I think I've probably irritated (pissed-off) all the people who are going to "unfriend me" on Facebook already (by now) or quit reading my blog, because I KNOW "my mini-sermonette's" don't sit well with some people - who really don't understand my call, the associated pain and prayer relating to it, and the faith that is required for me "to put myself out there" - to be despised, rejected or disliked; because "I'm called to SPEAK the truth, in love in these last and evil days!"
BUT, anyone who KNOWS ME, also knows that - "I'm OVER IT", already (Lol), and "I'd rather OBEY GOD, than man!"...
That being said..I'm OFFICIALLY - crying out for The Body of Christ, who are aware, conscious and engaged in the walk of faith with CHRIST - "to STEP UP your game!"
SATAN's "advanced strategies" are keeping us divided, because YOU THINK "we need to like each other - to love each other?!?" Satan is using "chemical weapons and advanced technologies", and we're still fighting with bayonets..Satan HATES all of humanity, and is working "day and night" to keep us DISTANT, DIVIDED and DECEIVED!
It would be great - if we could, "like" each other, BUT as "members of the SAME body", YOU and I don't have a CHOICE - whether we're going to encourage, support and love one another!!!
When "rebellious cells" ever exist in "the physical body", their CANCEROUS; and, THAT'S the problem with the church right now; as I prayerfully pen this correspondence..
We've allowed:
- Our support of one "man or woman of God", to keep us from fellowshipping and interacting with the broader "community of faith"...and, we DON'T truly act like the "kingdom of God"..!?!
- Our allegiance to some "wounded leader" has monkey-wrenched all the other important relationships that we've developed through the years, so we're fragmented and isolated - causing lack and voids to exist in CHRIST'S Body, where they shouldn't..
- Our giving to "broken cisterns" (men's personal greed and ambitious pursuits) has the church "lacking when we should be lending"!
Maybe..., if we didn't have to build fifty-million dollar facilities for worshipping 2 days a week (?), we could establish legitimate "social enterprises" to employ multiplied-millions, during this endless recession and high-unemployment period?
RIGHT NOW - God is "allowing me to experience and feel things" that I've NEVER had any acquaintance with before..
HE spoke to me this morning that "I needed to feel it", so that I NEVER ignore the "felt needs" of anyone I encounter in the days that are ahead!
I'm expecting to GREATLY PROSPER, but before I do - I want my heart to be thoroughly circumsized and positioned, to ONLY act as HIS representative in every way and with every resource!
WE must, "stop building bigger barns", and start to use our resources to expand the kingdom of God..By strategically taking care of the widow, the orphan and the poor - as the stewardship of the TRILLIONS of dollars that pass through the hands of our churches - EVERY YEAR, is finally used in a more sound and responsible way!
WE must search our own hearts about whether "our visions are HIS Vision for us", or if its "the self-actualization exercises" we're pursuing about something that will ultimately bring glory to us, and NOT to HIM..?!?
#1 - PAY ATTENTION to the needs around you! Why are you permitted to "see them"? What is GOD saying to YOU about them?(AND, HE is saying something!)
I've attached a story on the horrific losses of nineteen people in Arizona, fighting the fires out there..As I was reading, my heart broke and tears flooded my eyes - cause, people are HURTING!
#2 - PARTNER based upon capacity, not popularity! I get so frustrated watching GOD's people "throw their money away" - sowing into big conferences and ambitious pursuits, which has NO REAL IMPACT upon the greatest needs around us?!?
We DON'T need another conference, family..UNLESS - it's the bridge and catalyst for actions that dramatically shifts communities, economies and nations!
#3 - PRAY to "The Lord of the Harvest" before you commit to any other "spiritual endeavor", asking GOD - "Is THIS a part of your end-time agenda?"
I'm BELIEVING GOD to raise up men and women who KNOW how to make this happen..I AM "one of them"! LORD: SO BE IT!
I apologize for taking up too much space on your FB homepage; BUT, I'm only online to "DO HIS BUSINESS", otherwise - I'm READY to go to HEAVEN!
P.S. - I NEED consulting work, or an "open door" and opportunity that strategically maneuvers me into the kinds of places and spaces that will allow me to leverage my "Joseph Call" in the house of Pharaoh! KEEP PRAYING 4 ME! WS-3
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
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