"Building Bridges - The LGBT & Christian Communities..." (Part 2)
The Father’s Heart Part 1 and 3 BLOGS (Original Book Content)
Okay… First, let me explain "why" the LGBT & Christian communities need to "build bridges"…You can't watch the news without "seeing the need"...
There are people of every cultural, ethnic group and nationality being impacted by "the debate"; and "ready and appropriate answers" must be given, especially from Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
ALL CHRISTIANS, who are "truly blood-bought", which have a proper understanding of "God's Amazing Grace", really have no room to condemn, to judge or to walk outside of God's Unconditional Love - towards anyone; EVER!
When we "judge", from a biblical point of view (Matthew 7:1), we are "standing to represent ourselves - in Christ's place"; meaning we attempt to, by our behavior, moral standards, and conduct - or "our own personal righteousness" apart from Christ's Redeeming & Remitting Sacrifice; to criticize or demean other's mistakes with an "I'm-better-than-you-attitude". This kind of judgment is the "worst", because "no human being merits a moral honor badge"; "NO, not one!"
Many "preachers" are "hiding their personal struggles" today, because they have too!
Our "loving Christian culture" (NOT!) has an awkward response or answer, for how to "deal with sin"?
Why? Don't we have the "New Testament" that provides clear perspective on Christ's loving response to every form of compromise, failure and struggle?
WAKE UP - Church!...Our job is to share the "Good News", stand as consistent representatives of HIS Kingdom, and "to walk with" the broken and searching - till the transforming power of Jesus Christ changes them from the inside-out!
If we're going to co-exist in society, while maintaining a degree or civility and tolerance, arm-twisting and muscling-consent on either side of the issue, must be consciously determined by the leaders in these communities - NOT to be the focus and priority; instead, should be the caveat and the ultimate goal, to seek and pursue "peace and civility"..
This also happens to be a major part of the error of putting "an undue burden of righteousness" (by Christians towards unbelieving homosexuals) upon "unregenerate people"; and, if their "believing – but bound" - or still "in their sin", the only real option for doing effective ministry, is to walk in love and to commit ourselves to consistent intercessory prayers and ongoing discipleship; which should actually remain our posture till Christ returns.
The "Christian's righteousness" is imputed by alignment "in and with", Jesus Christ! We don't earn - we align, and receive by faith - what Christ accomplished at Calvary for all of humanity!
Christ fulfilled and satisfied "all righteousness"! Not even our obedience to Christ justifies us..It is by faith through God's Grace that we live, we move, and we have our being!
"Telling someone the truth" is NOT judging them; even if "it" may hurt their feelings. Society seems to be in quite an awkward conundrum…We'll "kill innocent babies – in utero" where there are no potential medical issues for the mother or child, and yet "defend legislation that supports it"; while quickly seeking to enact legislation against "hate speech", for anyone "negatively speaking against" the homosexual community and cause...?
I say that "tongue in cheek", because I don't agree with any form of "hate speech" or unjust violence against anyone, for any reason! But, there are some ridiculous incongruence's in our world today, and the culprit is "human reasoning" and selfishness, which rebels against the truth of God - to justify and give license to its own will and its own way.
WHAT SHOULD WE BE DOING? (The Christian Response)
"Reconciliation" is the burgeoning work and ministry of the Holy Spirit, in and through the "believing believer" that builds up, reaches out, and weathers long – amongst lost and searching humanity; "to win souls for Christ" - at any cost; especially as it pertains to "being a witness" and NOT "using our freedom", as a license for sin!
You can't read "the Beatitudes" of the New Testament, and believe that we're NOT "to go the extra mile", as CHRIST"s representatives in the earth!
The "Christian Faith" is NOT about an event, but a lifestyle commitment in relationship with other believers; all following and living for Jesus Christ!
A big part of the dilemma with most "social commentary" about this most important subject is, the issue becomes sidetracked by uneducated opinions, individualistic preferences and humanistic world-views, without consideration and openness towards "the facts"..
The "if it feels good, do it" syndrome is backfiring; but, the end isn't fire and brimstone from heaven upon the rebellious sinners! The Church arising in great power through GOD's inexhaustible grace, to love the unlovely; to serve the unbelieving; and to pray without ceasing - for the souls in the balance, is the primary mission and priority of CHRIST's Remnant - and "the time" is now!
