"Harvest-Minded": 'The World Needs ME!'

This morning at approximately 4:30am, I woke up to hearing the words "The Harvest" - which directly connected me back to words I heard and received from my global accountability (spiritually speaking)through Papa Lyle Randles of Life Connections Int'l, who lives in Santa Monica, California.

Papa Lyle reminded me of both the explicit use and timely nature of my obedience to be "harvest-minded", and not to allow anything else to distract me in this season - that is pregnant with God's purpose for reaching the world for His glory and honor. 

This exchange that he and I had several weeks back during our normal conferencing time, reminded me of this powerful word that my wife (Charlene) and I received in 2005 during an explosive time of intercessory-worship; while simply seeking the Lord as our normal routine.

In the months to come, God is showing me that the substance of this word below is going to be accelerated till its final completion in my life! This will include shortening my bi-coastal commute between Miami and Los Angeles, and maintaining my base at home - in Hollywood.

In my life, the fulfillment of this word includes a heavy mandate for music-evangelism, writing books and songs, building discipleship training centers all over the world, and helping to foster unity (as a Church and Ministry Consultant) in the Body of Christ through the apostolic/prophetic mantle that rests upon my life.

PLEASE PRAY for my sensitivity to His timing, my availability for His use, and my willingness to stay in preparation to not be distracted by the "church world" that does not have His heart at all!

May we all be responsive to His voice in this season - and be "all about the harvest"! WS-3

WORD OF THE LORD – March 23, 2005, 10:55 am
 “Taped Worship V – The World Needs Me”


"It is not those who are well that need a physician, it’s those who are sick.  It’s the searching heart; it’s the heart that is beckoning to hear the voice, to know the voice, to have an experience with me.  It’s the heart that cries and says, Lord, if you’re real, reveal yourself to me.  Show yourself.  Prove that you are God, and that your existence is not a figment of my imagination.  Prove that I am here for a reason.  Show me where I fit. 

My son and daughter, I have not called you to speak into the ears of the righteous, but into the ears of the wicked.  I’ve called you to have influence amongst a people who are seen with celebrity status; amongst a people who do not know and who are not searching for Me, but I am searching for them.  Remember My word says that I have chosen you, you have not chosen Me.  So the Spirit of God is like an investigative reporter searching throughout the earth seeing hearts which are truly bent toward Him.

When you look at the life of Saul of Tarsus before his conversion, did Saul have any of the characteristics of a righteous person – meaning a person in right standing with God?  Maybe in the eyes of men, but not in the eyes of His heavenly Father, because his heart was bent toward the destruction of a people God had anointed and ordained to preach His message, to carry His word.  Saul of Tarsus was devastated with confusion and bewilderment of religion, of tradition, of cultural preference.  He did not see things through the eyes of the Spirit.  It wasn’t until the Spirit of God revealed Himself to Saul of Tarsus that he was converted and became Paul.  This man was on a curious journey, a journey that did not seem lead to righteous things or a righteous cause.

Oh, if My children would not be so religious and so bound by their traditions and their strongholds of the commandments of men, they would be able to see and known and recognize who I am.  They would be able to see Me work in ways that would confound every religious movement and all the rhetoric that is spoken from theologians that have no walk or relationship, but have a historical understanding and context of scripture which I have given to humanity. 

Anyone with a desire to study can come to the same knowledge that a theologian comes to.  It does not mean that there is true revelation or understanding or comprehension, which enables them to live a life pleasing before me.  But it does mean that what they are encountering are the historical facts, which are the evidence that is needed for a world to believe in Me, the Living God!

Oh, I see in your hearts that you are being transformed!  A paradigm is shifting in your minds as you realize what I want to do is not encounter you with religious people – I want to bring you to the world!  Being on camera does not mean being on TBN!  Being on camera means being before My people!  It means Me presenting a platform and an opportunity for you to be a voice to My people, to speak to My people, to declare My word to My people.  And yes, you will be seen and known as weird or as eccentric, or as different, but no person will be able to subjugate, or be able to in a negative way speak against the words that I speak, which are inerrant and infallible.

I want a voice that speaks My word.  I want a voice that represents Me, that is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, that is not ashamed of the ways of the Lord, which are often mysterious or strange or peculiar to mankind, yet are divine and a part of My design and My intent to reveal Myself to a world that thinks I’m not real.  I’ve displayed this awesome manifestation of My presence and power through hands and through eyes and through feet that will walk, that will do and that will speak My word, and do not allow themselves to be hindered simply because they do not understand where I’m taking them, what I’m doing, how I will reveal Myself. 

See, the world will embrace Me in the fullness of Who I am because what I am dealing with in this season is the error and all of the things that take away from, and distort the truth of Who I am as Creator God.  I must set the record straight!  I must create an accounting, especially among those in religious circles who have felt that they have some foothold or some revelation on Me and yet who do not understand the fullness of who I am – My manifold wisdom. 

