

"Concentric circles and cycles of dysfunction" is simply understood by the old adage that says "misery loves company"; and when you add familial bonds, soul ties, and doctrines of demons to the equation - it's really hard for people mired and steeped in it for years to WAKE UP or come out of it! The Isaiah 61:4 passage that represents Jesus' Messianic assignment and commission in his earthly ministry, and subsequently our role as His Body - is the only remedy and solution to what we've seen prevalent in our generations. Repair is only possible when the "anointing" is really present! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  **Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018! **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator This message is intended only for the use of the address and may contain i...


The "Meaning of Life" for everyone is different, but I believe there are some things (despite our differences) that we can all agree upon!  If "manhood" is not physical prowess, sexual conquest, and financial success; what is it?  If "womanhood" is not a voluptuous figure, alluring sex appeal, and having a "Coach" bag and luxurious wardrobe; what is it then?  YOU could be believing "something" that's driving you towards ends, which are leading you opposite of the direction you really want your life to go!  Your personal paradigm and philosophy for life is helping you or harming you!  Don't look outside you for answers, and don't let the dominant culture dictate "who you REALLY are"!   There is purpose and design in your creative wonder! Find out from The Creator, who you're to BE "in HIM"!  WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pur...


UNRESOLVED PAIN at work? There is a strong delusion and spirit of pride working in the hearts of God's children due to unresolved past pain, which is:  a) Causing the real "overcoming" testimonies (the blood and guts of your story) from being shared openly;  b) Grossly limiting the reach you're really supposed to have, because you're acting like someone that you're not;  c) Convincing you to fake it till make it, and you're doing so - because you don't really believe that God will honor His word to YOU; and  d) Making you look like a hypocrite to your children cause of the dual representation to others; and they in turn want NOTHING to do with God!  FAMILY: The enemy has stolen from you and I LONG ENOUGH!  Decide today to let every "taboo issue" that you've turned in to an "untouchable subject", to be the starting point for some "age appropriate" dialogue!  Don't le...


"GENUINE ANOINTING" (the degree of God's Presence being released "in" and "through" our human experience) by actively sharing our overcoming testimonies "in Christ" — while also being completely surrendered to God) in a Christian's life, is NOT PRODUCED through simply sharing about somebody else's struggles, weaknesses or sins! But, in boldly and openly testifying about OUR OWN STUFF, that by God's Power ALONE, we have overcome!! YOU are NOT ANOINTED because your oratory skills or writing ability "stirs the crowd" or gets "likes" or "comments" on Facebook.. BURDENS are removed and YOKES are destroyed, when OUR obedience — "to the point of DEATH to SELF" (in our soulish thoughts connected to the "old man") has come full circle, through the various moments, cycles and seasons of our abundant lives in Christ that HE DETERMINES as the "development director...


"WS-3's Opinion":  Sometimes I feel quite disconnected from what is deemed "the larger struggle" by some...Because — its REALLY HARD FOR ME too listen to ANY NATIONAL MEDIA, without FIRST — researching primary sources, reading all sides of the argument, and seeking God about what I've "heard"...  I think I'm being healed of "SMH (shaking my head) syndrome", because it seems to me , even amongst my limited Facebook friends, WE FAINTLY UNDERSTAND the "real narrative"; but, we'll BEAT EACH OTHER DOWN OVER THE "evening news"?!? #ResearchWhoOwnstheNetworks   #StopLettingMediaPunditsCreateYourNarrative #StopBeingSoPoliticalYourBlind #RelateTooPeopleNotParty DISCLAIMER: This message is APPROVED by Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #70...


What you are permitted both "to hear" and "to see", (spiritually speaking) is a definite indicator and identifier of what you carry for Christ & for HIS Kingdom. Sometimes, the "real burden" is being able to see, but feeling powerless or inadequate to change "it" for the better.. Perhaps, because you've been made to feel that you're criticizing or judging in the past.. Even when you - know yourself, there is neither malice in your heart or judgment upon your mind; you're simply "speaking the truth" - as you SEE it! Yes, it is somewhat of a juxtaposition, but we all know when someone's intentions are inflammatory or negative..And, we also know when the truth is cutting to the core of what our so-called "mirrors" somehow don't reveal to us (NOT!); although we just got through looking into them..? My greatest "service" to GOD's people (NOT feats and exploits th...


When YOU are really in a "spiritual battle", because of the divine purpose and promise prophetically hanging over your head, especially during "HARVEST SEASON", Satan's job is to exacerbate, frustrate, and intimidate progress; and HIS primary "arrow of choice" in the believer is our own inferiority and insecurity, which is meant to DISPLACE us ! LISTEN: When you are ALL ABOUT the "advancement of Christ and HIS kingdom", no matter what may come or go — YOU are HIS "bondservant"; and the enemy of your soul can do NOTHING but induce FEAR in your heart! FEAR ABOUT WHAT? — The pressing deadlines of your unpaid bills, unresolved conflicts, and the violent assaults and feelings of unworthiness that come directly from hell. — The overwhelming pressure to bow to hopelessness, inadequacy, and inferiority, for "believing God, again" — when you've repeatedly 'cast a line' with no catch. — The "bullying spirit"...