Christian Charity vs Christian Ministry
Christian Charity vs Christian Ministry Charity or charitable acts does NOT distinguish us from the world at all! Only the POWER OF GOD, does, and will distinguish us in these last days when nothing else can!! admitting to human weakness, not bowing to it asking for and relying upon God's help, not pridefully representing human strength, perfect performance or human ability In order for God's Unlimited Power to be available, total surrender is necessary and requisite. Charity = voluntary generosity, support and helpfulness Ministry = the collective execution of a governmental authority, purpose and plan Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM; WS-3 Enterprises & Associates KINGDOM KEYS & DISTINGUISHABLE DIFFERENCE : Between charity and ministry, that is.. - Employing the Supernatural - Accomplishing the Impossible - Establishing the Unshakable Kingdom The MASTER KEY to being faithful...