"Building Bridges - The LGBT & Christian Communities..."

My Thoughts on Homosexuality

Disclaimer: This is not an attempt to be academic or empirical in the way that I approached writing this document, neither is it meant to be a comprehensive strategy to the many "fronts" that exist with this landmark issue.  I'm simply speaking from my heart, and I did NOT consult anyone about this issue as I've been prayerfully constructing this opinion – based upon my current or developing "biblical knowledge". Forgive my “limited knowledge” concerning the scope of the issue, as you read. Where you discover errors or omissions, please feed back to me at (pureinheart@att.net), so that I can gain more insight and better understanding as I address this community that I love, despite our obvious differences. I'm not fragile, so don't waste time hurling insults - it really won't be given my precious energy, or affect me! God Bless!

 (Pastor Walter L Smith III; Published on 9/29/2011)

 P.S. - Read to the bottom - you won't regret it!

Jesus Christ accepts and receives you - "just like you are", but He loves us all too much to leave us the way He found us!"

"Becoming all things to all people" is NOT compromising, but relating to others on the basis of our human experience.  "Loving not the world, nor the things that are in it", is not a command to disassociate from sinners, but to forbid feeding the inordinate affection for the world system lying dormant or wide-awake in us through being subject to corruption, greed and lust that is in this world!


 I believe that homosexuality is a sin; but so are lying, stealing, fornication, and gluttony; which many Christians do in the church today!  Well, I can hear some of the saints saying, "We're forgiven, and are not willfully sinning - so it's not the same!” Well, it is if we try to take advantage of God's grace (as believers), by casually committing to Christ, and allowing sin to have dominion over us - making us without excuse, and causing His perfect sacrifice to be negated in respect to its remitting and redeeming power in our lives.

 I believe that homosexuality is unnatural; meaning it was not God's original intent, and it does not follow the natural order of all living beings through procreation - by the cohabitation of male and female species to bring offspring into the world.

 I believe that a homosexual can become a Christian, but in pursuing a vibrant and uncompromising relationship with Jesus Christ and renewing the mind through God's word, the lifestyle choice and behavior will eventually change!  Not because of indoctrination, accusation or persecution from other Christians, but because "He that has begun a good work in them will complete it, until the day of Jesus Christ!"


"Embracing the homosexual" is NOT "condoning their sin", or agreeing with their choices!  We should always express our beliefs and convictions based on the authority of God's word, but extend love despite them rejecting our witness and plea for them to know Christ, or turn from their sin!

 Seeing ourselves as "God's messengers" or "crusaders" to justify hateful words or actions towards others - is one of the delusional fallacies and blunders of many well-meaning Christians towards "sinners".  But, the ministry of Jesus was proof that the "religious status quo", who either added to or took away from the  Word of God, were actually the one's worthy of the correction that He brought during His frequent interaction with them during His earthly ministry.

Only radical fundamentalists and terrorists believe that they have a legitimate right or basis for harming others, in the name of their god!


Christian Ministries are NOT called to save people, we can't; but simply to invite (compel as the Spirit draws) people to Christ and share the "good news" of what He has done for us all!

When an individual, for as long as they can remember, has had certain desires and thoughts - it is logical for them to believe that their "bent" is naturally towards whatever their heart and mind is speaking to them. If we didn't properly receive the love and nurturing we needed as a child, we could definitely feel a connection to the same sex, if our emotional needs were satisfied from that person, as an example.  The mere trauma itself could color our perception and draw us down a different path.

Trying to change the homosexual abruptly with our words that we call "spiritual", will yoke them with more condemnation, fear and rejection - no matter how sincere and loving we might share our opinion or God's word to dissuade them from their current course, convictions or choices. 

It's just not love or wisdom to try and change someone who is not convicted that their beliefs or behaviors are wrong!  And, it really makes all of our good "Christian" advice and rhetoric sound more like we're being judgmental, hypocritical and brain-washed barbarians, who don't have a clue what we're talking about; or we're so deep in the stone-ages, any "progressive thought" about alternative lifestyles is too much for our homophobic beliefs! 

On top of all that - those who have spoken the loudest in the Christian community have even been exposed for the very behavior they've criticized others of doing; while boldly pronouncing the fires of hell to come down on the "ruinous sinners" for their willful decisions to sin; but not to renounce their own secret sinful "behaviors"... 


