YES..YES..I know, the "title" of this blog "got you"; and I'm GLAD it did! 

READ ON...(Smile)

When we were growing up, "temper tantrums" were NOT an acceptable form of "behavioral release" (LOL!!) AND, "if" you decided to let your "upset self" clown or "throw a fit" in the floor, you could expect the "BEAT DOWN" of your life; and, BE ASSURED that EVERY ADULT in the HOUSEHOLD was EVENTUALLY gonna get a piece of that "backside" -- before "days end", in JESUS' NAME; at least in "most" BLACK HOUSEHOLDS, as far as I know...LOL!!

Do I have "A WITNESS"?  LOL!!

NOW, as much as we KNOW that GOD desires our "best representation" as an ambassador and witness in HIS Name!  What's even MORE IMPORTANT "is" that we recognize GOD never JUDGES "our humanity", but "our carnality" that we too often display in response to our "reckless emotions" -- that should be bridled and controlled through supernatural means; if we allow the Holy Spirit to CONSISTENTLY be "our guide".

"Emotional stability" is DEFINITELY "the will of GOD", but why do we have such a PROBLEM "expressing anger" in a "healthy way"; because we want to "salvage feelings" -- or NOT offend?  After all, the scripture says "Be angry, but do not sin!"

The Bible also declares that in the end time, "many will take offense", so do we think our agreeableness, super-sweet countenance or co-exist philosophies will save us from disagreements?  The watching world KNOWS this isn't "real", and that our "christian smiles" are absolutely FAKE -- 99% of the time, and are waiting for us to admit to how "we REALLY feel"; when we can FINALLY "let it out" -- once and for all!

I BELIEVE "this" is one of the primary reasons that SIN becomes SO ENTICING to "believers" that are supposed to be MATURE and well established in the things of GOD! Somehow or some way (over time, through unhealthy "familiarity") we form a frame of reference or attitude of the heart (WITH GOD) that is neither truly "real" or "relational"; and, we in turn "grow distant" in our hearts, and begin to drift from the "achieved intimacy" that we think that we formed or put false confidence in over time..

The TRUTH "is", "they that worship HIM, must worship HIM in spirit AND in truth"! That means, we don't manufacture or contrive intimacy through half-hearted devotion or spiritual "rifle practice"; by aiming at nothing or by pursuing the things in or of this world, instead of GOD!

Well, have you heard of the concept called "managing emotions"?

Here's what I KNOW..."Managing emotions" must be "intentional", and IF your "led by the Spirit", they must be a secondary "information source"; but NOTHING you put your "trust in" NOW or in the FUTURE!

As I was researching about the subject, I discovered these are some fairly good steps for resetting ourselves once we get upset -- that I can agree with for the most part... BUT, for ME, "divine guidance" is ALWAYS FIRST, and normally the ONLY STEP necessary -- especially if "we walk by faith, and NOT by sight"!

Here is a suggestion from some social commentary in a recent Huffington Post article about "following their six steps to control your emotions and regain rationality in any challenging situation":

  1. Don't react right away. Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be an immense mistake. ... 
  2. Ask for divine guidance. ... 
  3. Find a healthy outlet. ... 
  4. See the bigger picture. ... 
  5. Replace your thoughts. ... 
  6. Forgive your emotional triggers.

WHY, "divine guidance" for you FIRST? 

Because, the HOLY SPIRIT will tell you "how you should feel about something" that NATURALLY is "disturbing" or upsetting to us; but SPIRITUALLY, it is a SETUP for the "purpose of GOD" -- IF we allow it too "be"... 

One of the "divine keys" for promoting, prospering and protecting ourselves -- even when emotions run high, is the promise from GOD's Word that says, "Let mercy and truth never leave you. Bind them around your neck like a yoke. Write them upon the tablet of your heart." (Proverbs 3:3-4)

MERCY and TRUTH (God's Way) are the counter-balance to WRATH and LIES (Satan's Way) which is the enemy's "modus operandi" for every person whose either controlled by or under the influence of the devil in any circumstance of life!

If we ALWAYS choose to "pursue peace" -- and allow "it" to govern our movement and representation in HIS name, we may STILL have "numerous devils to fight", but, WE WILL WIN; by simply "being on HIS side" and "walking in HIS Ways" -- every time we're forced to address or to "manage" our EMOTIONS!  (Colossians 3:15) #WS-3


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