

DELAYS.. This evening while I was meditating, I saw a SEA OF FRUSTRATED PEOPLE, wondering — "What's taking so long for the promise of God in my life"? AND, the Lord showed me a few things that we can "pray against" and "pray for", to EXPEDITE THE FULFILLMENT of what GOD SPOKE to each of us.. PRAY AGAINST: — Disobedience, Ignorance and Negligence of both believers and unbelievers that God is dealing with about "their role" in the fulfillment of HIS Promise concerning you. — Demonic distractions and intrusions, taking people "off course" from intersecting your path, or being attacked with "spiritual blindness" - so that they cannot perceive (see) what GOD wants them too see. — Apathetic responses to HIS leadership in their lives. If we regard the wind, we will not sow (Ecclesiastes 11). — "Demonic squatters" that are legally permitted to block or hinder progress, because of our own repeated missteps, which opens up...


Almost three years ago now, the Father spoke to my heart about shifting in the way that I was communicating through the various platforms that I'm communicating on.. Today, as I've been praying while fellowshipping with the Lord, it's become even clearer to me "why" the use of my voice has been tempered and adjusted the past few years — so that His Glory can be revealed; absent of anyone thinking it was "me" apart from "Him"!?! What do you mean? "Personality-driven ministries" spend the majority of their time highlighting and spotlighting "the person" that God may or may not be using, instead of focusing and pointing to the ONLY PERSON that actually matters in the scheme of deliverance, salvation and transformation that is "born" of His Spirit alone! If you pay attention to most of the antics and emotionalism that placates as "power" in too many of our American churches in the West, it's...


DISCLAIMER: Please forward or share if you know someone that fits this description. Prophetically, I'm seeing specific people — as I'm praying! But, there is more than one person.. FAMOUS PEOPLE When "people of affluence and influence" have the light turned on, from the standpoint of experiencing an introduction to "real" alignment and understanding of the things of God - there is warfare and baptism into the things of the Spirit; and it's quite intense. Until "confession" has been made, and the supernatural transfer from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God has taken place in your heart, the Nicodemus-like intrigue you have right now, will only satisfy a small part of the hunger and yearning that burns wildly inside of you! YOU are looking for someone who won't judge, and will hold things you share with the utmost confidentiality and highest regard - with mutual respect and trust that's not a show! You've ...


PROPHETS OF GOD: There is a reason "the world" has such a craze for "psychic phenomena", and until the targeted season of refining is completed in your life, GOD can't trust you to speak to the masses on HIS behalf! I hear a sea of frustrated persons, who truly carry a prophetic burden - and who genuinely move in the prophet's office (not the title-fanatic men pleasers), that presently await "their platform" - without a clue of the burden of responsibility required to maintain the integrity of HIS voice - and HIS burden; and not the whims of unconcerned people with faddish commitments and no desire to obey! Tonight, the Spirit of Grace affirms this call you received numerous prophetic words about, but now HE illuminates with greater clarity - the geographic territory and the telegraphic reach HE purposes for you to have, in the searching world that desperately awaits answers go their problems.. If you will relinquish every concern with ...


JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY "perfect expression in manifestation"; we are all simply "created in HIS Image and made into HIS Likeness" - so, our ambassadorial representation (from a New Testament Reality) is like the "moon reflecting the light of the sun"; we have NO LIGHT of our own! "Self-help" doctrines are a part of the "doctrines of demons" that are primarily humanistic, which magnifies the "flesh", and not the "spirit" part of man.. ONLY as "we look into the perfect law of liberty", and stay there, will we ever be able to reflect "Christ, in us, the HOPE of glory!" BE CAREFUL that what you hear preached isn't some "humanistic porridge" that's no good for your spiritual belly...It simply feeds the soulish imaginations "trying to be, like God", instead of recognizing that by our new-birth, Christ already made it possible.. "YOU are already clean, throu...


RELIGIOUS PIETY THROUGH MORAL CONFORMITY?!? — Writing my thoughts after listening to commentary from the Christian Worldview Radio broadcast INTRODUCTION As I listened to the Christian Worldview Radio Broadcast on 99.5 KKLA-FM the other day, their conversation about the LGBTQ community interested me, of course; because of my landmark manuscript that is not only the most powerfully-written and spirit-filled book I've ever been apart of. It SUPERNATURALLY SPEAKS to all the issues, and brings clarity based upon sound biblical explanations, interpretations and applications. MORAL SUPERIORITY IS "THE LETTER" One of the BIGGEST stumbling blocks and gross errors of Christendom towards "the world", is mistakingly attempting to demonstrate "moral superiority" as a way of both defending and differentiating the Christian — CAUSE, COMMITMENT, and CREED of the faith, while also pointing at OURSELVES at any time; instead of referring to and intentionally refer...


KEY SCRIPTURE ON MONEY: ”All slaves should show full respect for their masters so they will not bring shame on the name of God and his teaching. If the masters are believers, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. Those slaves should work all the harder because their efforts are helping other believers who are well loved. Teach these things, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. These teachings promote a godly life. Anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions. These people always cause trouble. Their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth. To them, a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy. Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth...