balance and benefit for ALL PEOPLE, and is a fundamental part of human dignity.  However, to be fair, any law protecting the right of conscience must be even-handed and protect ALL SIDES, right?!?

For instance, in a White Paper released by The Center For Reproductive Rights, the following statement I read is "ABSOLUTELY TRUE", and I AGREE with it:

"America has a rich legacy of protecting the freedom of religion.  It's especially important in a "religiously pluralistic country" like ours, where there are many different Christian denominations, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists, Hindus, and of course many other religions.  However, the Constitution doesn't protect every single religious belief.  Some people's religion says eating meat is wrong. Now, the government can't force those people to eat a steak. But it also doesn't mean that those vegetarians get to tell everyone else what to eat.  Some people's religion says that violence of any kind is wrong – but that doesn't mean that they don't have to pay taxes to support our troops."


In my biblical worldview, the WORD OF GOD "gives context" to ALL other "bodies of knowledge", so if you have a disdain or distrust in the "supreme and ultimate knowledge" - found ONLY in the scriptures; you're lost already in my "humble" opinion!  "Knowledge is power", IF the "wisdom of God" - acts as "the foundation", from which it springs forth and rests!

BUT, that does NOT mean that I believe in order for God's Will "to be done on earth as it is in heaven", EVERYONE has to "agree with me", "follow my religious beliefs", or "be as devoted to Christ as me"!

THIS is the primary issue in Christendom today! AND, this is the reason why Christians "adopt " the same labels that "the world" does, like: Democrats, Republicans, Conversatives, Liberals, etc.

If we're REALLY about "the advancement of God's Kingdom", we will NOT be about labels or titles, but principles and practices that are issue-centricly based, biblically rooted and intentionally balanced - FOR ALL!


Well, since "knowledge puffs up" (according to scripture), the sense of "nobility" that certain Christians tend to "feel" - for not struggling with homosexuality, must be deliberately coupled with "humility" and a desire for "justice", which comes in "supernatural doses" as we readily partake of the "knowledge of God".  

Then, the "self righteousness" that tends to evolve from simply "possessing knowledge", will grow further into "blind" haughtiness or high-mindness that incorrectly places emphasis on ourselves (or our "broken humanity"), and not - HIS power, majesty and goodness.

So, here's how we CORRECTLY use or apply the "knowledge of God" in the world:

#1 - Just like the Children of Israel, "we" (Christians) are called in the same way to BE the "peculiar representation" of "chosenness" before the nations of the earth, and as CHRISTIANS, we are supposed to reflect what our "liberty in Christ" truly represents (NO CONDEMNATION. NO JUDGMENT. and MUCH LOVE.); amidst all kinds of darkness and depravity in the world.

#2 - CHRISTIANS are NOT called to "bully" or "muscle consent" about "any issue", but to walk in the authority of Christ with all "meekness" (strength, under control), BECAUSE "we win" when we're "in alignment and agreement" with Christ's purpose and promise for our lives - in our New Testament Reality (which IS a "better covenant with better promises").

#3 - Honoring the "virtues" and inalienable rights that are represented in our U.S. Constitution, which clearly references "the right of conscience" of every human being while then attempting to impose our views upon other people - "who believe or act differently", is a gross injustice and we MUST REPENT; because, "if GOD lets everyone choose to do what they want, based upon their own beliefs"; so should every Christian, without compromising their values one bit!


MISREPRESENTATION has to be one of the most significant reasons for our "diverse representation" in Christendom, where "unity in Christ, is lacking", and to have a "form of godliness, but to deny the power thereof" - places "us" (Christians) in a mode of "speaking - without attaining", "preaching - without practicing", and "judging - without living" uprightly ourselves! 

Because, "pointing at someone's speck" means very little when you or I have a "beam in our own eye", and as long as "we" are "the standard" - instead of CHRIST, frequent misrepresentations will continue to occur - even more frequently; because "the answer" really is total dependence and continual surrender to Christ...period!

NO, we MUST position our hearts to remain steadfast and unmovable in the midst of whatever is going on in the world, because the Bible guarantees "that darkness will cover the earth, and gross darkness the people".  But, NOT to make ourselves "the standard", and our "light" is to distiguish us in these precarious times - where those who are drawn to us will "see" the difference, and seek out true peace in the ONLY PLACE that it can be found!


Are you saying that we should be "patient" with the darkness and rebellion that seems to be more prevalent in the end times?  YES, because "where SIN abounds, GRACE does MUCH MORE ABOUND"!

The HUMOR in all of this (and, there isn't much)  "IS", most Christians are both POWERLESS and UNPREPARED for the "gross darkness ahead", so the "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" attitude - in regards to sin (and sinners), is just HILARIOUS to me!


The "God's-gonna-get-you-theology" seems most ludicrous in the face of all the "same sex" - adoptions, legislation and unions on the rise, right?  Not because God isn't SERIOUS about "judging sin", but due to the fact that "HE ALREADY HAS", in Christ!

YES, the "old saints" use to talk about the futility of "enjoying sin for a season", and that's STILL TRUE; BUT, when it appears that "their judgment will never come", Christians start to squirm with UNBELIEF, UPSET FEELINGS and wrestlings with UNDERLYING SIN in their own hearts!  

What we often don't really understand is, the implications of what our obedience today will mean to OUR ETERNAL REST & REWARDS, as well as to the promise of being blessed beyond measure "in this life"!?!