So now I have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.  I don’t want you to go taunting with your education or with your experience, or with your ability.  I don’t want you to talk about who you know or what you know.  But, I want you to be My voice.  I want you to speak My word.  I don’t want you to go with form or fashion.  I want you simply to be an instrument in My hands, so I have prepared you to be this instrument.  I have prepared you to speak My word.  I have prepared you to receive utterance and be a voice which is not shameful, which is not bashful, which is not afraid.  I will dwell among you.  I will hover over you.  My words will be as clear in your ears then as they are right now. 

No environment will hinder, stop or oppose the free flow of My presence spoken through your words.  You will speak to the nations.  You will speak to men and women renowned – those who in the church world would be bashful or ashamed. 

I will give you boldness to speak My word and not be conditioned to look at the response of the face or look for any approval with a handshake, with a head nod or with a tear.  My words to you will be as clear and pronounced and as accurate as they have been in your own lives.  I will ensure that My words are received whether there is an acknowledgement publicly or not.  My words will be received, and there will be nothing to stop the flow of what I purpose to do in the earth.

Yes, I have told you that you will be a correspondent.  You will be a spiritual voice to the nations of the world.  I have prepared you to be this voice, not to have allegiances or alliances as I’ve stated before.  But this unique call and this gift is what I had anointed you to do as a child.  I anointed you to stand before My people.  I anointed you to be My voice. 

What you had to do was face every form of rejection, apprehension and intimidation known to man so that when you stand before My people you are not shaking in your boots.  You are not having a script to prepare yourself, but you are simply a living vessel – an instrument in My hands.  You allow yourself to rest in Me.  You don’t create anything.  You flow with what I have spoken from Heaven into the earth.  You are a vehicle of agreement with Heaven on earth!

Now I want you to know that everything that I am doing surpasses what you have imagined because you have only seen yourself in religious movements, and not in a movement of My presence in the world.  Religious movements are created by the hands of man.  Movements in the world by My Spirit are created by My hand alone!  Man cannot dictate.  Man cannot entice.  Man cannot pervert or manipulate.  Man is responsive to My leadership, and does what I tell him to do.

There are many aspects of this unknown walk that before were like an intimidating factor which caused you to waiver in your hearts about My calling for your lives.  Yes, I’ve called you to pastor.  Your pulpit is the world.  Your platform I have created and established.  Pharaoh’s realm was not amongst religious people.  Pharaoh’s realm was with a heathen person.  Pharaoh’s realm is with a heathen person.  I will give you influence amongst My body to affect the Kingdom directly, but the greater purpose for your lives is to affect the heathen – those in the world who see something in you born of Me, an aura about you born of Me. 

I have sent you as a light into the world.  The gentiles shall build up the walls, shall tend to your life, shall be the ones to stand with you, to support you, to encourage you - the nations, the unbelieving, the lame.  I’ve told you before, and now I take a little more off.  I peel a layer of the onion of your understanding.  I peel it away because you’ve seen yourself in religious movements instead of in the world being graced by My presence to affect it.

Now you see that I have you working, having your hands at work in areas, and doing things that, to you, do not fit into what you have seen in your own heart.  The vision that I give to you now is a vision that transcends the church world.  I refuse to let you waste your gift, your talent, and your energies in the church world!  My gift through you is to impact the world for My sake. 

Now you’ve got it.  Now you’ll stop trying to find a way into the church world.  I told you before – THOSE DOORS ARE CLOSED!  The doors I open to you are the doors that cause you to be a success so that the world you’re serving in is provoked to jealousy, are provoked to a desire to know Me.

So I must send you into the world.  Everything I tell you to do, every person I tell you to contact is by design.  Do not negotiate with Me in disobedience.  Do what I tell you to do whether it makes any sense or not.  Just do it.  Be My mouthpiece and I will be your door-opener. Say what I tell you to say and I will meet your needs.  My hand and My hand alone feeds you – My children.  My hand and My hand alone provides for you – My children.  Can you not see My provisions as timely, as perfect?  Can you not see the bigger picture?  I know you see it.

Now your hearts are settled and you will not allow any external interference to make you subject to captivity of thought.  I release you from the captivity of thought concerning My purpose for your lives.  Your imaginations have always taken you beyond the church world.  Now you see why.  I will not neglect to make connections to build a bridge, to establish relationships.  This is My plan, this is My heart, and this is what you are in the midst of.  The favor I give to you is unusual and uncommon.  Those in the church world are seeking the favor through other means that I am giving to you – favor to speak, favor to be heard, and favor to be respected.

Be My voice.  Be My voice.  I did not say become – I said be.  The essence of your nature is to be My voice.  When I cause your lips to part, My words will come from your mouth.