Today, most of the Christian community is divided on the best way to address homosexuality, from the standpoint of the behavior, the lifestyle, and the agenda.  The scripture draws distinction between the "willfully obstinate", the "struggling sinner" or the "backslidden saint".  A sinner that wags their finger in the face of God, ignores God's truth, and chooses to renounce the only sacrifice that mattered to God through Christ's finished work at Calvary, will eventually face the consequences of their decisions - in life, and at judgment day.   

But, with God's love at work in our hearts (hopefully) DEMANDS that we lavish His goodness on them even though they've rejected Him initially; and until death leaves us no more time to reach or to compel them to come!  We're to go the second mile and resign ourselves, to give the enemy no victories with any wavering souls left hanging in the balance; no matter what they did one minute before they cross over into eternity. 

One of the real problems in the Christian Community is our quick concessions or withdrawal from a particular situation or issue "in the name of the Lord"; we lack love!  Your or my capacity, or the lack thereof - to forgive, to let go of past hurts, and to overlook someone's judgmental words or sinful struggle, does NOT place God in the box we live, or represent His willingness or unwillingness to extend mercy.  Our capacity doesn't reveal His capacity!  As much as we'd like everything to be cut and dry - it isn't!  There are many reasons God extends His goodness to a struggling person, or His mercy to the undeserving and willfully obstinate sinner; no matter how long it's been - because only He can judge what’s really in their hearts. 


The marriage issue is a hot-button topic right now, and most people side with defining marriage as the union of a man and woman; and that is my belief and preference.  But- let's not forget that God established the institution of marriage, and whether the President, Supreme Court, or committed Christians attempt to uphold the definition or not; it does not change His original intent.  In this Democratic Republic, all any of us can do is vote our conscience on the issues; and as for the Christians - we can also fast and pray.  But coming on media platforms with hateful or judgmental statements, while mocking their lifestyles and quoting scriptures simultaneously, is clearly NOT the will of God! 

Why aren't we seeking to pass laws concerning common-law relationships or heterosexual fornication? Because we're either "party" to the behavior or lifestyle choice, it doesn't really affect us, or we're neutral - it doesn't really matter to us one way or the other.  If we're going to attempt "using the law" to deal with something we legitimately believe is sin, then we're placing the LGBT community in an impossible position, because they can't change themselves one iota!  

Behavior-modification and brain-washing through indoctrination is impossible on both sides; but true heart conversion is a God-thing - and we all need His power to accomplish that!  You're saying - how could hurling scriptures at the LGBT community be brainwashing?  Well, the Bible says "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life!" If we use the scripture as a rod of correction, we've become the judge, creating a standard we can't live up to ourselves, and are bringing them further under the condemnation that the law brings to every struggling human being!  


The ONLY stones of correction Jesus ever threw were at the mean-hearted, law- keeping, religious-status quo of His time, in that of the Pharisees and Sadducees, who absolutely hated His liberty, mercy and understanding towards sinners.  I've always heard, you'll be surprised who ends up in heaven... 

Sadly, we can't change ourselves through "conversion therapy", but believe we can change someone else.  Confessing Christ as Savior is just the beginning!  Christ becoming Lord is walked and lived out in the sanctification process throughout our lives! 


I believe in holiness, deliverance from demonic influence in every area, and physical healing or wholeness by God's redeeming power; but it's taken me YEARS by God's grace alone, to overcome the impacts of my own molestation as a child through God's restorative work and patience with me.  I have had to renew my mind - one day at a time! 

To suppose that someone/anyone (a homosexual) would willfully choose to be verbally assaulted, beat up, and marginalized for just anything, is absolutely ludicrous and totally ignorant!  Satan is the deceiver, and our fight is not with flesh and blood! 


The Christian community must exemplify love and compassion for the LGBT community that has suffered for years, because somehow we believe God's not on His throne if "their behavior, lifestyle and agenda" are advanced in any way. We're NEVER compromising the Word of God when we love the sinner who refuses to repent of their sin, to overlook a fault, or extend mercy to someone undeserving. I'm NOT saying the LGBT Community should not be challenged with God's truth in the person of Jesus Christ, but I am saying God does NOT need our help to uphold or to defend His word. 

What should the LGBT Community do to eliminate any ill treatment and hatred towards the so-called dissenters in the Christian Community?

- Do not demonize the sincere efforts of Christians to protect their family's values and beliefs by forcing the gay agenda on their children within the educational system.
- Is the redefining of marriage going to provide any different benefits then legal civil unions?  What do the vows mean if the institution established by God historically never involved same-sex relationships, but the state approves?
- Why does the LGBT Community believe that parading around by showing "gay pride" and indecency or licentious behavior, is the advancement of its cause? 

What should the Christian Community do to eliminate prejudicial treatment and hatred against the LGBT Community?

- Hate the sin; love the sinner by winning them through relationship building!  Being there, hearing their hurts, maintaining your convictions without judging their actions, and trusting the Holy Spirit to convict or draw them to Christ - is the key.
- Educate/prepare/arm your children at home by exposing them in an age-appropriate way about dissenting views, lifestyle choices and behaviors that you consider abnormal or not representative of your beliefs and values; teach your children to hold no anger or grudges, but love and effectively witness and share their faith with their peers who are probably struggling with their "differences".
- Serve the needs of the LGBT community without prejudice. (The hurting, the impoverished, etc)  Our attitude shouldn't be, "If they chose their "destructive behavior", we're not responsible for the consequences...Are we?” If God treated us that way, we'd all be (as Christians) in a world of hurt!
- We normally are the quickest to judge what we have no compassion for, have never struggled with, or really are unaffected by in the scheme of things (hasn't hit our house); so we generally speak the loudest - with no real life experience, besides our educated opinions of why it's wrong; whether we use scripture or not to express our point of view, or to demonstrate outright hatefulness.
- If someone in the LGBT community gets something from the scripture that is normally not acceptable - doctrinally, as far as historical and theological context is concerned, but we genuinely care about their soul (eternal welfare); then pray that God opens their eyes to see; don't attack them or accuse them of denying the truth.  They can't or don't see it as the truth.  The Holy Spirit is the ONLY divine agency in the earth able to reveal or lead someone into The Truth (Jesus Christ) and/or open a person’s heart to see their sin, or need for Him.
- Renew our minds to God's word concerning "the sin" that will cause an unbeliever to spend eternity without God - rejection of Jesus Christ, the PERFECT substitute and sacrifice for humanity's sins. If a "believer" willfully chooses to live their lives their own way in rebellion against God's word, they were probably never saved in the first place!
- Spend more time strategically interceding, not ranting and raving against a community that is often unfairly marginalized and treated as the leprous of society; and we are the segment of the community that should be showing compassion and invading their space with love and truth, instead of hurling stones and "protecting God's reputation"(?)
- It is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and the coming judgment; and you’re not abdicating responsibility or lacking in compassion for their souls by simply praying for and not persecuting.
- Do you have a RELATIONSHIP with anyone you believe God's given you the ability to impact for eternity?  Get to know the people you see as demonized and full of darkness, and you will often discover there is more life and light in them then most so-called, stone-faced Christians; without a shred of compassion, mercy or understanding about what or whom they seek to judge. 


When you are violated as a young boy or girl; experienced the touch of the same-sex that brought more comfort to you than the opposite sex; the memory of that - even from early childhood, stays with you forever.  Whether it was seen as a negative or positive experience, it has a life-long impact, until either something else changes our perspective, or our own conscience - as it searches the deep things in our souls, begins to challenge what we've called "normal" and accepted. 

If the church keeps treating the LGBT community and the issues surrounding it like we have the evangelization of the world - then we're in big trouble.  The decision to follow Christ has eternal implications - and in my next statement, I dare not attempt to minimize the importance or validity of crying out to Jesus Christ to save you from your sins!  But, Jesus said to "make disciples", not converts.  None of us have the power or energy to do that, if we're really working out our own salvation, growing in the grace and knowledge of God for ourselves, and are being an effective witness for Christ to everyone we can.  The outstretched arms and hearts of the universal church must be opened wide to everyone, no matter what their struggle, lifestyle or weakness. 

If the church really gets FULL of God's power and has more than a "form of godliness" - we would be willing to let ANYONE choose to live the way there heart is presently positioned, and let God, during the course of normal corporate worship, discipleship or other group activities - steadily work to penetrate their hearts and heal them according to His perfect will and timing.  


Our souls are very fragile, and the only reason we haven't already been quickly dealt with in most cases is - God in His unfailing love and compassion lets us deal with the challenges of change and the awkwardness of facing things we've held in high regard or treated as normal; only to find out or discover that it was all a big lie.  This is a lot for anyone to deal with; and honestly, that would not be an easy pill to swallow! 

Finally, most of us aren't truly "delivered" ourselves; but we're trying to fix everybody else.  You'll lie about a situation to your brothers and sisters in the ministry to "save face", but somehow believe an individual struggling or willfully sinning for that matter (like you when you lied) will go to hell quicker than you; you're sadly mistaken! 

If a homosexual "battling" with their behavior or lifestyle dies, but has accepted Christ, I believe that they will go to heaven - just like you would for lying right before you passed away, without the chance to repent for the lie you just told.  If you were desirous of a change (deliverance), but just felt it was simply out of reach...God is the Judge!  Yes, you were probably ignorant of the "finished work", didn't understand or receive the full benefit or inheritance you have in Christ, or have a partial understanding of the power of the redemptive work of Christ to liberate us all from the power of sin to rule in and over our members.  But, it doesn't change the fact that you've received Him; the "only" Door to eternity in heaven. 


"I've seen numerous Christians pray about such daunting issues repeatedly, but admit to still struggling!"  So, why grant them a merciful pardon, and hurl stones at others that are still trapped in their sin?  Sound familiar, because it is - and it's yours and my unending story (full of reasons and excuses) till we encounter God's Grace, in the liberating Personality of Jesus Christ. 

What if we do what you suggest and the person chooses to stay in that lifestyle?  Then, the Spirit is not drawing them; the Spirit has attempted to draw them, and they've rejected His beckoning, or there not in the place He needs them to be, in order to reach them - or just before He requires a change before their physical death. 


Do you believe that people are born homosexual?  I believe that we have inherited issues and proclivities from birth, and often with no involvement of our own, based upon the decision or indecision of our parents; and Satan's scheme is to kill, steal or destroy from the time every human being first enters the agency of time. 

Also, "visiting iniquities" are a reality in the life of believers and unbelievers, if they’re not ever confronted or repented of in a previous generation by our parents and grandparents.  In other words, unrepentant sexual bondage or perversion entertained for many generations without repentance, could very well manifest in the offspring as a proclivity towards homosexual tendencies from birth; which does not strengthen any argument or theories about being "born gay", but the intricate battle and warfare that is being waged in the spirit before their passage into time ever really begins.  

I believe that Satan works before and after childbirth to damage or destroy every human being -therefore from the time a baby leaves the womb, a multiplicity of things could contribute to someone feeling whatever (the behavior) - that they were born that way.  But, to me it really doesn't matter!  We were all BORN into sin, because of the FALL of man, which is still a dynamic we forget about in our crusading to make Jesus proud of us by "sticking it to sinners".  If Jesus didn't come into the world to condemn it - how dare we try to! 


A relevant story comes to mind as I think about something the Lord spoke to me about concerning my early childhood, and within my first year of life.  God told me that my mother and father, who I believe sincerely and earnestly, loved me, neglected to hold and nurture me as a baby - like they should have.  He told me that this negatively affected my emotional development, and was compounded during the three separate molestations I experienced as a child.  I felt "unprotected and rejected", and it has affected me all the way into my early adult years.  My struggle with pornography and masturbation - which I absolutely hated and despised, were like a yoke about my neck. But, I couldn't stop the annoying and wasteful behavior, as crazy-passionate and on-fire I'd been for God during MY WHOLE CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE!  


What TRUE LOVE is? (To both sides - the LGBT Community & the Church Community...)

-Clearly communicate your heartfelt urgency and your pleas to reach the LGBT or Christian community, about your own perspectives or grievances about any given issue. Don't parade or judge around "someone else's convictions".
- Be willing to openly communicate and seek to relate to understand one another, without seeking a mutual "retreating" agreement, if it's at all possible.
- Let every person make the choice to do what they believe is in their own best interest, even if everyone can't agree or "win".
- Address legitimate concerns to the person or community directly; don't negatively fight your battle through media-spinning or unfair misrepresentation of the issue, because of dissenting views.
- Don't maliciously attack or disrespect anyone to prove your point, because that makes your words mute - and unworthy of a legitimate response.


I believe the primary reason we are not given in marriage in heaven is because of the incredible love that emanates from God, which satisfies every possible desire we could ever have - physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  This is my starting point for continuing this blog...

This HOT BUTTON issue requires thoughtful interaction and intentional love, but I hope "my thoughts" will work as a working draft for Christians to become more effective in our witness to the world, especially the LGBT community. 

In Christ's Service,



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