"It's NOT FAIR, JESUS! We're LIVING FOR YOU, and STILL SUFFERING! Their "openly sinning and rebelling, and yet, YOU seem to let them keep prospering and having fun!  ENOUGH ALREADY, JESUS!!!"

I KNOW that sounds real silly, but now, if you're REALLY walking with The Lord, what I just said will resonate with you, as it did with the Psalmist David during many of his "tirades before Heaven". 

CHRISTIANS: Either we're going to "live for God", no matter what anyone else does, or NOT!  We MUST rid ourselves of all the Pharisee-ism and Galatian-ism though, and "grow in the love of God" to the point that NO DARKNESS or HUMAN REBELLION - "bothers us", in a way that silences or suffocates our "LOVING" witness; because we DO have "the ultimate revelation" that one day, "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW!"

When I watch "Christians negatively react" to sin, like it's BIGGER THAN the "finished work of Christ", I "SMH" at the lack of knowledge that "steals the thunder" that the "Good News of the Gospel" is supposed "to reveal" and "to be" - for EVERY "struggling sinner", through our consistent witness for Jesus!


"Pastor Walter: Do you honestly "see God" looking upon the LGBTQ community with long-suffering and love, instead of indignation, judgment and wrath? Their "willfully opposing" HIS Word, and choosing "their sin" over HIS Way and HIS Will!"

YES, I DO BELIEVE that God is looking at "the world" through the lens of the "finished work of Christ", and WILL NOT pour out HIS Wrath upon rebellious humanity - "until the appointed time" (the end of the Age of Grace), and meanwhile, "seed, time and harvest - remains", while "HIS Grace" (Jesus Christ) pursues humanity with righteous zeal! 


A "sinner", willfully positioning themselves on the "wrong side" of "HIS law", is like them "tying their own noose", and if they want to fight a "losing battle", LET THEM; because, the "temper tantrums" of sinners trapped in sin that seem to be so prevalent amongst all of "frail humanity", doesn't bother God, ONE BIT!  HE's a "patient Father", and "JESUS PAID IT ALL"!

"Don't you believe in 'hell', Pastor Walter?"  YES, I DO!

"Well, how do you figure that God's going "to let them get away with living, 'in sin'?"

GOOD QUESTION, but, I have a better one...

Are we to "assign" the entire LGBTQ community to "hell", or are we "to disciple all nations" and "people groups" (uniquely distinct cultural segments in the world) concerning the Kingdom of God (God's Ways and Will - "in demonstration"); and then, "let God" change and transform those who are willing to follow HIM?

I'll let you ruminate on that question for just a moment...But, you KNOW the answer!

ALSO, do YOU - personally, "have a heaven or a hell" to put anyone into?

We BOTH KNOW "the answer" to that one too...


TO ASSUME that EVERYONE in the LGBTQ community is: callous, indifferent or rebellious towards the things of God - is ERROR!

TO ASSUME that the "growing support" in certain segments of society towards the LGBTQ community, is representative of some "irreligious disdain" for the things of God, happens to "be" TOTALLY and ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE!

"SO, what does some of the "public acceptance" and "new momentum" that the "media portrays" about LGBTQ, really supposed to mean, because "all I see" is: open rebellion, debauchery, lasciviousness and perversion?"

I understand, but that bespeaks of the reason CHRISTIANS really need to be "walking in the Spirit", and BEING "salt" and "light"!  SECULAR MEDIA does NOT represent the VOICE of Almighty God!  If you're allowing "media" to inform you of what's really going on in the hearts of the "lost world", you should begin "to attune your ear to HIS voice" - and stop following the crowd on the happenings and precarious winds of culture!


RIGHT NOW, Christians should be:
- Ramping up their outreach efforts and strategic program development, to see the best and most effective way to reach the LGBTQ community that is genuinely "crying out" for help!
- Sending prayer warriors, counselors, and social work professionals into the neighboring communities that are beginning to feel the weight of the brokenness and pain of this isolated community.
- Educating ourselves on the changing and developing landscape concerning the LGBTQ community, so that we are "culturally competent" and possess the capacity to answer the hard questions, while being able to intervene and intercede on behalf of those who really need guidance and direction. 


Does your "religion" allow or afford you the ability to "love" the "willfully stubborn", or permit you to share "HIS grace" in ministering to what some Christians consider - "the undeserving" LGBTQ community?  

If YOU are struggling to say, "YES", prayerfully - open your heart and please, KEEP READING!

Why are they (the LGBTQ community) "undeserving"?

Because, many Christians believe that "by reaching out or supporting someone whose broken body and life has been violently ravaged - by Aids" (as an example), even though they chose their own "lifestyle"; "they deserve to suffer the consequences for their own actions"...Right?

YES...We ALL deserve to "go to hell" for the darkness and depravity that we've often "willfully chosen", but GOD - sent HIS SON!

THIS is what it "actually means" to grasp what JESUS CHRIST did for the WHOLE WORLD; NOT, just Christians! AS LONG AS WE'RE STILL BREATHING, its NOT too late to "cry out to God"!

The "conditional love" that "we" (Christians) normally put on display towards "the world", is most often a LIMITING MISREPRESENTATION of what was actually completed at the "Cross of Christ", and the world can't SEE HIM - "in us", so they reject Christ on the grounds of "many of us" being - "false witnesses"; in the sense that "our capacity" is NOT representative of HIS!


