GOD SAID: For ALL of us — We're simply dealing with DEGREES OF BLINDNESS (spiritually speaking) that has captivated our HEARTS and OUR MINDS, until HE sees fit to AWAKEN US to the truth! WOW..
The JUDGMENT that many of us have toward each other — is JUSTIFIED; because we're HATEFUL, MEAN-SPIRITED, HYPOCRITICAL, or BLINDLY-RELIGIOUS!
Our UNIQUE JOURNEY and PROCESS, does very interesting and peculiar things in our "knower" — AND, more importantly, in "how" we PERCEIVE and we JUDGE (righteous vs unrighteous determinations); and the KEY "is", the room and the space we give to CHRIST's REDEEMING WORK in each of our lives; by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ!
As we all are aware of the concept called TOLERANCE — which I believe is very flawed and error-ridden on BOTH SIDES of the aisle. Because, HUMAN FLESH is imbalanced, selfish, and corrupt in many respects..SO, as Christians we have to graduate beyond CULTURE NORMS, by remaining principled and values-based in OUR PRACTICE; which means we must embrace FORBEARANCE, not tolerance!
FORBEARANCE (self control and restraint) is better than TOLERANCE (open-mindedness and objectivity); because "tolerance" is terribly SUBJECTIVE — AND, tends to leave the interpretation upon our FLAWED HUMANITY, that can't control anyone else's behavior but our own!
But, in many of our lives is NOT explicit-dependency upon the Holy Spirit; which is what ALL CHRISTIANS should be doing in our dealings with one another; and, in every circumstance that we represent in HIS NAME!
NEXT WEEK there will be ALL KINDS of accusations, interpretations, and intense discussions amongst GOD's PEOPLE! And, because the PRECARIOUS ISSUES actually warrants it — IT is MY PRAYER, that WE REMEMBER that we're ALL BLIND; till GOD allows us to SEE, tonHEAR, and to PERCEIVE — His Heart and Mind, as we HUMBLE OURSELVES under His Mighty Hand!
YOUR HEART and MY HEART is the issue!
I HOPE that you remember this; always..
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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