"A Strategic Call to Order for Church Leaders"
How can the Church be strategic in partnering with private and public agencies, without ALWAYS having its hand out for grants or public money?
The prevalent social and economic justice issues that unions, organizers and activists believe they need to aggressively pursue concerning their agendas with state and federal politicians, does not primarily derive from a radical commitment to the “public’s good”, or an aggressive response to the needs of a specific community or neighborhood group (by ethnicity) – which should be the driving force and agenda; it's all about MONEY!
Are you saying that there are not advocacy groups and sincere activists whose missional focus is not pure and for the people? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
I'm saying that those who begin with that intention, end up bombarded by the spirit of mammon and fold under it's influence; thereby caught up in the system there supposed to impact and influence for Christ.
Although there are many blatant systemic and prejudicial occurrences that should be rooted out as these officials are held to strict accountability, the church’s role is to demonstrate the kingdom through thoughtful service and heart transformations by demonstrating the Gospel message.
The genesis of these battles is about the lack of a representative voice, and an approach that synergizes dual objectives between the agency and concerned community representative, due to the inadequacy and insufficiency of well-meaning people that seek “to do good” without God’s necessary involvement…
The growing divide between the “haves and have-nots” will not be solved by aggressive unionization, socialism or through the destruction of competitive capitalism.
Monopolistic influences in the capitalistic economic system - full of corruption, lust and greed where systematic regulatory abuses and power-monopolies creates a greater gulf and disparities economically, socially and politically should have their feet held to the fire; and must be removed from the pivotal leadership posts that feeds these special interests, while appearing to be for the "public good".
Each unique segment of our governmental agencies and municipalities are there to govern and to provide critical services, that plan, protect, and promotes healthy communities; as well as maintaining civility for communal stability – all for the public benefit.
As believers, we should study with intentionality the missional focus of each agency, and create strategy and leverage for partnership. I.e. – A faith-based leader can be a “neutral advocate” for instances where a family in a fire, or a parent that lost a child (without a religious connection or affiliation) can be supported with counseling, food, lodging, etc.
“Prophetic Engagement” is NOT a war between the secular and sacred (erroneous thinking and ignorance) – its being the reminder of Christ’s redemptive work and plan “at work” amidst the chaotic world we live in, through the spirit and word of reconciliation in the mouths of His true representatives.
Help the heads of these agencies to see that a faith-based approach doesn’t have to be an “evangelistic sandwich” we cram down their throats. Provide mediation and prayer coverage for volatile situations; come to the side of an agency chaplain – if circumstances require support….etc.
The agencies have enough pressure through numerous customer complaints, regulatory pressures, infrastructure system-failings, decreased budgets for needed improvements, and the political jockeying for state and federal resources to prevent layoffs and cutbacks for operational sustainability and stability.
An intelligent approach to impacting our government through strategic service and partnership, must become our commitment - if we are to remain potent and relevant in a world that sees less and less the need to seek God and His ways!
Leaders - this is a CALL TO ORDER!
The prevalent social and economic justice issues that unions, organizers and activists believe they need to aggressively pursue concerning their agendas with state and federal politicians, does not primarily derive from a radical commitment to the “public’s good”, or an aggressive response to the needs of a specific community or neighborhood group (by ethnicity) – which should be the driving force and agenda; it's all about MONEY!
Are you saying that there are not advocacy groups and sincere activists whose missional focus is not pure and for the people? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
I'm saying that those who begin with that intention, end up bombarded by the spirit of mammon and fold under it's influence; thereby caught up in the system there supposed to impact and influence for Christ.
Although there are many blatant systemic and prejudicial occurrences that should be rooted out as these officials are held to strict accountability, the church’s role is to demonstrate the kingdom through thoughtful service and heart transformations by demonstrating the Gospel message.
The genesis of these battles is about the lack of a representative voice, and an approach that synergizes dual objectives between the agency and concerned community representative, due to the inadequacy and insufficiency of well-meaning people that seek “to do good” without God’s necessary involvement…
The growing divide between the “haves and have-nots” will not be solved by aggressive unionization, socialism or through the destruction of competitive capitalism.
Monopolistic influences in the capitalistic economic system - full of corruption, lust and greed where systematic regulatory abuses and power-monopolies creates a greater gulf and disparities economically, socially and politically should have their feet held to the fire; and must be removed from the pivotal leadership posts that feeds these special interests, while appearing to be for the "public good".
Each unique segment of our governmental agencies and municipalities are there to govern and to provide critical services, that plan, protect, and promotes healthy communities; as well as maintaining civility for communal stability – all for the public benefit.
As believers, we should study with intentionality the missional focus of each agency, and create strategy and leverage for partnership. I.e. – A faith-based leader can be a “neutral advocate” for instances where a family in a fire, or a parent that lost a child (without a religious connection or affiliation) can be supported with counseling, food, lodging, etc.
“Prophetic Engagement” is NOT a war between the secular and sacred (erroneous thinking and ignorance) – its being the reminder of Christ’s redemptive work and plan “at work” amidst the chaotic world we live in, through the spirit and word of reconciliation in the mouths of His true representatives.
Help the heads of these agencies to see that a faith-based approach doesn’t have to be an “evangelistic sandwich” we cram down their throats. Provide mediation and prayer coverage for volatile situations; come to the side of an agency chaplain – if circumstances require support….etc.
The agencies have enough pressure through numerous customer complaints, regulatory pressures, infrastructure system-failings, decreased budgets for needed improvements, and the political jockeying for state and federal resources to prevent layoffs and cutbacks for operational sustainability and stability.
An intelligent approach to impacting our government through strategic service and partnership, must become our commitment - if we are to remain potent and relevant in a world that sees less and less the need to seek God and His ways!
Leaders - this is a CALL TO ORDER!
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