In light of the recent "call to action" by The Coalition of African American Pastors, who are now aggressively seeking out the impeachment of the Attorney General - Eric Holder, which only "seems appropriate" because of what I deem "the misuse of his political office and authority" to advance a segment of an "extreme-activist agenda" of the LGBTQ community, and to ignore the will of the people...?!? 

BUT, actually, AG Holder can NOT be held responsible for the "state of the black family and community", just his contributory role in seeking "to overturn the vote (or will) of the people in over 30 states", which is creating an even greater tension in the pubic square.

It is personally my desire to encourage people "in the struggle", as well as "to coach and empower God's people" with an understanding of the proper context for: "walking in the love of God on LGBTQ issues", while "speaking the truth - in love", and "demonstrating" the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, as our sole focus!

This is NOT a "bury your head in the sand approach", or a "don't make anyone mad appeal", but a positive and progressive posture of Christ's Remnant that is seeking to both "relate to" and "sincerely understand" the heart cries of the LGBTQ community;and if you would simply LISTEN, their frustration and pain is REAL!


What does it mean for a Christian to "demonstrate" the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus?

First, it means to SETTLE the "grace issue" - up front! APART FROM CHRIST, "we" can do NOTHING! This does not mean that progress and results (generally speaking) are impossible without God, but it does mean that it has no "eternal meaning or value"; and in the scheme of HIS divine purpose - has no merit or worth!

Neither YOU or ME has the ability to "save anyone else", so focusing on "staying connected to The Vine" (Jesus Christ) ourselves, should be the singular and most important priority; and, then, to simply "be a witness" for others to see!

Secondly, it means to SEVER ourselves from the "old life", or anything that could be an adulterous or idolatrous yoke about "our necks", no matter how pleasurable or painful "removing it from our hearts" (or lives) may be!  

HOW? By simply "renewing our minds according to God's Word"!  The "change of mindsets" eventually means a "change of behavior", but NOT before a "change of heart"!

Finally, it means to SECURE "our own salvation, with fear and with trembling", "by humbling ourselves under HIS Mighty Hand", which leads to the "ongoing" - crushing, pressing and refining in our own lives ("HIS true disciples"); which is INEVITABLE for every "committed follower" and son, in the continuum of HIS eternal will!

In fact, when we "mind on our business", from the aspect of consciously living for Christ and not ourselves, we exude the truest representation of HIS purpose and promise, and live with a desire to shine for God's glory; which preoccupies and repositions our focus from judging others in a hateful way!


The "commandment of love" is Christ's non-negotiable mandate for every believer, and actually infers two things:
#1 - YOU can't "love people" unless HIS love is "alive" in you.
#2 - YOU can't "love God" unless you TRULY love HIS people. 

One of our BIG PROBLEMS in society today (especially amongst "nominal" believers or unbelievers) is an "arrogant irreverence" towards the things of God - and towards one another! This can clearly be seen in the "absence of love" that is shown in a way that tends to value "being right", above "loving people"!

Because, OBEDIENCE and SURRENDER are always "the primary keys" in receiving the promises of our New Testament Reality, a people that can NOT "enter HIS rest", who are more focused upon themselves - than HIM; also have no qualms "serving themselves" and not God or HIS people, and allowing their unbelief to steal the blessing of "serving others'; even when their undeserving or willfully choosing their sin!


In a "culture of death", where society often chooses to disbelieve or to resist God in the principles and practices of their "independent" operation, which can be plainly revealed through our various vicissitudes of life, the subsequent - blindness, lawlessness and rebellion of their hearts, can also be "seen" as well; and is guaranteed to continue to be "their reality", as long as life is lived outside of God's unending love and care through Christ's "redemptive plan"!

So, to act appalled or surprisingly affected by lost humanity's "futile pursuits" or "willful sins" -- in light of "Christ's Finished Work" for us, just seems a little ridiculous and a waste of time - and, "it is"; if, we're genuinely knowledgable of what Jesus has done for us, and REFUSE the only "saving grace" that this world has ever seen!  

WHY?  Because, Christians are to simply POINT to "The ONLY ONE that can SAVE US"!  HE, who - "was", "is", and forever "will be" - "THE ANSWER"...JESUS CHRIST!

"Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith" - means, HE is the "only standard bearer", and every other distraction or representation that humanity attempts to wave or credit, is a LIE!


PRAYER and DISCIPLESHIP is what we're supposed to be doing for ourselves and with "the searching world"! 

But, NOT the "pitiful prayers" that are absolutely powerless to "shake the heavens and the earth", which MUST BE "prayed in HIS Authority", with the consistent alignment and agreement "with" and "to" HIS Heart and HIS Mind that ALWAYS "receive answers"!

EVERYONE wants their "injustice to be righted", their "misunderstandings to be resolved' {and at the deepest level} "their identity to be affirmed"; so when you put "human suffering" into the equation, the only resolve is a "restoration that is NOT of this world"!  

But also, "HUMAN SUFFERING" is not BIGGER than CHRIST's REDEMPTION, for ANY of us!  So, don't ever make YOUR BROKENNESS, the limitation "you place" upon the unlimited strength of HIS "redeeming sacrifice" for everyone who believes!


Recently, I read an online article derived from "Facebook's Diversity Page" about the additional "51 Gender Options" that are now being made available to all U.S. residents who are a part of the online community. 

As a Christian, who is constantly being "watched by the world", we're either expected to be "totally judgmental" or "arrogantly barbaric" in expressing our thoughts about this latest development with Facebook.  

