There are all kinds of "legal nuances" in the City of Los Angeles as it pertains to "lawful evictions", and as I'm positioning myself to repossess certain territory (spiritually-speaking) - and to occupy other territory (which I've never possessed before); I'm listening to the Holy Spirit provide insight into "why things take time", in regards to the "eviction process" being completed. It's pretty clear though...the landlord is basically "recovering possession" of their property.. And, within the eviction process, sometimes the landlord has to file an "Unlawful Detainer" notice with the court, for the stubborn tenants that "refuse to leave"!
An Unlawful Detainer is the legal name of the suit a landlord brings to evict a tenant from the premises. There are several possible grounds for such an eviction action. 1) the tenant has failed to abide by some obligation in his lease or rental agreement with the landlord; for example, by creating a nuisance, damaging the premises, or keeping pets. 2) the tenant has failed to pay the rent on time; 3) the tenant remains on the premises after having been given lawful notice to terminate the tenancy.
There are demonic forces in yours and my life, which have stubbornly opposed every effort we've made to remove their influence and intrusions upon "your property" and (in our lives)...
I HEAR someone saying, "Well, Pastor Walter - I'm saved! How is it possible for me to have "unwanted tenants" (demonic influences) in my life? Are you saying that I'm "possessed by a demon spirit"?
I AM NOT saying that "you're possessed" or under the influence of demons spirits! BUT, it is possible to "leave your life open", through disobedience, ignorance or negligence - which "gives place to the devil"!
These influences can exist in the following areas:
* Your physical body - because you've neglected to treat your body "as a temple", so the sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, sexual sins, and the horrible dietary habits have you grossly overweight, unhealthy and your body is racked with multiple aches and pains..
* Your personal finances - because you "emotionally spend", and the lack of discipline and spendthrift mentality has you in hundreds-of-thousands of dollars, of debt..
* Your marriage and family relationships - because you happen to be a horrible communicator, very selfish, and unwilling to change, so your relationships are under the strain and pain of a self-seeking and self-serving personality (YOU).
We MUST UNDERSTAND, that our decisions "open and close doors" in our lives, and it all starts with our "gates" or points of access. Just like the landlord allowed the tenant to "lawfully lease" the property, the only lawful way to evict the tenant, is by following the defined constraints of the lease agreement - and the housing codes and fair-housing laws that govern landlord/tenant relationships...
When we SEE our responsibility and rewards in light of our obedience to believe upon the "finished works" of Christ, through the guise of "the legal process that governs ALL of the spiritual activity and transactions" in our lives; we NO LONGER make "receiving God's promises" - about US!
OUR - inadequacies, inferiority, and insufficiency is "well known" by The Father! HE is NOT surprised by our brokenness, inconsistencies or fleshly proclivities!
HIS GOAL for us, is NOT "human perfection", but "complete surrender" to HIS will and purpose, while continuing to believe upon HIS "finished work" - FOR US!
As you enforce the rule of Christ's Authority this week, don't make it about YOU! When we "pray in HIS Name", we're representing "all that HE is and has accomplished" FOR US - so our "unblemished record" is NOT the issue!
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywood & Ontario)
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office
"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"
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