While I sincerely appreciate "the examples" that both the "Old Testament" Scriptures and Prophets represent in our New Testament Reality, my biggest concern is how "commercialized" the apostolic and prophetic has become – primarily because of the Internet, multi-media and technological tools. The POWER of understanding the significance of ALL the "Ephesians 4 gifts" (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher) in our "new covenant era", is: WITHOUT the amplification and multiplied impact of these various mediums, the "foundation" and impact of these functionaries is NOT about the specific tool being used, BUT the founding and government of these persons being deeply rooted and grounded "in Christ"! EXAMPLE: Consider many of the demonstrations, manifestations and infallible proofs that were initiated in "caves", "quiet places", and in "total obscurity" — YET, the fo...