If we decided to communicate a "non-hostile approach" about the issue, we'd also probably be seen as "compromising" or as some "ultra-liberal Christian".  BUT, what's very interesting to me, is this:  "FACEBOOK" (through its policy change) has provided MANY people in the LGBTQ community the most "affirming and liberating feeling", especially for those really "battling" or "struggling" with LGBTQ in a "curious way"; as an "exploratory questioning of their own identity"; or as "committed to the lifestyle". 

I hear some Christians negatively ranting about my statement concerning "the affirmation and the liberty of the LGBTQ community"...And, their saying, "Of course, they 'feel liberated', because their making excuses, while living with and in their sins!"  

Yes, I can see your point!  But, if we're expecting a "religious or righteous response" (according to scripture) from a "hurting community", we're deceiving ourselves, and placing an undue burden upon "sinners"; where the crippling affects of "sin outside of consistently APPROPRIATING" - Christ's "perfect and remitting sacrifice"; is simply IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to be made "whole", apart from HIM!

SO, why can't Christians bring the "true liberty to bare" for those in the LGBTQ community?  BECAUSE, many of "us" are POWERLESS CHRISTIANS - ourselves, and don't know God's Word enough to either lovingly and pointedly share it in "covenantal context", or we're NOT founded in HIS Love enough to penetrate the hardness and darkness of their hearts, because of what's in our hearts; which the enemy wickedly - but subtly, "puts" on people that can't TRULY call Jesus, "LORD"!

THE FACEBOOK ARTICLE STATES... (The quotes (" ") are mine!

Here is what Facebook is saying to the world through their "51 gender options"...

"While Facebook and most websites (social or otherwise) has always used the sex terms, "male" and "female" to describe a users' gender, their recognition of the diversity of "gender identities and diverse presentations", is a welcome one, BUT WHY?

Traditionally, "sex" refers mainly to "biology", and is a configuration of chromosomes, hormones, gonads (ovaries, testicles), reproductive units (sperm, egg), and internal and external anatomy. And while sex is often talked about as if the only two options are male and female, "this two-sex system is inadequate for understanding the sex characteristics of all people".

Gender is more about your "personal sense of who you are" (e.g., man, woman, transgender, etc). Gender primarily refers to qualities that are masculine or feminine or neither or both. Just as sex is often talked about as male/female, gender is often thought about as being a man or woman. However, this binary gender system is inadequate for understanding the gender of all humans, "especially across cultures". Many societies are now expanding their use of gender terms.

Gender terms are dynamic and some terms are more often used or preferred in some communities, or parts of the country. Some terms are also generational, being more common among younger or older people. Facebook's list of gender terms cannot cover every possible identity a person can have. Similarly, our glossary to these terms – while put together with much thought and care - most certainly cannot capture all of the nuances of gender, or "how people feel about their own identities".

Gender identity can be a sensitive issue and it's best to let other people tell you about their gender (if they want to) rather than make assumptions. Facebook's new gender options give people a chance to do just that and, we feel, are a good step toward expanding conversations about gender. Remember as you read through these gender terms that they are terms of gender – not sex, and not sexual orientation. Those are totally different topics."  (**END of FACEBOOK Article**)


Since the "binary gender system" is said to be "inadequate to adequately define the characteristics of all people", in Facebook's opinion, the answer lies in expanding our thoughts and views around "human experience", and allowing "it" to "redefine reality"; so that no one's personal journey is discredited or discounted.  

Now, can you see how Satan has woven such a deceitful web of chaos and confusion that basically places "experience and feelings" above "God's Word and faith"?  VERY INTERESTING, right?

If the "two-sex system" is a "limiting factor" upon what is felt to be common amongst the pervasive gender identities and presentations amongst the LGBTQ community, than "in their own hearts and minds" there must be something to discover about their particular human experience that "old" science and "traditional" Judeo-Christian perspective has grossly hindered; and now their basically refusing to allow the lack of openness and understanding of "the majority" to suffocate their searching and open hearts to do as they please, by simply sleeping with or loving another human being of the same sex.

CHRISTIANS: WE MUST understand the strategy of the enemy in all of this! The lascivious lifestyle associated with a certain segment of the LGBTQ community, is NOT what those who support "monogamous relations, between the same sex" are fighting for!  And, what is said to be "the total destruction of society" (because of "LGBTQ lifestyles"), is both overstated and a gross offense to the "finished work of Christ"!  

Because, where things may decline or be diminished in society due to "alternative lifestyles", in the sense that "LGBTQ is NOT God's original intent", the quality of someone's life - "spiritually-speaking", will be negatively affected by them putting ANYTHING before their relationship with CHRIST!

From this article we can also see that "feelings" have begun to be ranked above "biological facts" and "physical science", which seems to no longer be the "trump card" of all relevant conversations about this issue and many others.  

Also, due to the ongoing affects of humanistically based scientific theories and postmodernism that is moving many towards basing their latest findings upon the views that they've gained from esteeming "human experience", rather than historical facts or empirical research; and appears to be the way history will be written in the future. 


YOU and I are MORE than our "genitalia" or our "sexual gender", and we're also MUCH MORE than our "gender identity", "sexual preferences" and orientations! 

"Male" and "Female" are "sexual gender's", just as "Man" (Men) and "Woman" (Women) are "developmental positions" or stages in the normal cycle of growth amongst "maturing" human beings! 