The "if it feels good, do it" syndrome is backfiring; but, the end isn't fire and brimstone from heaven upon the rebellious sinners! The Church arising in great power through GOD's inexhaustible grace, to love the unlovely; to serve the unbelieving; and to pray without ceasing - for the souls in the balance, is the primary mission and priority of CHRIST's Remnant - and "the time" is now!
As much as we're all passionate, for many different reasons about this subject; what's really important is for the right people to be speaking and encouraging the masses - "with expertise and wisdom"!
In preparation for posting this second blog on this most volatile subject, I came across some detailed research from the Catholic Education Resource Center (CERC); and it's content and timing seems even more profoundly prophetic - since we've just received news of the newly elected Pontiff, Pope Francis, and his strong stands against homosexuality.
The CERC's research provides the empirical data on the physical, psychological and spiritual impacts of the homosexual lifestyle. It's quite disturbing, but very necessary, in light of the ongoing battlefront being waged all across the physical and virtual airwaves.
The CERC's research provides the empirical data on the physical, psychological and spiritual impacts of the homosexual lifestyle. It's quite disturbing, but very necessary, in light of the ongoing battlefront being waged all across the physical and virtual airwaves.
As I shared in conclusion, during my previous blog written in September 2011 at: (http://askpastorwalter-ws3.blogspot.com/2011/09/building-bridges-lgbt-christian.html), I believe the primary reason we are "not given in marriage" (in heaven), is because of the incredible love that emanates from God; which satisfies every possible desire we could ever have – emotionally, mentally, physically, relationally and spiritually. But, "how does God's Presence or Perfect Love. through the power of the Holy Spirit, help us "in the here and now"? And, why is this "spiritual revelation" so important, since we're NOT in heaven - but, on earth?
RELIGION is "man's attempt to reconcile with God through a range of sorted sanctimonious rituals and supposed "righteous conduct" that potentially "earns" the adherent access and rights to after-life benefits?
RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ, is the "bridge of reconciliation" God gave to mankind, to restore the breach of our human depravity and moral failure; by grace through faith in HIS Finished Work - on all of our behalf; as well as the gift of eternal life, in the here and now, and for all eternity.
"In this life", it is possible to have a walk with God that both satisfies and secures the believer "in every way"; through the consistent devotion, spirit-led living, and "death to self" that keeps the believing disciple, Godward. I AM, a witness!
RELIGION is "man's attempt to reconcile with God through a range of sorted sanctimonious rituals and supposed "righteous conduct" that potentially "earns" the adherent access and rights to after-life benefits?
RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ, is the "bridge of reconciliation" God gave to mankind, to restore the breach of our human depravity and moral failure; by grace through faith in HIS Finished Work - on all of our behalf; as well as the gift of eternal life, in the here and now, and for all eternity.
"In this life", it is possible to have a walk with God that both satisfies and secures the believer "in every way"; through the consistent devotion, spirit-led living, and "death to self" that keeps the believing disciple, Godward. I AM, a witness!
I also intentionally read and re-read the first blogpost (referred to above) about this particular subject matter; and I've actually evaluated and questioned (based upon God's Word) whether I was firmly established "in HIS love" – or not?
As a result of my earnest petition before The Lord - along with some wise counsel from my board and spiritual advisers, I've been offered little criticism or feedback; which I would have definitely appreciated. But, I did hear from a popular group on Facebook – which represents approximately twenty-five thousand people online; and our exchange was quite interesting…to say the least!
"The jist" of our dialogue surrounded my thoughts on "gay marriage", specifically, and the brief comments shared labeled my views on that - as "archaic, biased, and homophobic"; but, I know that my thoughts are not glorified opinions or fundamentalist interpretations; they're simply me sharing God's Word.
I'm tackling this issue, because of my heart for one of the most marginalized and disproportionately represented populations in society (some self-perpetuated, obviously); and, due to the various agendas, aggravations and apprehensions surrounding this very "hot topic". (No PUN intended)
In my "humble" observation, there seems to currently be an "aggressive demonization" by LGBT activists and proponents of "any person" - who speaks out about those currently "coming out"; but, my question is: "What is all the growing controversy, really about anyways?"
