"The Spirit of Mammon: What Is It?"

The Spirit of Mammon in its diabolical operation often convinces the inexperienced earthly traveler and immature believer, to associate and debate the nature of God’s relationship with the “material world”, as fickle and uninteresting; because the spiritual dimension supersedes the material realm in importance.

God’s association with “material things” never changed from the beginning of human history until this day. He governs its substance and make-up, but subjects Himself to humanity’s choice to authenticate faith and allegiance to His governing laws; although He never intended “the fall”, to pervert the original purpose for creating the material as a communications specialist for His agenda.

The Father intended “the material” to reveal in both visual and verbal communication to mankind - through our unbroken perceptive reality – the extent of His love, His goodness and His purpose.

During this period, “the material” was upheld by Love’s light, and only required the spoken word to be both held together and developed, ongoing. Adam’s choice in the garden, in choosing death over life, sent every aspect of God’s creation and system of operation into a downward tailspin of death, decay and deterioration.

This is now why humanity believes their genius and intelligence must uphold those things that he or she makes or authors. But that which the Father creates and sustains requires His word, alone. In this cursed cosmos and earth’s biosphere, the promise to not destroy the earth renewed the Father’s original covenant to uphold all things by the word of His power.

Now, man’s cooperation is necessary and critical to enjoin, once again, the line or commonality through which His immutable laws that govern all things, and makes the material and spiritual work harmoniously together, as He originally intended.

The ‘finished work’ reconciled this cosmic disturbance and continues to keep all things in motion and existent until the earth is renovated. Since the natural world is now subject to man’s choice, the power to obey or disobey God’s word and laws, influences everything in our material reality. This includes all energy, space, time and matter (seasons, weather and natural events) or occurrences, which produce global implications that often hurts the Fathers heart, due to their destructive tendencies in the cycle of death perpetuated by the forces of darkness.

As with all material things, the life which was in the flesh through the separation of disobedience or sin, was reduced to its lowest common trait, without spirit life to temper and govern it; like the breath of life in Adam’s nostrils in creation.

If we consider the destructive operation of mammon, which represents the spiritual force whose affections are completely on the material realm and self gratification, - MOST of the embarrassing scandals of the Church in the 2oth century, have either been concerning SEX or MONEY!

Have you ever asked yourself, why these two areas have been dominant vices for church leadership in this regard?

In my prayerful observation these two areas in our present culture, outside of a Kingdom worldview and godly values, is the primary TREASURE in the hearts of the masses; as well as the primary pursuit that stems from the lust, greed and corruption that is inherent within this world’s system!

We’ve already established that the natural world (because of man’s fall in the garden) is now subject to man’s choice; which represents the power to obey or disobey God’s word and laws! This “spiritual or ultimate reality” influences everything in our material world, and reveals that man’s cooperation is necessary and critical for “peace on earth”.

The laws that govern the material and physical world determine many things we encounter every day; to include the “invisible forces” that often hinder our progress and prosperity as believers.

The prosperity I’m speaking of here, is a stewardship and empowerment for every believer that comes by the Spirit: through our obedience in tithing: our cooperation with the laws of seed, time and harvest; and our willingness to be a distribution channel for His Kingdom—which keeps us from the growing deterioration and destruction in the world that affects the Complacent Church; and comes as a result of our willful subjection through cultural conformity to the declining systems we call “the marketplace”.

In Matthew 6:19-20 (RSV), the Bible says, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in an steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal." In mentioning the moths, the rust, and the thieves, Jesus is showing us what happens when we lay up treasures on earth. What our Lord was actually saying is: "If your treasures are on earth, I can tell you the whole story of their inevitable fate in three words -- moth, rust, and thieves. That is it in a nutshell."

Is this not the trouble with the treasures of the earth? Since most of our treasures exist in the realm of “the seen”, people, pleasures and possessions are our focus; but there is one thing we can be absolutely certain of, is that we are certain to lose them!

There is no way we can preserve them (decaying treasures) for ourselves—unless He makes us rich, and adds no sorrow with it. The terms that our Lord uses here, "moths, rust, and thieves", is not only literally true of much of our earthly treasure, but they are also symbolically true. That is, they stand for certain characteristics of earthly treasures that have a “shelf-life”.

We know, for instance, that earthly treasure -- things, persons, places, positions, etc., never fully satisfies us! This is how mammon seduces and imprisons the immature believer in mental chains.

A big part of what makes this such an interesting subject is, we’ve identified that “earthly treasure” – including: things, places, positions, etc., will never fully satisfy us!

We’ve also discovered that mammon seduces and imprisons the immature believer in mental chains, and destroys both the peace of mind and heart that is common for a believer that walks in the Spirit.  The power of the sensory realm is what causes us to buy into the idea that these “temporal things” will bring fulfillment and contentment, which is a futile pursuit; and for many generations - has been the cause of more strife, more divorce, and more premature deaths, than we could ever imagine or number.

In a world dominated by fleshly impulse and sexually provocative themes, more religious leaders are succumbing to the vice of lust and perversion—because we do NOT truthfully understand how to relate with both the physical and material world!

 In order to fulfill God’s plan for the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (to destroy the works of the devil), we have to advance God’s Kingdom by destroying the evil within our own hearts—and intently keep reaching for the purpose for which we’ve all been created!

 “Seeking things that are above”—is the conscious decision to first, deny ourselves of the corruptible influences and secret sins that lurk in the quietness of our personal struggles.

 Secondly, we must eliminate the excuses for continuing to wander or circle the wagon of stupidity, by responding to the impulses and allurements of our day!  From the excess of designer suits, to the need for Bentleys and Rolex watches—when the ministry can barely pay its bills! 

 Finally, our hearts must be cleansed from the mire and filth of justifying our fleshly lusts through preaching messages about prosperity that are secretly veiled with deceit and greed, at the very foundation. 

 In the celebrity landscape in which we live and work every day, I have certainly grown to appreciate God’s grace, God’s word, and God’s mercy—to keep us from the lust of corruption in our cities and communities, “as we partake of His divine nature and exceeding great and precious promises”.  You can too! Before it’s too late...!  WS-3


”His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. By these he has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.“  (2 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭CSB‬‬)


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