I do NOT believe that a person who has never settled the issue of "identity" can truly be "developmentally healthy" or whole. Subsequently, its this same dividedness that all too often leads to many "trans-escapades", which may or may not include multiple surgeries and confused identities as the backdrop behind people not choosing one gender or another, according to God's "creative order" and "original intent"!

AND, with humanism and scientific discovery on the rise in a more profoundly "secular way", philosophical agreement with the world will always trump spiritual conviction from God's Word, so the "identity crisis" continues without a total breakdown or shakeup in the human heart.

If a person believes that they have no "specific" gender identity, but then in turn attempts to alter or change the gender they were "born as", both the physiological and psychological impacts of their choice to move forward with a formal "sex change" (based upon how they presently "feel inside"), will be a source of continual torment and confusion; until their "at peace" within themselves!


To my shock and surprise as I continue to see the culture succumb to political correctness run amuck, even the consideration of many social practitioners, to bend towards these erratic behaviors for addressing mental or psychological traumas in someone's life is dangerous, and "wicked" to say the least...WHY? Because, when "profiting is primary, the needs of the hurting are secondary"- and the appeasing in our culture, is leading people into "self worship" and destructive ends.

In fact, in the Kingdom of God, "we are neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female", so our individual lives - outside of God's "procreative agenda" - through the marital union of one man and one woman, is simply about us living for HIS purpose and worshipping HIM, "in spirit and in truth"!  


NOW, let's think about this:  "Children are born every day", and, all too often "outside the confines of Holy Matrimony"...Does this somehow "stop God" in disqualifying "sinful" humans from participating in "the procreative process"; since the biblical principles of "sex in marriage" and NOT "outside the marriage bed", is still very important to HIM and to the blessed life?  

And, since "fidelity to one person of the opposite sex" (as your husband or wife), is still the biblical standard -- along with the undeniable fact that "the laws of harvest" are an unchanging reality; Why are "unbelieving sinners" still able to have children? Shouldn't those "without covenant" be barren?

When the Bible says, "It rains on the just and on the unjust", its not imposing an unfair judgment or harvest - from God's to HIS people! Instead, it is addressing the present realities of the earth -- still under the curse, and reassuring the faithful children of The Lord to trust God without fainting, wavering or fearing; amidst the challenges associated with living for God in this world.

God is JUST, even when life doesn't seem fair; and our "best bet" is to continue to follow HIS leading and entrust ourselves into HIS hands, so the restoration and full manifestation of HIS promise will be beautifully-revealed "in time"!


Of course my next statements may come across as "spiritual mumbo-jumbo" to those who don't share my "unfeigned faith in Jesus Christ", but EVERYONE should come off of their "high horses" of criticism, judgment and hateful rantings about LGBTQ issues, and ask this one question: "WHO, is the REAL ENEMY in this fight?"

CHRISTIANS: Are those "for" or "against" the LGBTQ lifestyle really "the enemy", or is the satanic accusation, indifference, ignorance, misinformation, and unfair judgment -- about the numerous arguments surrounding these issues, "the REAL ENEMY"?

Obviously, some people in the world may say that the "outdated beliefs" of Christians - is to blame, while certain Christians might contend that the "rebellious hearts" of gays and lesbians - is to blame...BUT, the real issue in our world is "the condition of the human heart", an "unrenewed mind", and "the defeated disposition" of both "nominal Christians" and "lawless unbelievers"; and, that doesn't mean their insincere or that they are "playing ignorant" concerning their heart commitment and devotion to Jesus Christ; or to whatever value system that they espouse!


If the only "substantive remedy" concerning these landmark issues and this subject matter, is - "surrender to God in the person of Jesus Christ", every day that we are permitted to live...How come SO MANY people are STILL struggling, who sincerely serve Jesus?

Because, there are "certain things" we are yet to discover in our generation, and the "blind crusading on either side", is - mean-spirited, dark, and out of alignment with the ONE LAW of the New Testament Reality...LOVE!

Are you saying that a "committed Christian" could "never identify" or truly choose to live or practice the LGBTQ lifestyle?  ABSOLUTELY, NOT!  I'm saying - what I said in my previous blog...

"Relationship with Jesus Christ" is an evolutionary transformation and transition from "glory to glory", so the reason many of these prevailing issues in the hearts of people in the LGBTQ community - seems "yet unresolved", because "their present reality and mindset" still holds these things as impossible, debatable or unclear; as it is also in segments of the Christian community that are also "struggling"!  

AND, "only time" will reveal whether a person is "truly committed" to walking with The Lord, and if they will actually "allow HIM" to "change them" - according to HIS "perfect will and timing"; and then, refuse to entertain or negatively debate about these issues!


The "LGBTQ community" is POWERLESS to "change themselves", and without Christ permitted to do a "thorough and complete work in their hearts", "transforming them" and all of us - by HIS power, is just NOT possible -- without HIS grace as "the only source of healing and wholeness"; and, only that will help to focus us upon serving HIS cause and being a part of "HIS community", and not trying to create our own around our particular area of "brokenness"!

The CHRISTIAN LIFE is NOT "about us", and what is known as "forbidden" - in biblical context concerning "same sex relations", also has similar emphasis and importance to "unmarried heterosexuals"; who are fornicating or living loosely as well, and God is NOT pleased! 

MY BELIEF IS: "In the continuum of surrender and selfless sacrifice and service to The Lord, Christ changes us in HIS own way and in HIS own timing!" In other words, you can "know it in your head", but until it "floods your heart - and changes your mind", change or transformation in your physical life will scarcely occur!


