"MONEY 'is' a MAGNIFIER!" "Money" does not make problems go away; it is a magnifier of the heart's disposition - to give, and also a verifier of the heart's commitment - to willingly serve, "God or Mammon"! Every "sin" is connected to the "selfish nature" of mankind, but the underlying root and motivation of them all (I.e. materialism, prostitution, human trafficking, etc) is MONEY! When money is "your bridge" and not "your barrier" - it must obey and not delay, and it must be "your servant" and not "your master"; for prosperity God's Way, to occur! If you're "lacking", you're in training for reigning over your own finances and learning about God's promise, "for you"... If you're "prospering", you're in training for proper stewardship over your own desires and managing God's storehouse for others,"through you"... I...