Of the noticeably authentic Apostolic and Prophetic — NATIONAL PRAYER MOVEMENTS emerging right now, “RAISING THE ALTAR” (RTA) headquartered in Riverside, California,  and “THE ALTAR” of Corporate Worship & Prayer, headquartered in Orlando, Florida, seem to both be thoughtfully and wisely calling the Universal Family of God and the Body of Christ, to lay down our lives in prayer!

“Raising an altar” is a way to express appreciation for God, to avert calamity, and to strengthen fellowship with God. Some say that altars are raised to: 

  • Appreciate God: To thank God, be happy, rejoice, and testify 
  • Avert calamity: For example, 2 Samuel 24:25 says that David built an altar to the Lord, offering burnt offerings and peace offerings 
  • Strengthen fellowship with God: For example, to secure blessings from God when he speaks to you in a dream or presents gifts, blessings, or favor

Some steps for raising an altar include:

  1. Finding a sacred place, such as your home or office 
  2. Giving your altar a name and purpose 
  3. Entering into covenant with God through that altar 
  4. Anointing your altar 
  5. Declaring a sacrifice on your altar, which is something that hurts you 
  6. Repenting of your own personal sins and the sins of your forefathers 

I BELIEVE the NEXT WAVE of the GLORY is going to start through the burgeoning of FAMILY ALTARS that brings us back into ALIGNMENT and AGREEMENT with DEUTERONOMY 6..


— the fatherlessness and epidemic proportion of orphan-like children and youth in this country
— the broken-down state of our LOCAL CHURCHES
— the clueless state of our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT
— the corruption in POLITICS at the highest level
— the apathy and complacency of CHURCH LEADERS throughout the Body of Christ

Our GREATEST FAILURE in our generation, is the ABDICATION, REMOVAL, and NEGLECT to once again have FAMILY ALTARS as a top priority in regards to:

— STUDY and MEDITATION in the WORD OF GOD as a family..

— PARENTAL SHARING and TESTIFYING with their children  to the ranging social issues, peer pressure, and personal struggles they encountered in their right of passage and growth..

— CHILDREN and YOUTH having opportunity to break bread, share their hearts, and receive the social, physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual “touch” that is needed from PARENTS to root and ground them for life, one day at a time..






Pursuing the interrelationships between LOVEGO and PRAY is the Universal Churches biggest challenge for End-Time Impact and Effectiveness, under The Inexhaustible Headship of Jesus Christ..

1. God is personal. He has motives, thoughts, and purposes. He has a will and mind. He is not an impersonal force, principle or law. He is not a universal energy.

2. God is rational. He acts rationally. He has reasons for what he does. He chooses a purpose and acts to fulfill that purpose. He is not arbitrary or irrational.

3. God is consistent. He is not inconsistent and changeable. He does not waver from his own purpose. He is faithful.

4. God is active, not passive. He works. He acts within time though he transcends time. One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. His eternity doesn't mean just a long time. He exists outside of time; both time and space are His creation. However, he is somehow still able to truly act within space and time.

5. God is independent. He is not constrained by anything outside Himself. His will is the ultimate explanation for all things. He sets His love on Israel because He loves them. This does not mean He is arbitrary; it means the explanation for His actions are within Himself. He is absolutely free.

6. God is sovereign. He is sovereignly powerful over all things. Possible exceptions — random events or chance; acts of the devil and demons; the free, responsible acts of human beings; my own sins — are found not to be exceptions in the Scriptures.




"But as it is, Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man. For just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ, the firstfruits; afterward, at his coming, those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when he abolishes all rule and all authority and power."  1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭20‬-‭24‬ ‭CSB‬‬


The Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith have always had tremendous implications to the work of God, past-present and future. But the present revelations and geopolitical events alongside the future demonstrations too come, are NOW the most critically important things to watch in the unfolding majesty and purpose thats to be revealed; and only those who are AWAKE and HOT will be able to both hear and perceive God's End-Time Agenda and Heart..


NOW the Mature Bride must shift to its three-fold END TIME PURPOSE, which includes: 

— ministry to and prayer for ISRAEL..("The Root") ROMANS 11

— ministry to and prayer for the NATIONS ("The World") 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31-33

— ministry to and prayer for the CHURCH ("One New Man in Christ") 

The Greatest  Commandment — SHEMA

The Shema Consists of Three Paragraphs From the Torah

Shema is technically more than a prayer. It consists of three biblical paragraphs: Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 11:13–21, and Numbers 15:37–41. The first two sections (Deuteronomy 6:4–9 and 11:13–21) declare the oneness of G‑d and our duty as Jews to love Him, to study the Torah and teach it to our children, to follow his mitzvot, including binding tefillin on our arms and heads and affixing mezuzot to the doorposts of our homes. The third section (Numbers 15:37–41) speaks of the mitzvah of tzitzit and of the Exodus from Egypt.

We Cover Our Eyes For the First Verse

While reciting the first verse, we cover our eyes with our right hand. The basic reason2 is to eliminate distractions during this essential prayer. There is yet a deeper reason: during the Shema prayer we declare that everything is G‑d, so that when we uncover our eyes we discover a new reality. A reality that centers on G‑dliness. The physical world that we see is not all that exists; there is a greater reality above the mundane.

