"The Grace Card?"
There is a subtle - but noticeable fear amongst many leaders in the Body of Christ, about the isolation and stigmitization of speaking-out against sin.
If the leader appears to be righteously indignant towards sins that could possibly communicate intolerance for things that may be generally acceptable or culturally prevalent, any vocal disagreement seems to characterize some level of hypocrisy, prejudice and perverted judgment - and no one wants "Cain's mark" to be associated with their names.
Hypocrisy because, every leader has some "issue" their dealing with - "so who are they to talk!"
Prejudice because, every leader "values and devalues" based upon personal preference and experience without thoroughly investigating what they choose to judge - unless their completely resigned to give God first place in every area of their hearts and lives.
Perverted judgment because, many leaders choose which things they'll "deal with" based upon their own secret sins and private failures, which they believe noone else is aware of, and stop preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God's word.
In the New Testament Reality, SIN is NOT just a “blessing blocker”; it also creates clamor or a distorted “voice” in the realm of the spirit that compromises the integrity of our Christ-ordained authority to enact the laws and principles that enforce or appropriates the will of God.
Ultimately, the continuing and progressive strength (grace) that marks those faithful to abide in the vine, who is Christ, is dramatically lessened and minimized by the willful choice to receive less than Calvary afforded to every believer.
If the leader appears to be righteously indignant towards sins that could possibly communicate intolerance for things that may be generally acceptable or culturally prevalent, any vocal disagreement seems to characterize some level of hypocrisy, prejudice and perverted judgment - and no one wants "Cain's mark" to be associated with their names.
Hypocrisy because, every leader has some "issue" their dealing with - "so who are they to talk!"
Prejudice because, every leader "values and devalues" based upon personal preference and experience without thoroughly investigating what they choose to judge - unless their completely resigned to give God first place in every area of their hearts and lives.
Perverted judgment because, many leaders choose which things they'll "deal with" based upon their own secret sins and private failures, which they believe noone else is aware of, and stop preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God's word.
I think “speaking out” is where most leaders feel uncomfortable, and rightly believe that sharing the Good News represents the focus on propagating the glorious gospel of Christ, who died for the sins of all humanity; and I agree. But, it does NOT negate the importance of speaking the truth in love, as a life-saving and bridge-building vessel that connects sinful humanity with their Redeeming Savior, Jesus Christ, by dealing with sin.
The gospel is “good news” that will offend, because truth challenges everything that is false and a lie...
The Word of God is referred to as the “sword of the spirit” that divides asunder soul from spirit...
The Word of God is a mirror, or the Perfect Law of Liberty that allows every born-again disciple of Christ to see their lives through God’s standard or plumbline, and provides the power to change by His grace.
In the New Testament Reality, SIN is NOT just a “blessing blocker”; it also creates clamor or a distorted “voice” in the realm of the spirit that compromises the integrity of our Christ-ordained authority to enact the laws and principles that enforce or appropriates the will of God.
Ultimately, the continuing and progressive strength (grace) that marks those faithful to abide in the vine, who is Christ, is dramatically lessened and minimized by the willful choice to receive less than Calvary afforded to every believer.
The “sin” we all should really be concerned about is ‘what we do with Christ’ (consciously and purposefully) in light of His perfect sacrifice, and ‘what we do with the Father’s intention’ to eternally remove the curse or yoke of bondage that plagues humanity.
Our transgressions, imperfections and willful disobedience are all under the blood after we receive Christ and become conscious of the finished work. But consciousness equates to responsibility, and legally authorizes the providence of God or the wiles of Satan, to enact forcibly on behalf of those serving and sacrificing in their respective "kingdoms" of influence.
Compromised authority in Christ, leads to legitimate struggles and strongholds that legally releases intruding and diabolical demonic forces to encamp and enforce their perverted will upon the weak-willed and undisciplined.
Injustice, sickness and tragedy are all in the same family of the prevailing curse predominant in this world’s system. These curses or issues of life, represent a compromised state of our human condition outside of the preeminent influence of God’s word revered in the human spirit.
The curse is prevalent and dominating where disobedience, ignorance and negligence are common place, but NOT as a judgment of God to punish human sin. God’s justice pertaining to the sin of the world was satisfied by Christ at Calvary, and as the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek – He entered once and for all as The Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world.
The spiritual, physical and emotional imprisonment (severe afflictions) that sometimes affects the “committed and faithful” in the household of faith, is supernaturally restrained, only because everything that God could do to both empower and release us from the penalty of sin that we deserve, Christ cancelled-out and remitted through the Cross.
Our "obedience" to His word shuts off these intrusions and imprisonment, while placing us in direct proximity to His blessings and purpose, with the ability to enjoy perfect liberty in Christ.
Satan is a legalist, who is hell-bent on God’s people “paying for their sin”; but completely loses his power over and influence in our lives, when genuine repentance takes place. Satan will also definitely try to make the guilty “serve their whole sentence”, so to speak – while being totally disgusted and sickened with God’s redemptive compassion and love, in repairing the broken and bruised as instruments of reconciliatory hope and restoration who can help others in a similar state or condition.
The Refiner is in the midst of His people, and our excuses, reasoning, and stubborness will be purified in the fire. "Playing the grace card", and not being responsive to the voice of His Spirit through the Word, His Chosen Vessels, and our spiritual convictions and correction that we receive as we walk with Him day by day - will deteriorate your spiritual fervor and intimacy, while distorting His voice and placing "leanness" in the heart that will taint your perception.
Because God chooses not to broadcast our blunders doesn't mean He excuses our behavior.
Because you've not been confronted by the person that you've dishonored, and feel justified in the actions that you've taken doesn't mean there aren't future consequences to deal with.
Because there seems to be no one you're hurting (but yourself) in acting contrary to God's word in a specific way doesn't mean that "expedient behavior" won't come back to bite you in other areas.
And, because you are God's man or woman and "good things" are happening right now doesn't mean that you won't face some things directly related to your willful sin in the past, although it appears that God winked or "passed" on your willfully-repeated failures.
The Lord is compassionate, just, merciful, full of grace, and loving, but frustrating the grace of God will lead you to destructive ends, if you do not correct and adjust your mindset in your current path and pursuits.
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