In society, there is a "real" sea-change when it comes to "the power of opinions, preferences and world-views", and the growing impact of social commentary and outspoken "auto-centric rhetoric" -- is rapidly expanding the "values compass" of many people; while there are so many things that are being challenged, questioned and changed in the former role that the "majority view" -- which is influenced by Judeo-Christian world-views, is playing in society today!

As the voice of "the marginalized" and "the minority" in society has become increasingly more powerful through social media networks - like Facebook that is defying the long-held claims and values of the culture's "status quo", "all foundations are being revealed"; but, more importantly, "SALT, must now - BE SALT" and "LIGHT, must now - BE LIGHT"!

And, while all the "self diagnosing" and selfish or self-centered desires that are both "in" and "outside" the church surface more and more, for personal acceptance, affirmation and support, the divide and decadence on the rise should not be any surprise to devoted Christians!?!


The "image" of all humans references the godlike characteristics of HIS "perfect" design and purpose being made known - through us, as creative, communicative, intelligent, morally responsive, purposeful, relational, and spiritual "beings"!

What makes us "perfect" is NOT represented by our "flawless perfection" in relationship by any "merited performance or goodness" of our own, but in relation to our "conscious understanding" of HIS love "for us"; and HIS desire for unbroken fellowship and intimacy "with us", no matter "who we are"!

In realizing that we were "created in HIS image", this should both educate and empower us to realize our God-given potential; to expand upon our present capacities by observation, participation and study; and, to express our unique distinctions without conformity, as the imprint of HIS creative genius in us is revealed throughout life.

Some LGBTQ persons believe that Christians are asking "them" to CONFORM to their ideas of what human sexuality and marriage should look like! And, without the "God factor" in the equation, their totally right! 

BUT, it's only the Christian with "good sense" - who KNOWS that "POWER belongs to God", and all the discipline in the world - can't save us!  So, Christians with very little "self-control" themselves, who are trying to sell that "deprivation is deliverance" for the LGBTQ person, while still struggling with similar issues or others --like gluttony, obesity, or greed, is "just as grievous to God", who are "living life" outside of Christ's Finished Work! 


The "identity" of a person "outside of Christ", means that the essence of their personal worth and value is going be tied to some "person, place or thing" that is temporal, and not eternal; IF THEY ARE NOT - "born again"! 

Sometimes, life experiences, painful memories or environmental exposure, actually "colors our perception" - above the Word of God, and "we struggle with living in the shadows of things" that either misrepresents or misstates "who" we are - in Christ, but NOT apart from HIM or without HIS guidance and love!  

So, our personal "integrity" or being "true to one's self", is NOT just about living with intentionality, but "staying true" to God's ordained purpose for your life, instead of bowing to peer pressure or cultural conformity in any form, religiously or otherwise!


GOD WANTS EVERY PERSON - "to live from the place their heart, presently is"!

For many years, the LGBTQ community has been working tirelessly to both authenticate and value the voice of millions of people who have too-long felt demonized, ostracized and penalized - by "their difference", but are now beginning to see some justice in the formal recognition of both government and society concerning their "unique feelings and experiences", which they want others to see as "common to life".

Strangely, the Christian Community, who should be the greatest extension of God's goodness and love towards them, feel awkwardly persecuted and out-of-touch for "holding to their ground" about homosexuality "being a sin"; while emphatically continuing to renounce and to resist the outspoken claims of thousands concerning the LGBTQ lifestyle and experience on every available front, to remain peculiarly engaged in the battle that "many make bigger than REDEMPTION" - but, it really IS NOT! 


While some Christians may see this as even a greater gulf between "light" and "darkness" (and, it is), the backdrop for conversation and introduction to the "metaphysical" or the supernatural dimension, is becoming even more purposefully necessary, from the standpoint of God's people properly discerning Christ's End-Time Agenda in the "active sense" - that it is NOT an afterthought or disengagement with the culture of death; which is truly moving further away from "God's Original Intent".


Is "Christian homophobia" based upon the fear that the various feelings and experiences in the diverse pursuits of human beings (the world) will somehow "thwart" or make God's POWER of no effect?

God's "Original Intent" versus the normal "human realities" that we face every day, is where most of us (Christians and non-Christians) "severely struggle", but, we really don't have to!

How can we combat the "soulish" dissidence and heart upheaval that is most COMMON, where the absence of the knowledge of God - peculiarly paralyzes the person with overwhelming thoughts that are rooted in real-life experiences, which most certainly speaks louder to them than God's Word?

In the face of ALL THE EVIL in our world, the POWER and PRESENCE OF GOD is not diminished or lessened at all!

The "seducing fear" that has some Christians on the ropes, only exists because "our hearts are NOT established - upon God's Truth"!

And, if any elements of the culture that's presently "staring many of us down", has challenged or minimized the greatest of HIS Power - in any way, the spirit of fear we've permitted -- will have dominion over us; and the darkness of this world will convince you that we're flailing around powerless, in a losing battle of defeat!  


TRULY, we can NOT deny that "sexual preferences" and "sexual orientation" is a combination of both a "natural" and "learned" behavioral experiences, although many of us do not understand this in light of the LGBTQ "struggle".

For instance, to tell someone from the LGBTQ community that their feelings are wrong or "unnatural", is like telling a person to deny their "actual experience", and then to turn around and attempt to change what they call or consider "normal" - from someone else's experience that is different; and this is alot for many of the members of this community to accept. Yet, that doesn't mean that people are not being "deceived" in some way or another, by proponents of this lifestyle and agenda!

