

A lmost three years ago now, the Father spoke to my heart about shifting in the way that I was communicating through the various platforms that I'm sharing and exchanging on... Today, as I've been praying while fellowshipping with the Lord, it's become even clearer to me "why" the use of my voice has been tempered and adjusted the past few years — so that His Glory can be revealed; absent of anyone thinking it was "me" apart  from "Him"!?! What do you mean? " Personality-driven ministries " spend the majority of their time highlighting and spotlighting "the person" that God may or may not be using, instead of focusing and pointing to the ONLY PERSON that actually matters in the scheme of deliverance, salvation and transformation that is "born" of His Spirit alone! If you pay attention to most of the antics and emotionalism that placates as "power" in too many of our American Churches in the West, it...


"TRUST YOUR GUT ON THIS ONE".. > IF YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS FOR.. Please forward or share if you know someone that fits this description. I'm seeing specific people - as I'm praying, but there is more than one person.. When "people of affluence and influence" have the light turned on, from the standpoint of experiencing an introduction to "real" alignment and understanding of the things of God - there is warfare and baptism into the things of the Spirit; and it's quite intense. Until "confession" has been made, and the supernatural transfer from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God has taken place in your heart, the Nicodemus-like intrigue you have right now, will only satisfy a small part of the hunger and yearning that burns wildly inside of you! YOU are looking for someone who won't judge, and will hold things you share with the utmost confidentiality and highest regard - with mutual respect and trust that's not a ...


"COMPETING WITH PSYCHICS?" PROPHETS OF GOD/REMNANT CHURCH: There is a reason "the world" has such a craze for "psychic phenomena", and until the targeted season of refining is completed in your life, GOD can't trust you to speak to the masses on HIS behalf! I hear a sea of frustrated persons, who truly carry a prophetic burden - and who genuinely move in the prophet's office (not the title-fanatic men pleasers), that presently await "their platform" - without a clue of the burden of responsibility required to maintain the integrity of HIS voice - and HIS burden; and not the whims of unconcerned people with faddish commitments and no desire to obey! Tonight, the Spirit of Grace affirms this call you received numerous prophetic words about, but now HE illuminates with greater clarity - the geographic territory and the telegraphic reach HE purposes for you to have, in the searching world that desperately awaits answers go their pro...


"AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST".. JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY "perfect expression in manifestation"; we are all simply "created in HIS Image and made into HIS Likeness" - so, our ambassadorial representation (from a New Testament Reality) is like the "moon reflecting the light of the sun"; we have NO LIGHT of our own! "Self-help" doctrines are a part of the "doctrines of demons" that are primarily humanistic, which magnifies the "flesh", and not the "spirit" part of man.. ONLY as "we look into the perfect law of liberty", and stay there, will we ever be able to reflect "Christ, in us, the HOPE of glory!" BE CAREFUL that what you hear preached isn't some "humanistic porridge" that's no good for your spiritual belly...It simply feeds the soulish imaginations "trying to be, like God", instead of recognizing that by our new-birth, Christ already made it possible...


"MONEY 'is' a MAGNIFIER!" "Money" does not make problems go away; it is a magnifier of the heart's disposition - to give, and also a verifier of the heart's commitment - to willingly serve, "God or Mammon"! Every "sin" is connected to the "selfish nature" of mankind, but the underlying root and motivation of them all (I.e. materialism, prostitution, human trafficking, etc) is MONEY! When money is "your bridge" and not "your barrier" - it must obey and not delay, and it must be "your servant" and not "your master"; for prosperity God's Way, to occur! If you're "lacking", you're in training for reigning over your own finances and learning about God's promise, "for you"... If you're "prospering", you're in training for proper stewardship over your own desires and managing God's storehouse for others,"through you"... I...


What you are permitted both "to hear" and "to see", (spiritually speaking) is a definite indicator and identifier of what you carry for Christ & for HIS Kingdom. Sometimes, the "real burden" is being able to see, but feeling powerless or inadequate to change "it" for the better.. Perhaps, because you've been made to feel that you're criticizing or judging in the past.. Even when you - know yourself, there is neither malice in your heart or judgment upon your mind; you're simply "speaking the truth" - as you SEE it! Yes, it is somewhat of a juxtaposition, but we all know when someone's intentions are inflammatory or negative..And, we also know when the truth is cutting to the core of what our so-called "mirrors" somehow don't reveal to us (NOT!); although we just got through looking into them..? My greatest "service" to GOD's people (NOT feats and exploits that are SELF-glori...


MAINTAINING THE QUARTERMASTER — AS CHRIST BUILDS HIS CHURCH.. END-TIME MANDATE. . This season and time — MY PRIMARY TASK from ABBA FATHER with the EKKLESIA (Body and Bride of Christ) is to STRENGTHEN THE QUARTERMASTER.. In the United States Army, the term is used to describe all supply personnel and units that are part of the United States Army Quartermaster Corps (USQMC) which was formerly the Quartermaster Department. It is a Sustainment, formerly combat service support (CSS), branch of the United States Army. It is also one of three U.S. Army logistics branches, the others being the Transportation Corps and the Ordnance Corps. Quartermaster is a military term, the meaning of which depends on the country and service. In land armies, a quartermaster is generally a relatively senior soldier who supervises stores or barracks and distributes supplies and provisions. In many navies, a quartermaster is an officer with particular responsibility ...