The "metric for success" in the mountain of RELIGION, has become so tainted, tilted and turbulent (spiritually speaking), that some people don't really know whether their coming or going in respect to their relationship with Christ, in the so-called progress" of our me-centered churches that are supposed to be doing EVERYTHING "in the name of The Lord"..
I understand why it's so easy for many of us to become misaligned and disjointed with the "where we are" moment by moment in our walk of faith. Because we're all quite shallow in our heart dispositions towards what "real suffering" truly looks like.
The "desire to grow", coupled with the "openness to change" – believe it or not, is the primary barrier to most "church growth", based upon the years of consultancy and research on the "culture" of many churches around the globe.
What do you mean?
This innate desire to spiritually grow, is born from intimacy with Christ - too really see "the increase of HIS Kingdom", must be deliberately and intentionally pursued through the commitment of "the whole", in a stewarding-willingness to accept the necessary changes required on the part of the leader and the people in the congregation. Making this "the priority" is key, before any "healthy" change, expansion or transition may occur.
The Bible says, "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain" (John 12:24, NKJV). Embracing the profundity of that passage is necessary in order for a church to experience healthy growth, as certain things in the normal "life cycle of growth", has to change or die.
For instance, those who've frequently shared intimacy and access with the pastor, have to learn to share them with the "new" or the "other" people. They have to be willing to let go of the control and expectations for the leader in certain areas, and focus upon Christ's end-time agenda and overarching influence in the life and direction of the church, and that takes an incredible amount of unselfishness and "spirit-led devotion".
Everyone must be willing to die to any thoughts, traditions and temporal thinking that "makes the commands of God of no effect", including some of the feelings and some of our relationships, in order for the kingdom of God to be advanced — and that takes great maturity from the unselfish "sons" and Servant's, without gender or racial biases that hold us captive..
So, how do we grow mature in Christ as Christians?
We find the right church home, commit ourselves to nurturing godly relationships, and we align (through discipleship) with others that are much wiser than ourselves.
The pastoral function is definitely one of the key areas of the Christ's gifts to mankind. And, once the leader and the people decide that growth and expansion is God's will for their local fellowship; along with the inevitable change of interest and roles, comes the shift from the focus on being a "personal minister" to becoming a "ministry leader". If everything "depends upon the leader" — and the leader has to "personally minister" to every person in the church, which is commonly known as a "personality-driven church" — then, the church cannot grow "beyond the leader's own personal energy level", and/or grossly limited viewpoints.
And, that is a serious barrier to the growth that the leader and the people desire, can will potentially create bottlenecks and obstacles in what everyone has actually determined to believe for. This is called the Shepherd-Rancher Conflict, and as the pastor of a small to mid-sized church, the time commitment of the senior pastor and key leadership, including the commitment to do all the praying, all the baptizing, all the teaching, all the intimately knowing every family, every child, every dog and every cat (smile), gets "traded-off" - to a certain degree, as plans for growth and expansion takes place. But, there are solutions to successfully managing the transition, and together we will accomplish this by God's amazing grace!
So, as the church grows, then the role turns from shepherd to rancher. The rancher helps to oversee the appointed under-shepherds, which places a direct demand upon everyone in the ministry to step up to the plate, and grow!
As the transition is properly executed, the majority of the committed, disengaged and inactive members will become mobilized for the expansion and growth of the ministry – and strategically repositioned as the leadership entrusts the ministry to the "faithful" (those who can "teach others also"), which in turn ignites and revives the pew-sitting priesthood (smile) that recognizes their continuum of growth in Christ, is an absolute necessity.
As the people become aware of the vital importance of their own spiritual growth, any of the potential changes and transitions that are required, becomes easier for the people to handle, and the resistance to whatever plans of expansion receive greater support, because the people "have a mind to work".
As things gradually moves forward, teaching that is based upon "activating every believer to use their unique gift and testimony in their respective world" (the marketplace), is how the "Ephesians 4 Mandate" of INTIMACY, MATURITY and UNITY becomes a reality. WS-3
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