With Great Men of God like ...Bob Jones, Myles Munroe, and John Paul Jackson transitioning off the "earthly scene", discerning Christians must ask themselves, what does the timing of their departure mean to the present season that we find ourselves as the Body of Christ? Yes, their words and their teaching remains with us, but what about the mantles and the ministry that is to be carried forth; according to the prophetic time line that perfectly cooperates with the consummation and restitution of all things in Christ? "Of the increase of HIS Kingdom there shall be no end", so that could only represent and signal - greater manifestations and more precise revelations, through the "chosen vessels" that have embraced the preparation and process, which often appears to have no association with what is presently "passing off the scene"! I have been commanded to build quietly and deliberately, but NOT without an intentional connectedness to what God ha...