It really saddens me that "we" as human beings, don't show more consideration and love towards one another. The fact that we've isolated those "struggling with same-sex attractions" to the point that we've criticized, demonized and ostracized them in sharing the most personal details about their sexual preferences and desires "in a public forum"?...For what?
If nothing is held sacred, everything is "open season"! Telling all of your personal business to the general public, makes no sense, outside of it being a great source for gossip, reality shows and tell-all columns..For those supposedly helped by the "testimonials", keep it up - in forums and focus groups that are available to those with needs or questions..
"Parading around" for photo-ops and TMZ interviews seems quite demeaning to me, although the ratings and media frenzy can become a satisfying outlet for visions of stardom and celebrity; completely "searing the conscience" of those that should be bothered by the "negative attention" - I think?
I understand that a community that feels prejudiced against, has a responsibility to "defend the defenseless" and "fight for their rights". My concern that "standing out" by "coming out" has no real profitable ends, except "cultural acceptance" and "identity affirmation"...while fostering an even greater divide, than anything else!
Is the increasing polarization in our world, worth "the acceptance" of "celebrity A"? If I were a strategist in the LGBT community, I'd rethink the entire approach. Obviously, "acceptance leads to normalization" or conformity - in most minds; but, at the expense of building "real community"?
MORAL ARGUMENT - no human being or spiritual guru - is anyone else's "Moral Governor". Morality is a state of being, in which our conscience, influenced by out familial upbringing, education, environment, and spiritual convictions (or the lack thereof) "plays big" in our culture - that is steeped in humanism, hedonism, and relativism; which I call "the three good reasons" for the "Christians in crisis", to reevaluate their stance about "their issue", against homosexuals!
SATAN has blinded the minds of the masses; so "our fight" is not against flesh and blood!
SATAN has blinded the minds of the masses; so "our fight" is not against flesh and blood!
Personally, I never want to appear "against" the LGBT community. But, I understand that those with a focus on "aggressively enforcing and forcing upon others" their agenda, don't and won't ever reach across the lines of division, to genuinely relate or to build bridges!
As Christians, we can not impose our moral values or spiritual convictions upon others; just like homosexuals shouldn't attempt to impose their lifestyle and philosophy onto innocent children - especially in the educational sector; without first seeking permission from the concerned guardians and parents that object to the homosexual lifestyle, etc.
CIVIL ARGUMENT - "the right of conscience", or our representative right to vote our conscience, and our responsibility to speak our conscience - without damaging or violating someone else's rights; is both GOD's Law in principle and practice, and, I believe, the underlying premise of all civil law.
SPIRITUAL ARGUMENT - "Biblical Redemption" makes the homosexual lifestyle and struggle, for those battling with it, a non-issue, as long as they are "in Christ"; in the continuum of development, growth and maturity (sanctification process)!
What makes this a "religious matter" in the first place? Well, simply put, of the three major religions in our world today (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) each have various viewpoints within the different segments of these faiths.
"Well, if it feels so right, how could it be wrong? ... And, why do I need to follow someone else's religious convictions or follow God's Word about this matter – doesn't God want me to be happy?
You know what's interesting about "growing older" and more settled, or even comfortable with your own shadow is – some "ageing gene" we all must have, just won't let you buy-in to the political correctness, operational paradigms, or situational ethics that are popular in our culture, any more!
"Lordship" has serious implications in the Christian Faith - that we often don't consider, where "biblical literacy" and the "cost of discipleship"; isn't genuinely a priority. Many of us have little to no concern about "what God thinks" about our everyday lives and common decision-making; so consciously opening our hearts to "hear what the Spirit is saying", becomes less and less important, until our conscience ends up with so much clutter and confusion about God's Mind and Purpose - we end up breaking down, crying out and searching deeply - to FIND THE TRUTH!
CREATION was not made to live separate from their CREATOR! That insatiable emptiness (apart from our Creator) is "the vacuum" that we attempt to fill with anything and everything this world has to offer!
During a time when the "relevance" of the church is in question, especially amongst secular humanist and the liberal elite, GOD's commands may seem very archaic and out-dated; but, the "proof is in the pudding", and we really can't ignore the facts. So, it's important to mention them, although they may not be easy to hear!