The Shema Is One of the First Things We Teach Our Children

In the Laws of Torah study, in the Code of Jewish Law3, we are told that when a child starts to talk we should teach them two verses: "The Torah that Moses commanded us is a heritage for the congregation of Jacob" (Deuteronomy 33:4). And the second is: "Hear, O Israel: The L‑rd is our G‑d; the L‑rd is One"(Deuteronomy 6:4, the first verse of Shema). These two verses are the fundamentals of our faith.

A Deeper Meaning, More Than Monotheism

The idea that "G‑d is One" means not only that there is one G‑d, but that G‑d and the whole of creation are actually one. There is nothing apart from G‑d. Nothing exists outside of Him; everything that we perceive, every particle of existence, is nothing but a veiled manifestation of G‑d. For this reason, everything in the universe is totally dependent on G‑d at every moment. G‑d created the universe a long time ago, but He also perpetually recreates its existence. The Sages speak of a stream of energy emanating from the infinite essence of G‑d, recreating the universe at every moment. Were He to remove this life-giving force, the universe and all therein would cease to exist.


"Jesus came near and said to them, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.""  Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭CSB‬

The Great Commission - GO! - Because many churches no longer walk in authority or have dominion (righteous influence and reach) into the heart of our communities through strategic prayer and evangelistic outreach, Satan is able to maintain a dominating influence in the hearts of the masses. The next "great revival won't be in our church-buildings, but in our families, homes and surrounding communities that sing the praises of the impact and influence of the "engaged church" (which is real, relevant and relational) upon their lives; whether their active "church goers" or not. 


""Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors."  Deuteronomy‬ ‭11‬:‭18‬-‭21‬ ‭CSB‬‬

In GOD's divine order of creation, FAMILIES are the production factories for the whole of society in GOD's AGENDA and SOVEREIGN WILL. 

Whatever we produce in our homes is what societies will become in the coming years. The implications of this are startling to say the least..

The important work we will ever do in life is within our own homes.

It is therefore important that, when we raise our family, with our spouse, it is essential that we create a culture and community that supports and establishes biblically-aligned spirituality and God-consciousness in everything that we do as a family. 

The family altar is of key importance to that same end. 

Altars are where we encounter God and connect with Him at the deepest level. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

An altar is a place of sacrifice and a power-bridge to draw His Grace for spiritual and supernatural strength (Genesis 8:20-21). 

Altars are places of separation, where we separate ourselves to God and separate from curses and generational disparities

DISPARITIES — Differences that result from various age groups encountering a shared experience, and reacting or responding differently as a result of when they were born and what they encountered in their lifetimes, etc.

Every genuine child of God must have:

  • a personal prayer altar and family altar

Every genuine Christian family must have:

  • a corporate altar as a lifestyle and community benefit

Family altars are altars raised up to pray for the family. Your family altar is raised up specifically to pray for your own individual family and for the needs of other people around you as you feel led and directed by the Spirit of God. 

Altars and what we do there, have the power to shape and alter the destinies of families.

The family altar is a powerful place to prophesy over children and release them into their prophetic destinies in life as done for Rebecca by her family (Genesis 24:58-60). 

Deliverance from evil, oppression, addictions and salvation of loved ones occurs as we seek God at the prayer altar.

If our altars are not activated, we would hardly achieve the purposes of God for our lives and our families. (1 Samuel 7:2-10). 

Without an active family altar, the enemy would have his way in our families and in the lives of our spouses and children. 

If we don't have a consistent family altar, generational sin, iniquity and transgression would follow our children (Ezekiel 18:2-4). 

Family altars are therefore important in shaping the destinies of families as evidenced in Genesis 24:60.

How to run a family altar:

You can start by dedicating a particular room or spot in your home for the spiritual significance and to engender the lingering presence of God there as you create an atmosphere that God can bless and reside in. (2 Chronicles 7:16)

Then endeavour to involve everyone in the altar. One person can lead the worship, the reading of the scriptures and the sharing of the word etc. At the meetings let each child pray a prayer, while others agree with him/her.  (1 Corinthians 14:26). 

Then teach and practice the significances of the faith that tallies with your spiritual beliefs; sharing the communion, anointing with oil etc. 

Endeavour to teach doctrines and precepts of the faith, this must not be delegated to the children's Sunday school class in church. Everyone in our families should know the basic doctrines of the Bible.

Everyone should be encouraged to share the dreams and visions they've been having and every other issue that may not emerge in the course of the daily grind.

Endeavour to pray through the gates of time at the altar. A good example are birthdays, because there is a reason the person was born on that day and that day marks the beginning of a new cycle in the life of the celebrant, so prayers must be offered on their behalf.

Families must continually reflect on how they started and where they are now in the journey of life and destiny. This should spark and stir the grace for gratitude and thankfulness.

You must be watchful as the enemy will fight the family altar. Starting may be easy and exciting but sustaining the constancy may be challenging. It is imperative to do everything within our power to keep the fire on the altar alive. 

Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 

Corporate Line: (424) 352-4940

California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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