"Gender identity" and "gender reality" are really "two different animals" - in the hearts of some LGBTQ persons, but - for many of us, it's simply "denying reality"; although what is "in" a person's heart - IS "their reality"!


YES, it would seem that the mere "fact" that "procreative faculties" in heterosexual relations would pretty much be the "divine finger" pointing towards God's "original intent" and higher purpose, right?

Isn't the advancements in medicine, as well as the scientific breakthroughs that allows for "same-sex couples" to have children, ultimately STILL in God's Sovereign Care? It absolutely is, but does that mean that "God willed" these relationships and the potential offspring that result to actually "be"?

And, "Pastor Walter: Are you saying that GOD "authored these children" that are actually born OUT of "holy matrimony"?  ABSOLUTELY, NOT! 

But, I am saying that I align my beliefs with the "reconciling balance" that is associated with seeing mankind's stewardship of the earth - and their own welfare, as CENTRAL to understanding and properly comprehending GOD's MIND about "life in this cursed cosmos"; UNTIL the "final reclamation" of Christ's restitution and restoration occurs on The Father's behalf.


Of course "science matters", but if Facebook's 51 Options concerning "gender identity" - is genuinely "scientific", than any manipulation or doctoring on the part of any person, would be absolutely unnecessary, right?

In other words, GOD WOULD BE TOTALLY CRUEL, to place any person in a "crisis of identity", when the miracle of birth and life - is STILL IN HIS HANDS!


Because, PERSONAL HISTORY is not PROOF of anything "scientific", and because someone's individual experience does NOT change HIS Purpose or change HIS Heart; PERSONAL FEELINGS do NOT alter or influence HIS Will in any way!

What GOD PERMITS in the scope of our human experience, is NOT about HIS desire to see us struggle or wander!  It's all about "the unending quagmire of the human soul" that is constantly seeking after knowledge, and coming to "know" good and evil; instead of entrusting ourselves to HIS eternal and immutable power, by quieting our hearts and renewing our minds.

Some of the prevailing issues surrounding the LGBTQ issue includes: the biological, the physiological, the psychological, the metaphysical or spiritual, and the emotional areas of a person. But, without the agreement and continuity of a well-rounded argument or understanding, the lop-sided opinions that are solely based in "human experience", amidst a multiplicity of alternating variables and various levels of personal exposure, makes assigning "a solution" very difficult; especially when God's Word is given low value or esteem in the sight of those who faintly grasp its importance and its integrity!


Yes, this a "good question", but NOT what the issue is really about!

A flaw with "God's design" is NOT the issue, but the "perversion" of God's design is; although it's NOT a "blame game", when it comes to addressing or dealing with this most important topic as a whole.

A big part of the confusion in defining "gender roles" between the actual experience that many males and females have, and by focusing on the culture's "changing" personal preferences, prejudicial biases and historical misconceptions; when we've broadened and complicated the range of various social arguments surrounding "identity".  Being "Christian" or "accepting Christ", does not eliminate the need for the renewal of the mind in the life of every sincere follower!

There's an "old song" that use to say, "sweep around your own front door, before you try to sweep around mine"...And, I'd have to say, I CONCUR!  Our assignments do NOT include any form of "brow beating", "sin inspecting", or "political banter"!  

CHRISTIANS:  We are CALLED to "love the unlovely", so our best bet is to "sweep intently and consistently in our own lives"; so that we will NEVER be found "preaching without practicing"!


Perceptions are ideas which transmit images or word pictures that become thoughts. Once the thought is put into action, with continued conscious or unconscious behavior, a belief system is established, which eventually becomes a lifestyle choice!

Being “led by the Spirit” then pertains to an active-conscious agreement with God that shields the individual from contrary action, which is evident through works of the flesh. The flesh = carnal nature without God!

See Galatians 5:16-26 

“16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.  19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.  22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”

Perfect understanding is the acknowledgement and recognition of our purpose and design in Christ, while walking in the wisdom of obedience to the Father’s original intent. This original intent reveals the pattern of our design and helps us to see what God thinks about us, as the Perfect Designer and Master Architect!

Perfect Peace is the realization that despite difficult circumstances, past wounds, or missing God’s original intent, in disobedience your do never determines your who!

Security in Wisdom means that following the instruction manual provides more than resource materials or rewards. It is a protection against mismanagement and misunderstanding that are a result of the ignorance of perfect design!

In the minds and hearts of every individual, unless we believe and can see with understanding the divine purpose and meaning of our life through eyes of faith concerning the Father’s intent for being born, we are unable to walk in the unlimited freedom that comes as a result of believing that God did not create humanity flawed or create us with imperfections!

Wilderness wandering” really represents the captivity of thought that rules in the midst of accepting the perceived or current reality as your final end, as well as accepting that you were designed with human weakness, just so that God could rule over you! This transition of thought is called “renewing the mind” so that your thoughts agree with His thoughts, plan and purpose concerning you - His perfect design and original intent!

God would never restore humanity to imperfection, but only to His original intent in breathing life into creation! Christ coming to earth to re-institute and re-establish the Kingdom of God, was His primary mission and mandate from the Father! By repossessing the lost keys of death, hell, and the grave, He demonstrated that a sinless life was possible and the power of sin no longer had a hold where God’s design was understood!