The "homosexual lifestyle" may seem to have its "benefits and merits", but for those who understand the physical ramifications of it (especially between men), which often goes without mention; from just a medical standpoint – we can't ignore these critical facts…
Would God ordain a lifestyle that is riddled with limitations and wrought with painful long-term affects?
Would God ordain a lifestyle that is riddled with limitations and wrought with painful long-term affects?
THE FACT IS, God will permit you to live your entire life - crosswise of HIS best for you, because HE loves you too much to force you to choices that don't agree with the heart disposition that governs the belief system and convictions that we're actually governed by, as human beings.
"Cultural winds" will blow, and most church and Para-church organizations are going to respond in one way or another.
- Some ministries will allow "seeker-sensitive inclinations" to steer them from obeying the commandment to "speak the truth in love".
- Some ministries will allow "the letter" of God's Word to drive them towards imbalanced representation and hypocritical judgments.
- And, some ministries will adjust in the way that they communicate the message, without ever compromising God's Holy Word – and that's what we should do!
When we "love ourselves" more than we "love God or HIS people", the crisis of selfishness and subterfuge (deception) becomes common place in the church!
Christ came to the world to "save it", not to "condemn it"! HE knows that "the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing"! HE knows that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"! HE knows "apart from HIM, we can do nothing"! So why, are we selling another form of Galatianism through perfect performance, parading our righteousness, and standing in judgment of "sinners that sin"?
When we "love ourselves" more than we "love God or HIS people", the crisis of selfishness and subterfuge (deception) becomes common place in the church!
Christ came to the world to "save it", not to "condemn it"! HE knows that "the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing"! HE knows that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"! HE knows "apart from HIM, we can do nothing"! So why, are we selling another form of Galatianism through perfect performance, parading our righteousness, and standing in judgment of "sinners that sin"?
The problem with all the "vacillating believers", who are not walking in freedom and in victory over sin is; "their sin is bigger than their God", at least in their own hearts and minds – even if they believe that God is "all powerful"!
The other issue that strengthens the bondage in this area is, condemnation and shame (in the believer) fortifies "like cement", both the conviction and mindset that "victory over the struggle"(because of repetitive failure and torment from the enemy) is just, impossible.
The other issue that strengthens the bondage in this area is, condemnation and shame (in the believer) fortifies "like cement", both the conviction and mindset that "victory over the struggle"(because of repetitive failure and torment from the enemy) is just, impossible.
"We have this treasure, IN this earthen vessel"… (2 Cor. 4:7)
If God condemns "homosexuality", how come "someone who is a homosexual", can lead you and me into the presence of The Lord, and we be powerfully ministered to?
- "The gifts and the callings are without repentance"…If they "know Christ", the vessel HE uses - isn't the issue; it's their yieldedness and availability for use. God can and will use an "ass" to accomplish HIS divine will and purpose in the earth, if we let HIM!
- "Dying to self" is painful, and sometimes takes years to even "take full affect", from the standpoint of "having victory over sin".
- There is "no timeframe" for God-processing, healing, or deliverance in someone's life; as much as "our patience wearing thin", is often interpreted as God's impatience with a person's struggle…NOT!
"The gifts and callings are without repentance"…
- Accepting Christ and the "finished work" HE accomplished on our behalf, is the ONLY justification needed for our lives to be pleasing before The Father; "the righteousness of faith".
- If any of us, homosexual or not," parade around our own righteousness", in judgment of others who are struggling, our pride will be dealt with by God – before The Lord would ever condemn them for their sin!
- Jesus' remedy for "how to deal with the woman caught in adultery", should be our prescription for addressing "sin", with the ultimate realization that Jesus Christ "suffered the wrath of God at the Cross, for all of our sins" – past, present and future.
"For God so loved the world that HE gave..."
The Church's discourse about homosexuality must focus on redemption only, not promoting any form of self-righteousness, behavior modification or an undue burden for homosexuals to deliver themselves - or for "heroic Christians" to attempt the same; apart from the intentional surrendering of every aspect of their lives to Christ – and allowing HIM to complete the change or transformation"in them", in HIS timing.
