SO, you're TIRED, and you've made sure that "everybody knows it", BUT - "where is your FAITH"?...
Oh, I hear your "gums-flapping" in the background, now...
YOU'VE "believed", but STILL WAITING, and "enough is enough" already...Right?
RIGHT! Enough is enough! But, WHO are you actually "praying too" or "trying to convince"?
That's NOT - FAITH, and also does NOT represent the "reality of our New Testament Covenant", in Christ!
For the BELIEVER, it's simple: BELIEVE. RECEIVE. And, REST.
If "stuff" gets left undone...Or, if your "reputation" goes bad cause things fall apart...Or, if the people that promised to help have now "turned their backs on you" - DON'T STRESS, JUST REST!
PLAYTIME with GOD's WORD, is OVER! It IS, sink or swim time now, BIG BABEHHH... LOL!
NEVER, let the devil "see you sweat"!
It's ALL GOOD in the neighborhood, even if it "seems like" that HE's NOT going to DELIVER YOU!
Stop "soliciting help" - from people, WITHOUT A CLUE!
Stop "sharing sob stories" - with people, WHO ARE WORSE OFF THAN YOU!
Stop "selling-out for a bowl of beans" - as people, MAKE YOU BELIEVE something that's REALLY, not true!
ONLY, the "extremely wealthy" aren't "losing sleep", in a season like this...But, the "occupying company" that we're ALL called to be a part of, will SEE the "greatest transfer of wealth" in human history, over the NEXT ten to fifteen years - as we FOLLOW HIM!
We've got some BATTLES TO WIN...WS-3
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