There's an INTERESTING "theology" around "getting or completing your education" amongst many Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers, but WHY?
I'm researching it now, but there's a FEW THINGS that come to my mind as I'm thinking about it:
- Some people believe that "revelation knowledge" makes "base knowledge", unnecessary..THIS is FALSE, and proves to be if you follow the logical path to that thinking. E.g. - IF GOD "gives us a revelation about a disease someone's battling with -- through a "word of knowledge" or "word of wisdom", the NEXT DAY we can't go "practice medicine"; right?!? RIGHT! "Laugh out loud!"! YES, that "revelation" may provide insight that makes medicine or the scheduled procedure unnecessary, but has NO BEARING on your "capacity" beyond what was "revealed"!
- Some people "say" that "God told them, "they don't need an education"; "HE is their teacher". BUT, if their lack of knowledge or understanding could potentially "bring about danger or harm" in the scope of them "carrying out their ministry"; THAT "clearly" was NOT GOD giving them those instructions! PERHAPS, the "god of their own hearts or minds", but NOT, Almighty God! We MUST "stop assigning things to GOD, that clearly belongs to US! Smh..
When The Lord is actually leading, "the unlearned" told to "follow HIM", doesn't necessarily mean their UNPREPARED! Sometimes, "hard knocks" and "experiential wisdom" -- is ENOUGH; but its RARE in the "new marketplace", where" graduate level degrees" from three years ago, are now ALREADY OUTDATED!
MINISTRY in the 21st century requires EDUCATION! Pray about "it", but GET IT!
- AND, some people are supernaturally endowed with GOD's Spirit and Wisdom, but that doesn't NEGATE the need for "book knowledge" that better equips you to serve the sea of humanity that are looking for MORE THAN "a revelation" from someone they KNOW is ignorant of "life outside the scripture"; which makes most preachers come across "very" IMBALANCED, CULTURALLY ILLITERATE, and UNWISE!
MAYBE, just maybe, GOD "told you" to seek HIM FIRST in a past season about "your education", but your obedience to "begin" your course that way, didn't mean "continue the course" UNPREPARED!?!
I have HUNDREDS of testimonies (throughout the years) of individuals who actually believed that they "heard this", and ended up in very precarious positions and also FACING "criminal charges"; because they lacked the KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED to serve the needs of people in today's climate..
THE QUESTION you MUST "ask yourself" if you're actually thinking on or wrestling about this is..WHY wouldn't I want to "be" THOROUGHLY PREPARED" for the people that I'm called to serve? Don't YOU want your doctor, lawyer or attorney COMPLETELY KNOWLEDGABLE in their respective field, so that you receive the maximum benefit from their education and study? OF COURSE, you do! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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