Confronting Brokenness does not provide license for irresponsibility; permit disagreement or disobedience to God’s word using human weakness as an excuse; and does not maintain beliefs or behaviors that disallow full cooperation of the Father’s original intent. But, it does recognize our desperate need for knowing who Christ is in us, and correcting/changing anything that disagrees with the purpose we were created to fulfill!

“Sin” is willful disobedience or innocent ignorance of God’s purpose and design. Jesus simply said to a person lost in sin, to “be healed” and “go and sin no more”. (John 5:14)

Did Jesus live a sinless life to make us see how wretched we are? Or, did He reveal what the Father’s intent was all along through His spotless and perfect walk in obedience to the Master Designer?

Jesus never condemned anyone for their sin. He simply laid out the results of disobedience or mismanagement of God’s perfect design! (John 8:3-12)

If a computer was programmed incorrectly, the only requirement would be to re-program the unit with the correct software that agrees with the specific design and parameters of the operating system.

We were created to operate in obedience to our design and never to conform to any other purpose or belief system.

Resistance to change, fear or transition, and jealousy of someone else is directly linked to misunderstanding purpose and design!

"RENEW your mind to purpose and design, you'll never be the same - enlarge your space by His glory and grace, and His blessing will consume you with time. RELAXyourself and take a ride upon His love always, and expect the best no matter what the test - YOU are God's Perfect Design!"


I bid all of Christ's Church to FOCUS on "discipling the nations", by relating and NOT debating; because until "our experience" is placed as "secondary to God's Word", the disunity and dissidence of the human soul towards the Spirit of God, will continue.

Is it NOT STRANGE to any Christian that the "city of refuge" that is made reference to in the scripture, has a similar connotation to "West Hollywood" for the LGBTQ community?  Why is it SAFE to "be who you are, on the way to where you're going" - in every other community, BUT the Christian community?

Are we so HELL BENT on "changing others" and "fitting in to our religious boxes" that we believe that an LGBTQ person "claiming faith", but living in opposition to God's Word from the standpoint of most "Christian teaching" on LGBTQ, is REALLY "the end of all civilization...?  Come on now, Saints!?!

The LGBTQ community believes in "the Strength of many, but also in the Power of One"!  That's why their representative voice is strengthened and NOT diminished, no matter how few may be in their number! 

Can "we" say the same about the Christian community? We're awful calculated, cautious, and compartmentalized as a "kingdom community", but is that because we're convinced or maybe we're really NOT?  "People of faith" (in Christ Jesus), "who know what they know", are actually UNMOVED by detractors, opponents and wickedness! 

CHRISTIAN: Would you be willing to "eat a meal cooked by an LGBTQ community couple" that invited you to get to know them?  It's NOT possible to "befriend", who you're also trying to change, is it?

"WEARING RELIGION ON YOUR SLEEVE" will NOT win the LGBTQ community one iota! And, what we often communicate as "God's standard from HIS Word" - is true and right, except "earth's realities" do NOT reflect HIS "kingdom ideals"; and neither will they for us in many circumstances of our lives!

Does that mean we can "do as we please", and ignore HIS Word? NO, it means that people who do NOT treat HIS Word as "the" foundational basis of their lives, will be hit and miss in their approach to adopting HIS principles in their lives, and also more prone to living beneath HIS "ordained will"; until their minds are renewed and changed by HIS Word!

YES, the Bible says:
- "Come from among them and be ye separate"; but is THAT a command NOT to love, to minister or to relate?
- "All the ways of a man seems right in his own eyes, but the end thereof is destruction"; but does that mean God won't extend HIS mercy to a "struggling sinner"?
- "This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith"; but does that mean we never struggle with our flesh, if we don't "actively surrender" to Christ? 

Only a POWERLESS believer is ill-equipped and unprepared for the fight that is required to disciple the nations!  "Faith in Christ" is NOT a "passive engagement" after your sincere confession and heartfelt acceptance of HIM! It is the life-breathe of a life lived with, for, and on purpose, and the key to the commitment of a purpose-driven life is knowing "how much" HE loved/loves us; so "the power to become" and "walk out" a victorious life is possible!


AS I attempt to "keep up" with the prevalent see-saw views that I see many people having about the LGBTQ community and the issues surrounding it, one thing about all of the rhetoric and opinion-swapping that won't change is, true believers that have "a revelation of God's Love, through the Person of Jesus Christ", will be of the greatest use to HIM in these dark and evil days!

If you've NEVER struggled or wavered over some particular area of "sin" in your life, or ever deeply contemplated and questioned concerning "these kinds of issues" that seem so "normal" or common to the masses of imperfect people, who are consciously living life -- while remaining "open" to what God may reveal to them about it in their hearts; we will definitely be stirred by "the height, depth, length, and width of HIS love that surpasses knowledge", and if or until THAT occurs, "having God's mind" about how to relate and win hearts for HIM, won't even be your desire or ever become possible!

The "debatable" represents the "imperfect knowledge" that 1 Corinthians 13 says "will pass away", and is the basis for "why I'm convicted to stir up love", and NOT win arguments or demean someone else's choice - based upon their own beliefs; while remaining anchored in God's truth and still being available "to them" and "to God", if the time ever comes for leading people closer to HIM..

My prayer for us ALL is to continue to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! WS-3


http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/02/26/leader-of-black-pastors-group-tries-to-  impeach-holder-uses-harsh-words-to-describe-obama-103308




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