IT's TIME for God's People (especially - "African-Americans", "Black Folks", etc.) to STOP seeking "vicarious justice" for the "infrequent injustices", like Trayvon Martin & Paula Dean, which highlights the wrong of "other ethnicities or nationalities" - against US; when "we as a community", have NOT strategically addressed or confronted - with intentionality or consistency, to resolve and eradicate our own "stuff"; but we're ready to riot for these unfortunate situations that really "pale-in-comparison" to our DAILY "black-on-black crime"!?! HOW COME we're not marching and having town-hall meetings about that? HOW COME we're not holding our "outspoken national leaders" - and ourselves, to assume "ownership" of the change and healing that needs to take place within our own "cultural/ethnic/national identity"? There seems to be such a growing d...