"The Master's Pitch"
Some years ago, the Lord began to speak to be about the "Master's Pitch", and it has expanded in me since He originally spoke it - and now I know why!
The noise of "competing voices" is one of the enemy's major strategies for grossly limiting and altering the ability of God's people to hear and know His voice above all others!
The "Apostate Church" has already revealed itself through the many blatant compromises to the Word of God, and cultural norms and political pressure is causing entire denominations to cave in to society's humanistic influence, which is at enmity with the Kingdom of God; while grossly corrupting the nominal believer with heretical and seducing doctrines that feed the flesh and starve the spirit!
"Mixture in the message" is not simply about the introduction of humanistic philosophies and sterile doctrines that only spiritual midgets gravitate towards. It's also about the declining literacy amongst God's people, as "itching ears" and contaminated hearts disables them from properly discerning what is taking place. The most diabolical approach is through the "sanctified celebrities", who speak Christian-ease - but whose lifestyles and heart dispositions betray them all too often!
"The Master's Pitch" is a certain sound that drowns out every other broadcasting influence. The distinction reverberates so precisely that only the attuned ear will hear or respond to it's beckoning pleas for the lost world and it's inhabitants. Among the "lost sheep" in the House of God are the apathetic respondents, who've become so acquainted with "having church" that "being the church" is a great challenge too many!
The remedy for both the complacent and the lost is "strengthening the signal"; by pressing in to the Father no matter what distractions may exist, and resigning every desire to Jesus Christ, so that the detractors to knowing His voice are eliminated once and for all!
Thank God for the New Covenant with better promises, including the precious and abiding Holy Spirit, as the Seal of our redemption.
If you're having trouble with hearing, let this be your wake up call!
End of Blog. WS-3
Share your thoughtful comments, please...
The noise of "competing voices" is one of the enemy's major strategies for grossly limiting and altering the ability of God's people to hear and know His voice above all others!
The "Apostate Church" has already revealed itself through the many blatant compromises to the Word of God, and cultural norms and political pressure is causing entire denominations to cave in to society's humanistic influence, which is at enmity with the Kingdom of God; while grossly corrupting the nominal believer with heretical and seducing doctrines that feed the flesh and starve the spirit!
"Mixture in the message" is not simply about the introduction of humanistic philosophies and sterile doctrines that only spiritual midgets gravitate towards. It's also about the declining literacy amongst God's people, as "itching ears" and contaminated hearts disables them from properly discerning what is taking place. The most diabolical approach is through the "sanctified celebrities", who speak Christian-ease - but whose lifestyles and heart dispositions betray them all too often!
"The Master's Pitch" is a certain sound that drowns out every other broadcasting influence. The distinction reverberates so precisely that only the attuned ear will hear or respond to it's beckoning pleas for the lost world and it's inhabitants. Among the "lost sheep" in the House of God are the apathetic respondents, who've become so acquainted with "having church" that "being the church" is a great challenge too many!
The remedy for both the complacent and the lost is "strengthening the signal"; by pressing in to the Father no matter what distractions may exist, and resigning every desire to Jesus Christ, so that the detractors to knowing His voice are eliminated once and for all!
Thank God for the New Covenant with better promises, including the precious and abiding Holy Spirit, as the Seal of our redemption.
If you're having trouble with hearing, let this be your wake up call!
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