I revealed to you just this morning that Brother Tommy Tenney in his heart is right on the precipice of such a divine overthrow.  My heart has begun to move in response to My people.  I am sovereign.  I stand alone in My sovereignty.  I am a God of providence that knows everything, and that works after the council of My own will.  But, when a heart is crying out, when a heart is seeking and pursuing after Me, I hear that heart and I see greater purpose than they can fathom or imagine, and that heart ignites and provokes Me to move in ways sometimes unexpected and unbeknownst to that person who is in that moment of seeking. 

What do I mean?  When your heart in the morning aches to hear from Me, yes, I cause you to act and do according to My will, but I do not control you.  I lead you, which means that the work that I’ve called you to do, the things that I’ve called you to say, the places that I’ve called you to go, that you can only be inspired to follow Me.  As you are inspired to follow Me, I take you where I want you to be, but I do not force you. 

Brother Tenney’s heart is so open to acknowledge Me in all of My ways, is so sincere in wanting to experience and encounter My supernatural power, that he has gotten My attention.  I am beginning to work and move on his behalf so that the things he cannot do, the areas he cannot maneuver, the things he cannot fix, the areas where he has questions and concerns I am beginning to reveal Myself and manifest Myself in those areas just because his heart aches for Me. 

And so with you – you are beginning to see Me do things in response to the condition of your heart, and not the condition of the words, confessions or declarations you’ve made.  Your hearts are what I see.  My piercing eye looks through the veneer of flesh and sees into the heart of man.  This is why I tell My people not to judge on the outward condition, but to look at the heart.  My all-seeing eye penetrates the heart of man and sees even a fragment of curiosity for Me, and I am able to invade that heart.  See, a hardened heart is what I despise.  A hardened heart is a closed door of the will.  A hardened heart denies Me permission and access, but a heart with the faintest curiosity for the Truth is a heart I can invade. 

Many hearts now are coming to revelation of the revealing of the Kingdom as I’ve never shown it and displayed it before to creation.  Oh, you have a role, you have a place.  Because you’ve been patient, I will build the pathway for progress.  I will ensure that any relationship where there is not appreciation for the mantle I’ve placed upon your lives, that those encounters be few, but those Kingdom connections be many. 

I have already begun to establish the corridor for introduction, meaning that every time you connect with 1 person, another 10-15 other persons you will encounter because of the 1 person I bring into your lives.  Now understand that where you are now is by design.  I’ve told you to be rid of every thought or fear of the future because your future is in My hands.  Heaven and earth will pass away before one word I’ve spoken to My people fails.  I am a Man of My words.  I am a covenant-keeping God.  Right now accept this responsibility.

You’ve had a faint understanding of what it meant, but now I speak it to you and here’s what I say:  When I speak to you of a person, of a people, you in response and obedience to that voice correspond with that people.  Do what I tell you to do, and I will be a voice through you to the nations and to its leadership.  They will be My words, not your own.  They will be My thoughts, which are eternal and not temporal, which see beyond present circumstances and see into the future. 

So My words through you will see and speak to their eternal future and not their present circumstances.  As long as you are willing to be that prophetic instrument, and as long as you do not need feedback from anyone, you will do what I tell you to do, and you will not concern yourself with whether they accept or reject My words through you.  This is the time, My son, do not hesitate.

The world of technology provides you the platform to correspond with people at this present season I have not told you to meet with or speak to face-to-face.  But as you become My voice and do what I tell you to do, even as I told you to create flyers and pass them out in this building, you did what I told you to do. 

If you wait for a response to obey, you have disobeyed already.  If you do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it, you can alleviate the potential destruction of a life because they do see that God loves them.  How do you know the 57 flyers you did pass out did not speak to someone’s spirit – God does love me – when that person was at the point of suicide?  Do you need to know that you stopped them from suicide?  No – that’s religion. 

The Kingdom is about results for the glory of God.  The Kingdom is about being an instrument in spite of popularity or for political correctness.  The Kingdom is about speaking and saying what the Spirit is saying to His people without the fear of retaliation or being intimidated about what I’ve spoken to you.

Now, you are aware, spiritually, where you need to be to be that voice.  The hands-on/hands-off approach is the key to prophetic ministry as you speak My word.  Yes – yes – yes, you’ve questioned – well, Lord, this Christian publication would be a potential place to share these words... 

No, I don’t want the church world to hear.  I want the world abroad to hear!  That’s why I’ve not inspired you to do anything else; that’s why there was no response.  That’s church!  Yes, I use every platform, but oftentimes the Kingdom is not able to function or operate.  The Kingdom will function and operate in the world because the world will embrace it.  The church world is too concerned about offending somebody.  So, I give you a platform amongst the world.  You will see!"




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