
“A Practitioners Perspective On Racial Equity”..

CONSCIOUSLY AWARE.. In my forty-four years of living, I don't think I've ever been as conscious and aware of my own "brown skin", then during the first five years of living in Minnesota.  Personally, I grew up in a military environment, where diversity was common; where I never felt the least bit "different", because of the color of my skin; and where everyone's skin color was simply understood to be an issue of pigmentation.  As we all know now, "skin color" is all about genetics, which is basically the product of both the individual's biological parents' genetic makeup, as well as the individual's exposure to the sun within a particular geographic area. If ONLY these simple yet profound facts, were able to curb the tide of ignorance and indifference of "radical" white or black nationalist groups, whose mission's often polarizes, ostracizes, and bastardizes anyone else whose different.  So, now we k...

“Intercession From Our New Testament Reality In Christ”

Introduction Intercessors are a great gift to the body of Christ.  As an apostolic and prophetic leader, I am thankful for every person who feels a special calling to intercede for me and the work of ministry that I am called to do.   I recognize that intercessors have played a key role in what God has done and is doing.   The place of spiritual warfare in intercession has become a very popular and debated topic in the body of Christ in the last few years.  People are acknowledging that their battle is not against flesh and blood but against evil spiritual powers in heavenly places.  The war against satanic forces has moved from the realm of casting out demons to actual warfare in the heavenly realm through prayer, worship, and prophetic acts.   The concept of intercessory prayer has moved from praying for individuals and circumstances to direct confrontations with demonic powers in the heavenly places. Casualties of War In...