The Church's discourse about homosexuality must focus on redemption only, not promoting any form of self-righteousness, behavior modification or an undue burden for homosexuals to deliver themselves - or for "heroic Christians" to attempt the same; apart from the intentional surrendering of every aspect of their lives to Christ – and allowing HIM to complete the change or transformation"in them", in HIS timing.
"Struggling vs. practicing.."
- "Jesus knows, all about our struggles. HE's a kind and compassionate, friend. There's not a friend like the lowly, Jesus. No, not one. No, not one."
- Anything we "do" habitually means that "we practice it -with intention and on purpose". "Falling" is not just a matter of weakness, but ignorance (sometimes innocent) of the power available through the cross of Christ to overcome…
Homosexuality should be treated as "heterosexual fornication" in the Christian faith, as far as the process to transformation is concerned...
- Effective and proper procedures for "church discipline", from the standpoint of balance and biblical accuracy for those assuming leadership posts in an actively engaged homosexual lifestyle, as it pertains to sound theological interpretations and doctrine; should be openly communicated and understood, by those aligning to the work of ministry.
- The "come as you are" philosophy in scripture, does not warrant attempting to "clean the fish" before it's caught", or attempt to change the person – because we can't. It rests upon the God's presence and power as the only legitimate agency of transformation, and applies no pressure to move a person towards certain ends – it only speaks the truth in love.
We must quote Romans 1 "in context".
- Everyone "caught up in the lifestyle of homosexuality", is NOT of a reprobate mind! This passage is representative of the rebellion of those "in the lifestyle", and those championing the agenda, which are unrepentant or uninterested in what the Word of God has to say about this issue or anything else that conflicts with their comfort or convenience…
No discrimination is ever warranted based upon gender, sexual preference, etc…
- "Gay Marriage" is at the forefront of the civil discourse on "civil rights" or "human rights" amongst the LGBT community, and our world; and the decision to both pursue"legislative equity" and share in the same "benefits" that heterosexual couples do – should be left to the democratic process of the majority, and left at that; as far as Christians should be concerned.
- If your convictions, as clergy or laity, forbids you from either embracing those in the lifestyle, or conceding "to marrying a gay couple" – if they requested it; that's your business, and should not be condemned as "homophobic" – because the same openness LGBT is seeking from "fundamentalist Christians" (as they say), they must be willing to give of those who do not morally believe that its right…
The "civil discourse about gay marriage" and the "sacred covenant, union and institution of marriage - established by God", are NOT the same thing...Debating with celebrities, the POTUS, or "unbelieving believers" is NOT our responsibility!
Let your voice be heard by your vote, your prayers, and your "loving" Christian witness!
Arguing over "interpretations of scripture", is futile and fruitless. "God's Original Intent" for the covenant of marriage, is NOT challenged or overturned by proponents of "gay marriage"…
Let your voice be heard by your vote, your prayers, and your "loving" Christian witness!
Arguing over "interpretations of scripture", is futile and fruitless. "God's Original Intent" for the covenant of marriage, is NOT challenged or overturned by proponents of "gay marriage"…
Condemning or challenging someone "in" or struggling with the behavior/curiosity/lifestyle, is counter-productive to the "redemptive work" that a practicing follower of Christ will experience – when and "if" the whole counsel of God's Word, is both taught and then applied…
Think about this...Whether there is a "public proclamation" or "coming out" through personal testimony, open attendance and service in the House of God, or silent living - to keep from drawing unwanted attention to themselves, "homosexuals are and will serve in CHRIST's Church"!
If there is "real" Holy Ghost Power at work in our churches, I SEE this issue of "service in God's house" as a non-issue!
WHY? Because, "where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is LIBERTY"! Not just an uninhibited freedom to worship; but, a resident power to change, deliver, and heal - that ONLY those seeking freedom, will choose! WS-3
Think about this...Whether there is a "public proclamation" or "coming out" through personal testimony, open attendance and service in the House of God, or silent living - to keep from drawing unwanted attention to themselves, "homosexuals are and will serve in CHRIST's Church"!
If there is "real" Holy Ghost Power at work in our churches, I SEE this issue of "service in God's house" as a non-issue!
WHY? Because, "where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is LIBERTY"! Not just an uninhibited freedom to worship; but, a resident power to change, deliver, and heal - that ONLY those seeking freedom, will choose! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
(213) 293-6249 - Message Center
"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"
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