

If YOU are a Visionary of the upcoming wave of God's Glory, you will NOT have "bandwagon Christians" on board - early on; to preserve the integrity of what Christ is building in HIS Church, so don't be DISCOURAGED by "the deer in headlights look" about much of what you say and do! PATHFINDERS don't consult the masses for confirmation of God's Purpose & Plans; instead they move in the spirit of a forerunner, often working crosswise of the status quo leaders -- without one bit of authentic "heavenly vision" or passion in them! In order to survive the onslaught of UNBELIEF, FEAR and INTIMIDATION that comes with "occupying new territory", you must cooperate and partner with likeminded hearts and voices that have been identified to you already! You're HESITATING to do so, because you see the vision as "yours", not HIS; so, it's hard for HIM to show you the parallels and congruency between the ...


"REAL Leaders, LEAD By EXAMPLE!" The Grio/Mastery Series (Interview w/ Charles D. King, MACRO, CEO) Leadership Qualities Charles exemplified: Humility Gratefulness Deference Openness Investment Thoughtfulness Confidence LEADERSHIP REALMS: Political (Public Service) Professional (White Collar) Practitioners (Blue Collar) Pulpits (Clergy) **The Christian leader is one who follows Christ and inspires others to follow Him as well. Under the plan God has ordained for the church, leadership is a position of humble, loving service. Christian leadership is ministry, not management. Those whom God designates as leaders are called not to be governing monarchs, but humble slaves; not slick celebrities, but laboring servants. Those who would lead God's people must above all exemplify sacrifice, devotion, submission, and lowliness. Jesus Himself gave us the pattern when He stooped to wash His disciples' ...

WS-3’s Christian Nationalism Response on AskPastorWalter..

I wrote a blog more than sixteen years ago that reads as if I just wrote it, and it speaks to the issues surrounding "Christian Nationalism", but more specifically, "Is America A Christian Nation?" It actually saddens me that we (the church) still sounds SO STUCK! But, the issue is that all too often we personalize the attacks, belittling and judgments that the world makes about the church; instead of understanding that THIS is a strategic part of our "high privilege" to suffer for righteousness sake. Instead of triumphing and prevailing, we succumb to tired cultural and political arguments and soapboxes, which lessens the importance of IMPACTFUL PRAYERS — that should be a MAJOR part of our rallying and mobilizing efforts with PRAISE, THANKSGIVING and WORSHIP "unto HIM"; which HE inhabits and overcomes as we earnestly trust HIM to reveal HIMSELF in power, by supernaturally revealing what HE wants the world to see according to HIS WILL...


FAMILY: I have seen SO MUCH STUFF through the years that I'm no longer surprised by the craziness and wariness that I both see and hear from God's people.. BUT, let me tell you something that I KNOW — GOD is ALWAYS redeeming the time, if we let HIM; and, HE will demonstrate HIS heart to recover and restore whenever we become adrift or weary in well doing! I COMMEND the Men and Women of GOD that are STILL STANDING, and refuse to give up when they've messed up, missed it, or meddled in the affairs of men, to the point it has diminished their authority and lessened the impact of their sacred ministry before Christ! Through the years, I've known of many men and women that I've seen operate under heavy anointing's and grace's from The King..But, there are very few that know "how" to capture GOD's heart, more than those that are TRUE WORSHIPPER's and those that really know how to touch GOD through the power of INTERCESSORY P...


In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work. (2 Timothy 2:20, 21 NLT)  WOW....This is why some of you feel "shelved"! "Every day use" is considered COMMON, and "special use" is for extraordinary vessels! Now, celebrate your "quiet times" in your career or vocation, differently! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180 California Office Walter L. Smith III 1732 Aviation Blvd #945 Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810 ...


If you are a "love child" of the Lord Jesus Christ, you know the importance of patience and obedience! The scripture teaches that "patience should have its perfect work, that we (God's servants) might be complete and entire, wanting nothing". So, if you have the tendency to have a "wandering heart", God allows the fire of delayed answers and difficult circumstances to cultivate "in you" a degree of resolve and stability that makes you unshakeable during periods of waiting. Experiencing the depth, heighth, length, and width of "that love which surpasses knowledge" must become our sole aim and focus. When you put blinders on to your own potential spiritual compromises, discouragement, and carnality, you shut-off and shut-out the only access the enemy has against you, by simply resting in God's unending love for us! TODAY, you may not "see" any noticeable change in your circumstances! You may even feel a million ...

The Father’s Heart on Homosexuality: Building Bridges and Sharing God’s Love with the Lgbtqia+ Community by Walter L. Smith III

IN ENGLISH.. "The APA claimed that they made the change because new research showed that most homosexual people were content with their sexual orientation and that, as a group, they appeared to be as well-adjusted as heterosexual people. I suggest, however, that these research findings were simply the APA's face-saver. For centuries, perhaps millennia, homosexual people had clung to their sexual orientation despite the most severe persecution and vilification, including imprisonment and death. Wouldn't this suggest that they were happy with their orientation? Do we need research to confirm this? And, if we do, shouldn't we also need research to confirm that heterosexual people are happy with their orientation? And if poor adjustment is critical to a diagnosis of mental illness, where was the evidence of this that justified making homosexuality a mental illness in the first place? Also, quite noteworthy was the fact that the vote of the membership was by no ...